Cuadrilla's appeal in Lancashire – the state of play
The people of Lancashire have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make their evidence based objections count, sending a clear message that Cuadrilla’s planning applications should once again be rejected. Time after time they have used the democratic process to make their voices heard, but today was the final leg of this journey as Cuadrilla’s appeal comes to a close.
They’ve fought hard to keep their communities safe from the colossal threat of fracking and there’s no doubt that they will keep fighting no matter what Greg Clark decides. But if Westminster does overturn Lancashire County Council’s decision to reject Cuadrilla’s planning applications, it will be a clear sign that democracy is dead and many more people will be up in arms.
The wrong decision could lead to public disorder on a scale unseen since the Poll Tax protests.
#DontFrackLancs #DontFrackDemocracy
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Is it time the Police cleaned up their fracking act?
Since 2011, the police have consistently come under fire accused with protecting the interests of the frackers; when using force, unlawful arrest, legal wrangles, bullying, harassment, sexual assault, and intimidation tactics to quash peaceful protest.
Evidently, the policing has been misapplied and mismanaged. It seems anyone questioning the safety and worth of fracking is on a list somewhere, of suspicious individuals. From public meetings in quiet church halls that are given an unwarranted police presence, to full on assaults at peaceful protests; residents are being made to feel like criminals and are having their lives turned upside down.
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The Nanas Talk Fracking Tour
The Nanas are a group opposed to fracking who host public meetings and join actions across the UK in order to raise awareness about the risks of unconventional energy. Supported by TalkFracking.org, they work in solidarity with local resident’s groups which are currently fighting planning applications, as well as communities only just coming under threat in newly licensed areas.
LEARN MORE.. about the tour.
LEARN MORE.. about the Nanas.
LEARN MORE.. about upcoming tour dates.
#Nanashire #WarOnFracking
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Are UKOG fracking at Horse Hill?
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New laws within the Infrastructure Act 2015 define hydraulic fracturing of shale as a process involving the injection of more than 1,000 cubic metres of fluid at each stage, or more than 10,000 cubic metres of fluid in total.
When asked to comment on this new statutory definition, Professor of Geology, Stuart Haszeldine OBE (University of Edinburgh) said, "I have not discovered any argued definition to explain how or why these numbers were chosen. Or, indeed, why volumes of fluid are chosen at all - when the geological effects of fracking are really a consequence of strain rate (i.e. “speed” of imposed deformation of the rock)."
UKOG claim they are using safe ‘conventional’ processes, and deny that fracking is taking place at Horse Hill in Surrey; but the people of Surrey are starting to wise-up to the fact that even flow-testing itself includes extreme ‘unconventional’ processes which has put the community in jeopardy.
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UK failing to learn U.S. lessons on fracking wastewater
How many more earthquakes will it take for the UK government to learn that no amount of regulations anywhere in the world have ever made fracking or the re-injection of waste water from #shale operations safe? The re-injection of waste water is a hazardous process known to induce earthquakes and result in environmental contamination.
In a new report, Professor Haszeldine OBE and his colleagues, warn that new Environment Agency draft guidelines point to a significant shift towards the potential permitting and operational use of these dangerous re-injection wells for the disposal of large volumes of contaminated flowback fluids from shale gas operations in England and Wales.
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Does a fracking disaster lurk under UK floodwaters?
UK floodwaters could be at serious risk of contamination from leaking fracking wells and tanks holding toxic wastewater from shale gas operations; threatening to poison the environment, with catastrophic consequences for public health.
20% of all UK fracking licence blocks are in areas prone to flooding and three sites in Lancashire have already been under water during recent floods.
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Are Surrey Police criminalising peaceful protest at Horse Hill?
Nana Linda was threatened with arrest for offering police tea and cakes. She said, “I am left very confused by the behaviour of the Surrey Police force. When asked why they are here, the officers insist they want to ‘facilitate our peaceful protest’, but as soon as we begin to engage in peaceful protest, they immediately threaten us with arrest for doing so!"
"It appears to me that the police are not accounting for our ECHR Article 10 (freedom of expression) & Article 11 (freedom of assembly) Rights, and hence these rights are being unlawfully violated.”
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