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Week of March 12 2018 eNews

Welcome to the Term 1 edition of succeed. It has been an exciting start to 2018 with the unveiling of the updated Adolescent Success Position Paper and infographic (see below). We hope that our members will find this document helpful in supporting your understanding of Middle Years education.

Our Adolescent Success Middle Years’ workshops, based around the 3rd edition release of the text, Teaching Middle Years - Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, will also kick off this year. Stay tuned for updates on dates and locations.

In this edition you will also hear from Jenene Rosser (Executive Manager - Curriculum & Assessment) from ISQ, as she reports on this term’s Middle Years of Schooling Research Project launch in Brisbane.

If you or your school is doing anything interesting in the Middle Years that you would like to share or showcase, please contact me so I can include an article in the next eNews.


Robyn McCarthy

eNews Editor 



Adolescent Success BRAND NEW Infographic

The Managment Committee, in consultation with other experts in middle years education, are very pleased to launch our brand new Infographic.  

This is a visual represenatation of our previous position paper.  Very little from the position paper was changed, we have simply modernised the language and created a more visually appealing graphic.  

We hope that schools and leaders can use this to explain the uniqe position of the middle years in education and use it as a teaching tool for parents, staff and community.  

Printed versions are available in our store and you can see the full graphic online here.

ISQ Middle Years of Schooling Project

The Middle Years (MY) Project was launched at the ISQ Professional Learning Centre (PLC) on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st February with 57 participants from 16 independent schools. The participants included a member of each school’s senior leadership team (two were Principals) plus other teachers, support staff and in one instance a parent. Participants travelled from Bundaberg, Warwick, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Fraser Coast, Toowoomba and Brisbane to attend.  To read more about the project click here.

Special offer for Adolescent Success Members:

The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) invites you to participate in the most comprehensive and valuable professional learning opportunity available to any educator who works with students ages 10-15. The 45th Annual Conference for Middle Level Education is coming to Orlando, Florida, October 25-27, 2018.  

With more than 400 of the brightest minds in education presenting research-based practices in more than 60 different topics, you will return to your school or classroom inspired and equipped with proven strategies to improve instruction and help students achieve. Among the more than 400 conference sessions, you’ll find sessions on using Technology for learning, understanding Young Adolescent Development, student-driven Assessment, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), helping At-Risk Students, STEM, Project-Based Learning, and more than 50 additional topics.

Register as a team and get every fifth person free.  Visit here, for more conference details.

As an Adolescent Success member you save $50 with promo code A18AS

Personal and Social Capability - an article by H (Mac) MacPherson

"A decade ago the then Federal Minister of Education, John Dawkins, told us schools must develop confident and creative young people who are energetic and informed citizens with a strong sense of ethical understanding and social capability.

The relationship between social and academic learning is recognised by all of us who work daily with young people. Current research utilising MRIs has demonstrated that wellbeing contributes to better learning and we know enhanced social skills and self-awareness contribute to wellbeing. Over time we have come to better understand this relationship and that young adolescents can be assisted in developing social and emotional skills that result in better self-regulation, resilience and a greater sense of personal agency."  

Read the full article Mac's full article here.

Request for photos for the next journal

We would love to showcase your school/students in the May publication of the Australian Journal of Middle Schooling.

If you have any photos of your school, students or events which you'd like to submit please click here for the copyright release form.

This is a great way to showcase your school and students.

Many thanks for your support; it's shaping up to be a great publication!

Please email either our journal editor Anne Coffey at anne.coffey@nd.edu.au or executive officer Angela White at angela@adolescentsuccess.org.au.


NZAIMS conference Auckland 2018

Please click here to register for this event and to read more about the program.


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