We are sorry to announce this, but our planned timetables for the fulfillment of our Pyramid Quartet Kickstarter as well as the release dates for the remainder of our 2020 releases have had to be pushed. But the good news is that they aren't pushing very far!
We had originally expected to be fulfilling the Kickstarter in September. However, we missed an error in the specifications and found that one of our production samples contained the wrong color blue. We lost a couple weeks due to this error, and expect to lose a couple more in transit since the New York port is still experiencing Covid-related delays. So our updated estimate is that we will be shipping to our Kickstarter backers by mid-October.
We had also originally planned for Star Trek: Voyager Fluxx and Zendo Rules Expansion #2 to be released in stores in September, followed by the four Pyramid Quartet games in October. However, we have experienced some printing and shipping delays with Voyager, so we have decided to combine all release dates into one big six-product release in November--still in plenty of time for the holidays. The official release date will be November 12th, but there's a good chance we'll have it in stores earlier in November.
Please encourage your local game store to stock these products by pre-ordering them now! Thank you!
So tell us about all these new games, you say? We will tell you about Voyager Fluxx and the pyramid games next month, and start with the expansion pack this month.
For those of you who have not yet heard of Zendo, it is an inductive logic party game. One player acts as the Moderator and chooses a secret rule card. Perhaps the secret rule is that all pieces in a structure need to be yellow, or a structure must contain exactly two pieces. The remaining players then take turns contructing structures and learning whether or not they follow the secret rule. The winner is the first to guess the rule. Not only is Zendo a good puzzly challenge, but it's also beautiful to behold when a variety of structures are laid out on the table.
For those who are new to Zendo, you will want to start with the base game. Should you grow bored with the included 200+ rules, you will find that the first Zendo Rules Expansion will keep things fresh for quite a bit longer. But if you're a seasoned Zendo player looking for a true challenge, you're going to want Zendo Rules Expansion #2. This set of ten cards includes one medium and nine difficult level new rule cards, which create a total of 85 new rules to play with--all quite tricky!
We played a few rounds of Zendo with the new rule set during Gen Con Online, and hope to do some more of this in the coming weeks and months. If you'd like to play, keep your eyes on our social media, as this is where we will announce the events.
ReaperCon Live Online
We aren't exactly sure how our presence will look at ReaperCon, but we intend to be there having a bit of fun, We may chat with folks on Discord, or play a little Parsely on Zoom. Stay tuned for details!
ReaperCon Live Online is bringing you the best miniatures artists in the world and streaming Reaper U classes live! No need to pack your bags or travel - you can watch and participate from the comfort of your home! There's no cost to you to take classes, play games, or just chat with fellow miniatures enthusiasts from across the globe. It's all fun, and it's all free! As long as you've got an internet connection, you have your admission to ReaperCon Live Online!
25th Anniversary Celebration
Keep an eye on this space for updates about how to celebrate with us next year for our 25th anniversary!
LooneyCon has only happened once... in 2016 for our 20th anniversary. It was tons of fun and you can see a video about it here. We will again be holding celebrations throughout the year in 2021 for our 25th anniversary. We don't know exactly what form those events will take yet, because we don't know how the pandemic will affect us all next year. But we WILL be having some fun and definitely want you to join us!
MidSouthCon 2021
Though the 2020 MidSouthCon was canceled due to the pandemic, Kristin and Andy will be gaming guests of honor at MidSouthCon for next year instead! They very much enjoyed being guests of honor a few years ago and plan to bring even more fun this time around! The Looneys look forward to playing your favorite games with you, signing autographs, and showing off prototypes of upcoming games!
MidSouthCon is the longest-running annual fan-run multi-genre Science Fiction Convention in the Mid-South. It covers a diverse section of fannish culture that includes Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science, Comics, Horror, Education, Costuming, Anime, and Gaming. MidSouthCon has an average of 2200 attendees, including over 100 authors, editors, publishers, scientists, artists and other guests and panelists. It features more than 200 hours of programming, including panels, the annual Art and Charity Auctions, Masquerade costume contest, and more. There are also hundreds of hours of gaming running non-stop throughout the weekend.
Have you awarded any Homeworlds medals lately?
A: The last time I lost to an in-person challenger was back in February when I awarded medal #19 to my Burning Man camp-mate, Zac Clark.
Since then, of course, Covid has made gaming difficult, but I now have a pretty nifty setup with a camera pointed at a light table and I’ve been playing with friends over Zoom quite often. And yes, at Gen Con Online I accepted a couple of challenges in this way from big fans of Homeworlds who’ve long been eager to go for the medal, and Jonathan Baker did just that.
Everyone expected him to do well, since he’s the current champion of the online Homeworlds tournaments he organizes, but I was hoping it would at least take him a couple of tries to beat me. But no, he got me on his first attempt. I was ahead at first and became complacent when he knocked out half of my homeworld in what seemed like a futile desperate move. I think I could have won if I’d focused more on monopolizing the pieces of the color of the half of my star that remained, but so it goes. Jonathan posted his own account of the game here.
Congrats to medal holder #20! Who will win #21?
Not only does Puzzles Plus have jigsaw puzzles (a hot commodity these days!), but they also carry brain teasers, puzzle books, buillding blocks, escape room style puzzle boxes, and an assortment of board games, including those from Looney Labs. With two convenient locations, they are your one-stop-shop for bringing home some fun.
Puzzles Plus also knows how to build community with fun events like puzzle building contests, trivia nights, give-aways, and game nights, as well as their "Puzzle It Forward" program in which used puzzles are donated to hospitals, schools, and senior homes.
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Looney Labs
4920 Niagara Road, Suite 405
College Park, MD 20740