MINDSET NewsMarch 2018In this issue, learn more about the Jardine Ambassadors Programme and how MINDSET strives to support our JAs in both their professional and personal developments. Follow MINDSET on a farm trip with mental health clients. And finally, stay connected with MINDSET via our social media platforms! ![]() MINDSET Steering Committee & Advisors, with the outgoing 6th cohort of Jardine Ambassadors Developing & Recognising the Changemakers: |
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We believe in developing JAs during their time with MINDSET. Various trainings and workshops are organised to sharpen their personal and professional skills, as well as their ability to help those with mental health issues.
All new JAs undergo ‘Mental Health First Aid’ training (governed by Changi General Hospital), to learn to recognise signs and symptoms of different mental illness as well as be equipped with the knowledge to provide initial help and comfort to a person suffering from mental illness.
The JAs also undergo ‘Orientation, Team Building and Project Management’ training targeted at their professional development and to prepare them for the year ahead. The Year 2 JAs honed their ‘Leadership, Influencing and Presentation Skills’ as these are crucial in their senior year with MINDSET.
Mark Dyson, Group Human Resource, Jardine Matheson Limited, delivering training to the Year 1 Jardine Ambassadors
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Congratulations to our three ‘JAs of the Quarter’ and thank you for the hard work and contributions to MINDSET and the Singapore mental health community!
Ting Feng was instrumental to the success of executing the logistics of the vertical race at The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival 2017. Juggling work and JA duties may be extremely challenging at times, but Ting Feng managed to find a balance between the two. He found the stint with MINDSET meaningful, as it helps to raise mental health awareness and helps clients feel that they are not forgotten by the society.
Ting Feng (2nd from right) with Fund Raising team runners at The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival 2017
Yuan Pin led The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival 2017 organising committee, ensuring that two distinct activities flowed seamlessly as one event. For Yuan Pin, it may have been a long, tough journey, but when everything came into place, the sense of achievement was unparalleled. He shared that it is important to make the active decision to contribute to MINDSET, to improve lives. Although it resulted in additional hours of work, “but when you finish the two years, you’d realise that you have learnt so much from your peers, advisors, and even the clients you’ve interacted with”, he added.
Yuan Pin was also one of our emcees for The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival back in 2016
Since his teens, Yong Seng has been actively volunteering in community services. His passion for helping others secured 29 new job placement positions in
7-Eleven alone for 2017. A total of 39 positions were secured across Group companies during the year. “Knowing that I have made a difference in someone’s life is heartening, especially when clients are able to find open employment after the support they received from MINDSET.” Yong Seng acknowledges that he may not be able to help everyone in need, but every bit of support rendered to someone makes a tremendous difference to the person’s life, and that in itself is worth it and meaningful.
Yong Seng and fellow 7-Eleven colleagues at The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival 2017
On 25 November 2017, 33 mental health clients and caregivers from the Institute of Mental Health went on a farm trip to Hay Dairies and Bollywood Veggies. Together with nine Jardine Ambassadors, participants toured goat farm Hay Dairies and were given an introduction on goats. They also witnessed the milking process and enjoyed a fresh bottle of goat milk. Following that, the group enjoyed a guided tour at Bollywood Veggies. They were introduced to different types of plants and learnt interesting facts about the farm. The day concluded with a wholesome farm-to-table meal at the Poison Ivy Bistro.
MINDSET Fun Days are quarterly events organised by Jardine Ambassadors to allow mental health clients and MINDSET representatives to interact. It also provides their caregivers with a rest day.
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Apart from the quarterly MINDSET News, have you ever wondered how to stay up to speed with MINDSET happenings? Like and follow MINDSET Singapore on both Facebook and Instagram, where regular updates are posted. You can catch a glimpse of our Jardine Ambassadors in action at various MINDSET events or read up articles about mental health and illness. Feel free to tag your colleagues and even yourself in our event photos, and share these posts with your friends and families!
Our Jardine Ambassadors have also been introduced to a new platform, Workplace by Facebook. Workplace serves as a new way for our JAs to work and collaborate, and they can stay updated on their project status even on the go.
MINDSET Care Limited (MINDSET) is a registered charity of the Jardine Matheson Group. Since 2011, it has been contributing to the mental health community in Singapore. MINDSET aims to raise awareness and funds as well as drive employment and social enterprise initiatives. Through MINDSET News, we hope to bring you the latest updates and happenings of MINDSET.