The BIA has produced a comprehensive portfolio of social media posts and matching website banners. All members can download any of these assets for your use at any time.
For each of the three target groups, you will have the following available:
Leaderboards: 728 x 90 – best suited for websites and newsletters
Medium rectangle: 300 x 250 – best suited for websites and newsletters
Original Square: 800 x 800 – best suited for Social Media (Facebook & Instagram)
Skyscrapers: 300 x 600 – best suited for websites and newsletters
We welcome your support by sharing these through your social media channels. When doing so, we ask that you consider the following group of hashtags to include with your post.
#boat #boating #discoverboating
#discoverboatingaustralia #boatinglife
#goboating #onthewater #iloveboats
#boatingisgoodforyou #back2boating
#bluemind #goodhealth #family #friends
Click here to download the Discover Boating Asset Guide.
Click here to view and download the portfolio of social media posts and digital banners.
You will find that there are many to select from covering a diverse selection of lifestyle types. If you have an image you would like to use in this theme, the BIA will create the artwork for you at no cost. Simply forward your image with your preferred tag line “Live Life”, “Try it – you won’t look back”, “Let’s Go”, “Re discover boating”, “Leave the stress in your wake” or “Boating is Good for you”.
Images and requested tag line should be sent to
The membership team have also contributed with a fabulous TVC. Members in SA and Qld have pooled resources to produce 30’ & 15' campaigns to support National Boating Week. They have also taken the time to make a generic 30’ version for the rest of the industry to use.
Watch the generic 30' version here or you can link to it from the Discover Boating YouTube Channel.
View the SA & Qld versions of the promo by clicking on the respective "30' TVC" and "15' TVC" links below.
SA – 30’ TVC | 15’ TVC Qld – 30’ TVC | 15’ TVC
These will air in the lead up to National Boating Week in selected regions with funds raised by clusters of members seeking to support the lifestyle.