A pānui to share what Komiti Māori and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is doing around the rohe that is relevant to iwi, hapū and marae. No images? Click here E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatangamaha o Te Moana ā Toi Te Huatahi tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. E ngā iwi me te hāpori Māori, mai Ngā Kurī a Whārei ki Tihirau, mai Maketū ki Tauhara huri noa i te rohe o Toi Moana kei te mihi. A pānui to share what Komiti Māori and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council are doing around the rohe that is relevant to iwi, hapū and marae. Nau mai ki te pūrongo tuatahi o tēnei tau.This is the first pānui from Komiti Māori for 2021. Upon reflection, we went through some immense challenges last year, and our communities have shown how resilient and collaborative we can be. 2021 is likely to be just as dynamic, particularly in regards to Māori where the Government’s momentum to enshrine Māori provisions in legislation is unwavering. In particular, the Māori Wards and Constituencies Amendment Act 2021 received royal assent on 1 March 2021, and came into effect on 2 March. Positive changes for Komiti Māori were also unanimously approved yesterday. We look forward to seeing you all at our first hui of the year, on Tuesday 20 April in Whakatāne. Ngā mihi maioha kia koutou katoa, ![]() Nau mai ki tēnei hui!Komiti Māori will be held in the Kōhī constituency on Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 9:30am. The host venue is Te Mānuka Tutahi Marae, 105 Muriwai Drive, Whakatāne. 9.30am Pōwhiri Agenda items for the meeting include:
For any enquiries please contact Kataraina O'Brien. Changes approved for Komiti Māori In the Regional Council meeting held Thursday 1 April 2021, changes were unanimously approved to enhance the role of Komiti Māori. Komiti Māori will become a full committee of Council and will provide strategic leadership on Partnerships with Māori, one of Councils strategic priorities. Opportunities for shared decision-making and mechanisms to build capacity and improve working relationships with Māori will feature in the development of the Komiti Māori work programme. The agenda with the full discussion paper is available on the Regional Council website ![]() $30 million Te Mana o Te Wai fund opens to support freshwater restorationExpressions of Interest are open for the $30 Te Mana o Te Wai fund. This fund has a focus on supporting local communities, hapū, marae. whānau and Maori land trusts and incorporations in improving freshwater health, creating nature based-employment opportunities and freshwater management. The first round of EOIs received will be assessed by an assessment panel on 30 March 2021. The assessment panel will meet regularly and make recommendations to MfE on EOIs. We expect to be able to advise applicants of the outcome of their EOI within four weeks of the assessment panel meeting. There has been high interest in the fund and we encourage any groups interested in applying for funding to get in touch with us as soon as possible to register your interest. ![]() Onekawa Te Mawhai Region upgrades completedThe Onekawa Te Mawhai Regional Park, on the spectacular headland between the Ōhiwa Harbour and Bryans Beach, was opened by the Upokorehe hapu and Bay of Plenty Regional Council in 2010. Repairs to the Southern Loop walking track in the regional park have now been completed and the track is now open to the public. The 26.8ha property is valued for its rich Māori cultural history and significant archaeological features, many of which are clearly visible in the landscape. It has views to Kōhī Point in the west, across the Ōhiwa Harbour, and east towards East Cape. ![]()
Tauranga Moana transport community panel Bay of Plenty Regional Council are forming a Western Bay of Plenty Public Transport Community Panel to get a diverse range of views for public transport policy. If you are interested in offering advice around bus services as well as the needs of whānau and Māori including kura and marae then please contact Ruth Feist. The Panel is expected to meet 4 times a year, for about 2 hours per meeting. Hui held in 2021 will have an online option. For more information or to apply please contact Ruth Feist or phone 0800 884 881 x9351 He Toka Tū Moana scholarship now open The He Toka Tū Moana - Toi Moana Environmental Scholarship is a Council approved initiative established in 2017. The scholarship recognises and supports students who are undertaking study, research or training that aligns with the enhancement of our taiao. The scholarship is available to students who live or have whakapapa within the Bay of Plenty and are enrolled in a course related to environmental or water management, planning and/or mātauranga Māori. ![]() Mahere Waka Whenua ā-roheToi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council has started consulting on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2021, and submissions close on 6 April 2021. The RLTP sets the vision, objectives and investment programme for the Bay of Plenty land transport system and is developed in partnership with the seven councils, as well as key investors such as Port of Tauranga and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. The RLTP is the means by which the region collectively seeks government funding for activities ranging from road safety and maintenance, walking and cycling, public transport and road improvements. The RLTP sets out the region’s proposed approach to investment while focusing on key outcomes to support safety, climate change, transport network resilience and the provision of alternative and better travel options. You can submit on the draft RLTP 2021 online. Verbal submissions can be accepted via the Regional Council’s free phone 0800 884 880. It is vital that Māori are fully involved in the consultation process to ensure that that the RLTP 2021, and its proposed programme of works, take into account and reflects community aspirations. We hope hear from you via the submission process. Resource Management reform process The government recently announced the reforms for the Resource Management Act. As is outlined above the actual draft will be released during the middle of this year. It is intended that all three pieces of legislation will have passed by December 2022. The announcement by Minister Parker is able to be viewed by clicking on the button. Komiti Māori Members![]() ![]() ![]() Chairperson: Cr Matemoana McDonald Deputy Chair: Cr Toi Kai Rākau Iti Ex officio: Chairperson Doug Leeder Members: ![]() ![]() ![]() Cr Stacey Rose Cr Paula Thompson Cr Lyall Thurston ![]() ![]() Cr Te Taru White Cr Bill Clark |