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West Midlands Network

User Testing Group

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Hi there,


We're pleased to invite you to apply to be part of a workshop we're holding on Saturday 12 October from 2.15pm until 5.45pm in Birmingham city centre.

Spaces are extremely limited and we are looking to represent a wide range of transport users with different travel habits, including road users.

In this workshop we will work toegether to improve travel disruption information through a series of activities.

In return for your time, you will receive a £30 high-street shopping voucher.

If you are interested in attending, please fill out this questionnaire.

Please respond by 9am on Monday 30 September.

Due to spaces being extremely limited, we will let you know whether or not you have been selected on Wednesday 2 October.

We look forward to your application.

Kind regards

Design Team

West Midlands Combined Authority


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