BIA | Boating Industry Association |

Dear Industry Members and friends of the BIA,


Welcome to this special Enews from the Team at the Boating Industry Association. You would have read in our previous communication that the BIA has been planning a series of activities to celebrate National Boating Week from 25 September to 2 October.


This week falls prior to the Long Weekend that occurs in SA, NSW, Qld & NT. This weekend is also seen by many as the unofficial start of the Summer Boating season.


National Boating Week will be used to launch several new and ongoing initiatives. This Email plans to explain them and share information to allow your business to participate and support the promotion of the recreational boating lifestyle.


The BIA recognises and welcomes the work of government agencies Australia wide who will also be running National Safe Boating Week at this time. The charter to promote safe recreational boating is appreciated with their objective also falling in line with our charter to promote safe boating. We welcome their work and we look forward to supporting their efforts and sharing their messages.


The BIA also acknowledges that we are living and operating in a COVID environment. Our communication and campaign will be respectful of the situation and those impacted by the circumstances created by the pandemic. Our thoughts are with those who are restricted, have lost loved ones or who are simply challenged during these times.


This email will explain:

– The consumer campaign
– Digital resources
– Discover Boating and the new website
– Social media channels
– Media & members daily releases
– Consumer Enews
– Consumer competition
– Member activities and how you can participate


The Boating Industry Association will commence a consumer campaign to inform and persuade the target audience about the benefits of recreational boating.


The objective is to increase participation across the three target markets. They are described as:

  • Non-boaters. Our objective will be to provide information and inspiration for non-boaters to engage in the lifestyle.
  • Borderline boaters. Our objective will be to reengage those lost to boating to return to the lifestyle.
  • Existing boaters. Our objective will be to provide existing boaters with information to better their time on the water and inspire them to spend more time boating.

The new campaign will provide structure and a targeted process with a fluidity that will allow us to address the message or need at the time.


Our launch campaign will carry the following tag lines,

  • Target A.  Non-boaters
     – “Live Life” & “Try it – you won’t look back
  • Target B.  Borderline boaters
     – “Let’s Go” & “Re discover boating
  • Target C.  Existing boaters
     – “Leave the stress in your wake” & “Boating is Good for you

Commencing on September 25, the campaign will remain active on a continuous basis.

It is planned that the campaign is refreshed with new messages suitable for the time and circumstances two or three times each year.


The BIA has produced a comprehensive portfolio of social media posts and matching website banners. All members can download any of these assets for your use at any time.

For each of the three target groups, you will have the following available:

  • Leaderboards: 728 x 90 – best suited for websites and newsletters
  • Medium rectangle: 300 x 250 – best suited for websites and newsletters
  • Original Square: 800 x 800 – best suited for Social Media (Facebook & Instagram)
  • Skyscrapers: 300 x 600 – best suited for websites and newsletters

We welcome your support by sharing these through your social media channels. When doing so, we ask that you consider the following group of hashtags to include with your post.

#boat  #boating  #discoverboating
#discoverboatingaustralia  #boatinglife
#goboating  #onthewater  #iloveboats
#boatingisgoodforyou  #back2boating
#bluemind  #goodhealth  #family  #friends

Click here to download the Discover Boating Asset Guide.

Click here to view and download the portfolio of social media posts and digital banners.

You will find that there are many to select from covering a diverse selection of lifestyle types. If you have an image you would like to use in this theme, the BIA will create the artwork for you at no cost. Simply forward your image with your preferred tag line “Live Life”, “Try it – you won’t look back”, “Let’s Go”, “Re discover boating”, “Leave the stress in your wake” or “Boating is Good for you”.

Images and requested tag line should be sent to

The membership team have also contributed with a fabulous TVC. Members in SA and Qld have pooled resources to produce 30’ & 15' campaigns to support National Boating Week. They have also taken the time to make a generic 30’ version for the rest of the industry to use.

Watch the generic 30' version here or you can link to it from the Discover Boating YouTube Channel.

View the SA & Qld versions of the promo by clicking on the respective "30' TVC" and "15' TVC" links below.

SA – 30’ TVC  |  15’ TVC          Qld – 30’ TVC  |  15’ TVC

These will air in the lead up to National Boating Week in selected regions with funds raised by clusters of members seeking to support the lifestyle.

