TOUR Victoria May 2018
Kia ora tātou colleagues, students, Alumni and friends
In this edition we celebrate our success in the QS global rankings, award winners, graduates and other current news.
From the Tourism Management group: Karen, Mondher, Christian, Ian, Eerang, Ina and Luisa (editor).
Supporting Vanuatu’s Tourism Education
Vanuatu launched a new bilingual Bachelor’s degree in Tourism & Hospitality in Port Vila during February 2018. This new programme is the result of a local and global efforts initiated in 2016 by the Vanuatu Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) and more recently with the support of Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). A delegation from the MoET visited VUW on May 17-18.
(L-R seated): Hon Luamanuvao Winnie Laban (Assistant Vice-Chancellor-Pasifika), Ian O. Williamson (Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Victoria Business School), Jean-Marie Virélala (Director Tertiairy and Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training).
(L-R standing): Pierre Metsan (Principal Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training), Dr Mondher Sahli (BTM Programme Director, VBS), Blair McRae (Assistant Vice Chancellor International Engagement), Arun Elias (Assoc. Dean, International & Accreditation), Anne-Sophie Vivier (Technical Advisor for Higher Education).
Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
Congratulations to Hongxia Qi, a Tourism Management PhD student who was one of three New Zealand-based students recognised with a 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.
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Global accolade for a virtual fieldtrip teaching sustainability
An innovative teaching tool created by Dr Christian Schott was among the 30 innovations selected from 119 entries to AACSB’s annual Innovations That Inspire showcase at its international conference in Hawai’i.
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Award presentation in Honolulu, Hawai'i
Testing the Virtual Reality experience
World Indigenous Tourism Summit April 2018
(L-R front) Dale Stephens (Chairman, New Zealand Māori Tourism), Hone Mihaka [Nga Puhi] (Principal Director of Taiamai Tours Heritage Journeys), New Zealand Māori Tourism Ben Sherman, Oglala Lakota, (Chairman, WINTA)
Dr Christian Schott attended the opening of the World Indigenous Tourism Summit in Waitangi.
Johnny Edmonds, who is in the Tourism Management Advisory group, is the Director for the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA).
The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA) is an Indigenous-led global network of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and organizations who seek to give practical expression to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, through tourism.
Tourism Seminar Series
Our regular Tourism Management Seminar Series links academic research and industry perspectives to encourage dialogue about current issues in New Zealand tourism.
One of these seminars welcomed back Dr Heike Schänzel, Senior Lecturer at Auckland University of Technology and former PhD candidate (pictured with former supervisor and colleague Prof Karen Smith) to present an overview of her ongoing research on family tourism and its complexity.
Dr Christian Schott opened the 2018 series by presenting research on freedom camping based on a student research project undertaken in the previous year.
Joany Grima, currently teaching TOUR390 Applied Tourism Management, and Leanne Nicholas from Weltec discussed their ongoing research on waste minimisation practices at New Zealand festivals with an audience that included event management students and representatives of local governments and non-profit organisations.
Further information on seminars »
Exploring the history of tourism
Associate Professor Ian Yeoman is on Research and Study leave and has been in Belfast working with Professor Una McMahon-Beattie on a couple of tourism history projects.
The Future Past of Tourism is an edited collection of chapters from tourism academics exploring how the past shapes the future of tourism. This book uses the evolutionary paradigm from futures studies to identify the key turning points in the evolution of tourism taking an historical perspective, then identifying future turning points to demonstrate future evolution. Topics include whether the evolution of mass tourism, literature and the media, from Inns to luxury resorts, the evolution of Asia as a destination and the concept of mobility. Second, a special issue of the Journal of Tourism Futures explores similar themes and finally, Ian is writing a paper on the evolution of nature tourism in Scotland.
Report from Cana-Dad
Professor Adam Weaver is now in year two at Niagara College where he teaches the degree program – the Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality) or BBAH – and he is serving as a program co-ordinator.
Adam and Natalie reside in the Old Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, a village that attracts over three million visitors a year. In December 2017, their daughter Ida was born. She enjoys being read to, and her favourite books include “My Dad” and “That’s Not My Fox…”. Unfortunately, neither book offers much guidance on writing a well-structured literature review.
Adam’s e-mail address, should you wish to contact him, is adweaver@niagaracollege.ca. Adam misses New Zealand dairy products and seeing everyone around Level 9 and 10 of Rutherford House.
Graduation gallery
May 2018 BTM graduates with the Vice Chancellor Professor Grant Guildford. (L-R) Lachlan Makene, VC, Geena Morgan, JD Ngaira, Hayley Salmon & Mitchell Sherman.
Dr Mondher Sahil & Christopher Joyce.
Victoria Black and her mother.
(L-R) Wintata Siyoum, Cassandra Gibson, Laura Crawshaw and Rebecca Aucutt.
December 2017 graduation. Master of Tourism students Bernadeth Petriana and Margaret Zhu "leading" the parade.
Dr Sandra Goh with her supervisor Professor Karen Smith.
Dr Eerang Park showing her academic colours from Hong Kong
All Tourism Management programmes are accredited with UNWTO tedQual certification.
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