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Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Keynote speakers and distinguished leaders have been invited to present at the Conference. We are delighted to outline confirmed keynote speakers at this stage will include; (photos as per order below):

To read more about our keynote speakers please click here. More information and other featured presenters will be announced shortly.

We are delighted to announce our keynote speakers, and look forward to their involvement in the ACHPER 2015 Conference in Adelaide.

Call for Papers - submission date extended!

Submission closes on Friday, 28 November 2014

The 29th ACHPER International Conference Program Committee invites submissions for presentations at www.achper2015.com. The Conference theme is ‘Values into Action - A Brighter Future’ with the sub themes listed below. We are delighted that over 60 presentations have been received already and encourage your involvement.

Please indicate on the Conference Submission Details which of the sub themes best aligns with your presentation and nominate the length of time for your proposed session. Presentations will be structured in concurrent sessions of 20 minutes, 45 minutes or 90 minutes in length. You are encouraged to make your presentation as engaging and interactive as possible. The Program Committee reserves the right to allocate presentations to specific sub themes and to nominate the type of session based on the content, time and space available.

Sub themes:

  • The educative purpose of HPE
  • Strengths based HPE
  • Learning in, through & about movement
  • Health literacy
  • Critical inquiry and problem solving in HPE
  • Sport Pedagogies

All presentation types are required to submit an abstract for consideration in the program. Abstracts must be submitted via the online form with a maximum of 300 words, which can be found on the conference website: www.achper2015.com. Once received, abstracts will be double blind reviewed and reviewers’ comments will be provided in due course. Papers that are accepted are eligible to be published in the Conference Proceedings. For more information on the presentation types and submission process please click here

Conference Submission Details:

Please complete the conference submission details located at www.achper2015.com and submit your abstract electronically by 28 November 2014. You will be notified of your involvement before January 2015.

Networking Opportunities

The Conference Committee are currently working on an exciting Social Program for the Conference. Adequate time will be programmed to ensure networking opportunities, a range of physical activities, and the chance to explore Adelaide and beautiful surrounds. Click here to view the opportunities available.

Further Information

Registration will open in October 2014!

For more information please contact Conference Secretariat: ACHPER (SA)
105 King William St, Kent Town SA 5070 | Ph: +61 8 8363 5700 | Fax: +61 8 8362 9800
Email: info@achpersa.com.au | Web: www.achper2015.com