How to support families after adoption
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It’s Been 5 Years Since Adoption, Now What?


Supporting a Family Years After Adoption...

As a support team member, recognize your role is crucial not only during the foster/adoptive process and shortly thereafter, but for the years following as a family develops.

  • Review the Grief and Loss process and prayerfully consider what the child might be experiencing and need through each developmental stage.
  • Take time to listen when adoptive parents need to process during a new developmental stage.  Arrange a time to get coffee and make yourself available to simply listen.
  • Brainstorm with the parents how the group can better support the child and family in this new stage.
  • Re-invigorate the support team!  (Read this support team newsletter for ways to keep your support team active and healthy)
  • Talk about the possibility of re-attending a support group.  Offer to watch the kids for that evening.
  • Gift parents with a weekend away to spend time together and recommit as a couple and as a family. Offer to watch the kids or fund their weekend getaway. (Some hotels will even give away free nights if you call and explain that it’s for an adoptive couple to get away).
  • Have a fall house cleaning day or a painting party.  


August 2015: 
Back to School


Support Team: Fundamentals