Envision a future. Make it so.
This is what the Jewish people do. The 1939 World's Fair in New York City featured a very unusual pavilion, the Jewish Palestine Pavilion. It showcased the activities and achievements in Eretz Yisrael. The Zionist flag, now the flag of Israel, flew proudly among the flags of the other countries represented at the Fair. What made this pavilion so unusual was that it represented a country that did not yet exist. It envisioned a future. We made it so.

This is the role of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto. You have a vision for our community and for Israel, and for the legacy and values you wish to pass on. We can help you make it so.
The Foundation enables over 1,000 generous individuals, families and organizations realize their vision for our collective future through a basket of strategies including donor advised funds, bequests and insurance policies. We are flexible and creative, and here to serve you.
If you are partnering with us already, thank you for allowing us to assist you realize your philanthropic goals. If you do not yet have a fund or planned gift with the Foundation, please call us. Let's talk about how we can help create the future that you envision for the causes you care about.
We will soon celebrate Passover. The freedom we celebrate is not just from physical slavery. It is also the freedom from all other restrictions that prevent us from realizing our potential as individuals and as a people. We are truly free when we can enjoy our today while planning for our tomorrow.
On behalf of all of us at the Jewish Foundation, Chag Sameach.

David Matlow
Jewish Foundation's Appreciation Event with Harry and Shael Rosenbaum
On March 30th, the Jewish Foundation held its 5th annual Leadership Appreciation Breakfast. Approximately 30 Foundation volunteers including, Trustees and Professional Advisors, attended a Thank You Event for their hard work in assisting in structuring gifts and advocating for the Jewish Foundation and UJA Federation.
Guest speakers, Harry Rosenbaum and his son Shael, talked about their business and philanthropy. All in attendance were extremely moved by hearing about Harry’s early years as the child of Holocaust survivors, and how Shael has committed himself to community work especially Holocaust remembrance and testimony including as Chairman of the Neuberger Center and as an independent film maker. Shael’s new film, Secrets of Survival, will debut on the Documentary Channel on April 9th at 9 pm.
The guests in a packed boardroom at Crowe Soberman, were thanked by Jordan Caplan, Chair of the Professional Advisory Committee, for their contribution to the community.
Click on the above image to view all photos.
J-SERVE - Jewish Teens Serving the World
On April 2nd, 2017 over 500 teens from all over the GTA came together for a one day volunteer event called J-SERVE. This is the 8th year of the event in Toronto with the largest turnout ever.
Watch the video to see a recap of the event.
Al G. Brownz"l
It’s incredible how one seemingly inconsequential decision can affect future generations.
In 1906, the parents of the yet-to-be-born Al G. Brown made the decision that, despite their love for Israel, they would move to Canada and raise their children in Toronto.
Israel’s loss, as it turned out, would be this city’s gain.
Al G. Brown, who passed away in February, left a compelling and indelible impact across the GTA as a community leader, volunteer and philanthropist who not only talked the talk, but walked the walk, when it came to giving back to Toronto’s Jewish community.
“I’ve always felt that if you live and earn a livelihood in a community, you should support it,” said Brown in his Book of Life story with the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto. Brown ensured his support to the community by establishing a UJA Legacy Fund that will continue for years to come.
Read more
To learn more about endowing your UJA Legacy gift, visit our website at jewishfoundationtoronto.com
Maximize Giving Minimize Taxes
Article, by Mark Halpern, CFP, TEP
We've always been told to maximize RRSP savings to better fund our retirements. This article explains how your money can obtain a bigger and better benefit that is far more advantageous from a tax perspective, and more generous to your family and favourite charities. Several examples are given.
Read more.
For more Giving Advice articles click here.
If you have any questions regarding our programs, please contact the Jewish Foundation at 416.631.5703 or email jewishfoundation@ujafed.org
Mazel Tov to the following people:
To Warren and Debbie Kimel on the marriage of their son, Michael, to Chloe Hunter.
Our condolences to the families of the following individuals:
Al G. Brownz"l, Freda Enchinz"l
May their memories be for a blessing
Book of Life Celebration
April 25, 2017
Professional Advisory Committee Meeting
May 16, 2017
UJA Walk with Israel
May 22, 2017
Investment Committee Meeting
May 24, 2017
Foundation Trustee Meeting
June 6, 2017
UJA Federation Awards Night
June 7, 2017
Professional Advisors Networking and Breakfast Seminar
June 8, 2017