The BIA has renewed and refreshed its consumer facing website.

Earlier this year the BIA hosted a focus group of industry members to guide the direction of how its Consumer Facing campaigns are presented. The group highlighted several needs, and many have been adopted as part of the new plan.

With this, the consumer facing website has been renamed and launched as Discover Boating is a successful platform used by our sister associations in the USA, Canada and NZ.

The Discover Boating Brand will umbrella all our activities and our communications will lead our target audiences to a single point.

The BIA still has numerous additional member beneficial features that will be added to the site as they are developed, refined & tested. These exciting additions will be announced as they come online.

When you visit you will find a vast array of information covering elements of boating and the lifestyle across Australia. Built with the premise that boating (typically) has no borders, we invite you to look through the site and we welcome input and contributions. The BIA currently has a large portfolio of additional pages and features that will be added in the coming months. These include pages covering the topics such as Boating in a COVID world, Indigenous Boating, Women in boating, an advanced Member Search portal as well as a BIA only members Trading Portal.


The BIA has rebranded its lifestyle social media assets to the Discover Boating brand. We urge all members to follow these channels and share them with your contacts. These are critical and important channels for communicating with our audience.

Facebook: /DiscoverBoatingAustralia

Instagram: /discoverboatingaustralia

Twitter: /BoatingAU



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During National Boating Week, the BIA will distribute a daily media release speaking to a new boating subject. In order that you remain informed, these releases will also be sent to you each morning at around 7.30am through the aap Medianet platform.

The subject matter will be:

Friday September 25
 – Recreational Boating is a favourite pastime for millions of Australians.

Saturday September 26
 – Boating is good for you

Sunday September 27
 – Family Boating

Monday September 28
 – Boating & Sport - a marriage made in heaven

Tuesday September 29
 – Boating and the Social Side

Wednesday September 30
 – How do you go boating when you do not have a boat

Thursday October 1
 – Making the step to buy a first boat for your or the family

Friday October 2
 – Start of the Boating Season


The BIA has a comprehensive list of consumers who have opted in to get boating information. To celebrate National Boating Week, a scheduled special Enews will be sent as follows.


Day 0 – Day prior (Thursday 24 September)
Introduction to National Boating Week and Discover Boating, information to our social media. We will acknowledge National Safe Boating Week and the COVID environment we live in.

Day 1 – (25 September)
Focus and highlight member activities. Acknowledge National Safe Boating Week and the COVID environment we live in.


Day 4 – (28 September)
Introduce and invite the public to participate and enter a new competition. Reference the Discover Boating Website, reference social media. Acknowledge National Safe Boating Week and the COVID environment we live in.


Day 7 – (2 October)
Talk about the start of the boating season, speak about the health benefits of boating. Reference social media. Acknowledge National Safe Boating Week and the COVID environment we live in.

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During National Boating Week the BIA will launch a consumer competition inviting the public to submit a favourite photo or short video clip that is boating related.

Monthly prizes will be offered as will an overall prize for the best submission.

It is intended that the completion will run through summer. Details for this competition will be publicised through our normal channels.


Members of the BIA have been invited to participate during National Boating Week with an activity or contribution to support the promotion of the recreational boating lifestyle.

As previously advised, a member can design and deliver an activity that can last for one hour or several days. Any business can contribute by submitting their event via this link.

Participating businesses are promoted on a National Boating Week page.

The event can be at your business premises, and for those who are challenged with COVID restrictions or considerations, you can consider a digital delivery of a special event sponsored by your business. 

On site activities can include open days, product launches, special offers on premises, try boating opportunities, on site education or social events such as barbeques.

Digital ideas can include fishing, sporting or technical classes on electronics delivered via Zoom sponsored by your business.


We welcome your participation. Please feel free to call me or any of the BIA Team should you wish to discuss any element or if you require help in any way. Whilst all team members are ready and waiting to help, here are some handy contact numbers:


George Bolton – – 0417 818 434 (South Australia)
Michael Date – – 0487 003 650 (Queensland)
Shane Wilson – – 0484 813 881 (NSW)
Mary Papantoniou – – 0425 755 164 (Victoria)


We look forward to working with and for you.


Domenic Genua
General Manager
Marketing, Events & Communication
E –
P – 0412 642 357

BIA | Boating Industry Association
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