As 2018 begins, we want to take a moment to wish you the very happiest of New Years. Hopefully, the holidays brought you all sorts of fun games to play, like Doctor Who Fluxx and Zendo. Or maybe you were just gifted massive piles of cash. Either way, there's one place you should go: to your Friendly Local Game Store!
Of course, at your FLGS, you can always find and buy new games with your holiday bounty. But game stores are also a great place to find new people to play with! You'll not only get to share your games with new friends, but you'll get to learn their games as well. This is why we always ask you to support your local game stores - because it's not just a store, it's a great hub for the game community! So here's to a fantastic 2018, for you, your local game store, and all the games you'll play together!
Decaying Zombies, foetid Fungi, tantalizing Tropical Islands, squeaky Spooky Doors, mesmerizing Monoliths, frolicking Flowers, awesome Time Machines, and deleterious Daleks - all of these things have one aspect in common: they are cards from our games with art by Derek Ring!
In fact, Derek has done the illustrations for more Looney Labs games than any other artist! The games he illustrated began with Zombie Fluxx, and include Cthulhu Fluxx, Monster Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Nature Fluxx, Star Fluxx, Back to the Future: The Card Game, and Doctor Who Fluxx. He also did packaging work on Chrononauts, Early American Chrononauts, and Choose One. Derek's fun to work with and always has great ideas. In short: Derek rocks!
Andy & Kristin will be guests of honor and are excited to show you all the great new games coming out this year! Be sure to stop by to try out some prototypes or learn a new game!
GameStorm 20 is "the premier Portland area game convention." They have a large game library, fun events, and Game Lab in which game designers can get feedback on their new games!
ALA Annual Conference
Kristin & Andy will be guests of the Games and Gaming Roundtable and will be available to answer questions and show off what they can offer libraries. They will also be demoing games nearby and at ALA Play the night before, so come out and play!
The American Library Association's yearly conference is a huge celebration of all things library. In addition to book signings, there is a maker space, a gaming area, a live performance stage, and much more!
Gen Con
Looney Labs will again have a tiny booth where they will be taking meetings, demoing their latest games, and selling a few Looney things!
Gen Con is known as "the best four days in gaming," and with good reason! With over 500 exhibitors and 19,000 events, it's no wonder that over 60,000 people flock to this event to play and see their friends! There's nothing quite like it... one of those bucket list kind of events for gamers.
Q: What did you get for Christmas?
A: I had a lovely holiday and received many very nice gifts. Here are a few of my favorites: a pair of Fluxx Soxx, a board game called The Captain is Dead, a set of sound-responsive light-show panels called Aurora Rhythm, an album by Jonathan Coulton called Solid State, tickets to a Weird Al concert, a car cover for my vintage VW, and a stocking filled with chocolate candies. Yum! Thanks, and Happy New Year!
This featured store is a little different from all our previous featured stores, because it's not primarily a store! It's a bed and breakfast! The Tibbetts House was built in 1914, by Dr. Moses Tibbetts. The current Bed, Breakfast, and Books hosts three relaxing book-themed bedrooms with individual bathrooms in the top floor of the house.
The main floor of The Tibbetts House has a comfortable breakfast room, living room, sitting room, and dining room. In the front of the main floor is a quaint used book store (with an elegant selection of Looney Labs games) to complete a truly relaxing retreat. With a bunch of extra packages available (including a Chocolate and Game Lovers package, which includes a Looney Labs card game), The Tibbetts House will make you never want to leave. Oh, and they are pet friendly, too!