Web Support Newsletter - April 2016

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Web Support Newsletter

April 2016



Welcome to the April edition of the Web Support Newsletter. This month, we are sharing some insights into how people read on the web and how this knowledge can improve your web pages, as well as a top tip for fixing broken links in T4. 


How do people read on the web? 

And what does this mean for your webpages? On the web, we tend to scan around a page searching for the content most relevant to us and ignoring everything else.

To attract a user's attention, content needs to be written and laid out to work with this speedy reading style. Lucy Corley, GBP in the web team, shares some tips in her latest blog post


The way that people read and track information on webpages needs to influence the way that we design ours.

This useful infographic created by web marketing company SingleGrain explains how the majority of web users read and scan web pages by following an ‘F’ pattern across the page.

Knowing this can inform design decisions and how we should input content to our pages to have the most impact.


T4: What's with all the red boxes?

You might occasionally spot a red box around internal links (linking to other pages in the University website), like in the screenshot below. This is just highlighting that the link is broken, and usually it can be easily fixed:  

1. Highlight the link text, including the red box, then click the Insert Section Link button (highlighted in blue in the screenshot below).

2. In the pop-up window that appears, navigate through the site structure and select the page you want to link to. 

Once the content is approved and published, the red box should disappear. If you find this doesn't work, an alternative fix you can try is deleting the whole box and creating the link again. If the problem persists, please contact a member of the Web Team