University of Fort Hare celebrates 100 years
Vice Chancellor - Dr Tom Mvuyo
The University of Fort Hare will celebrate its centenary in 2016. The year marks 100 years in pursuit of academic excellence, a century in search of African and global knowledge. The academic tradition, character and stature of the university have matured during this time, and the university has produced numerous high-calibre students. From a single, small campus with a few hundred students in Alice, the university has grown to the current 13 000 enrolled students in three campuses, ranging from an urban setting in East London to rural environs in Alice, with a small campus in Bhisho. Read more:
Dr. James Stewart (pictured left) of Lovedale realized that "if the desire for education among the African people continued to grow it would be necessary to provide University education." He stressed this point of view to the Inter-Colonial Native Affairs Commission. Read more:
The location was named Lovedale by European missionaries who settled there in 1824. It was named after Dr. John Love of the Glasgow Missionary Society. During the Frontier War it was abandoned and the mission resettled on the west bank of the Tyume River. On the east bank a fort was built, called Fort Hare, after Major-General John Hare, who was acting Lieutenant-Governor of the Eastern Cape. Alice was the administrative and magisterial capital of the old district of Victoria East. See picture below. Read more:
Alice railway station, c. 1900
Many forces have interacted in the Eastern Cape. Incoming Afrikaners and British met with Xhosa-speakers in the eighteenth century, and the long process of conflict, followed by the subordination and expropriation of the indigenous people, took place over more that one hundred years. An important British base at this time, named after a military officer at this time, and a small town of Alice grew near its environs.
The South African Native College, later the University of Fort Hare, was, ironically, founded in 1916 on the site of the earlier British military stronghold. The college originated from the sometimes uneasy alliance between the new class of educated African Christians, supported by a number of traditional Southern African leaders, and early twentieth-century white liberals, many of them clergy.Read more:
De Beers Centenary Art Gallery 2015
Following a decision by the Ministry of Education, the university has, since January 2004, been incorporating and integrating a new campus in the city of East London, formerly of Rhodes University, into UFH.
Hence it is strategically planning to grow and develop programmes in a much wider student market and is re-profiling Fort Hare across the three campuses in Alice, Bhisho and East London. As the backbone to a new academic system, five new Faculties were established in 2005-6. Over the next period significant expansion in the portfolio of academic and strategic programmes are foreseen.
The University of Fort Hare is indeed more determined than ever to build on its distinctive and illustrious past.
UFH - Awonke Tshefu for Mandela Washington fellowship
The University of Fort Hare’s Awonke Tshefu, a Master’s student in Chemistry has been chosen to participate in the 2015 Mandela-Washington Fellowship for young African leaders to be held in the United States for six weeks starting from the 19th of June 2015. This comes as no surprise having been in Russia in 2013 to study the instrument s for scientific research, thanks to the National Research Foundation that made it possible for him and other top twenty young scientists drawn from the South African universities. Read more:
UFH - Another award for Zimkhitha Soji
he Department of Science and Technology with National Research Foundation hosted its research day for interns at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology on February 27th. CPUT played hosts to Fort Hare University, UCT, Stellenbosch, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Centre for Proteomic and Genomic Research and other NRF/DST sponsored institutions. Fort Hare’s Zimkhitha Soji, an MSc- Animal Science under the mentorship of renowned meat science researcher Prof Voster Muchenje took home second prize for the best oral presentation. Read more:
University World News (UWN)
Towards a sustainable, humane society: Professor Jandhyala BG Tilak begins his commentary in this edition with a quote from Jawaharlal Nehru: “A university stands for humanism, for tolerance, for progress, for the adventure of ideas and the search for truth... If universities discharge their duties adequately, then all is well with the nation and the people.” Read more:
Construction of 26 blocks of hostels at the University of Zambia
Construction of 26 blocks of hostels at the University of Zambia Great East Road Campus has commenced, with an expected expenditure of 513 million kwacha. Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Vocation Training, Sydney Mushanga disclosed this when he toured the construction the University. Read more:
Unisa and ICDE discuss expectations for 26th ICDE world conference
Unisa will host the 26th World Conference of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), to be held for the first time in Africa. Read more:
The 2015 IEASA Conference will be held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, from the 19th - 21st of August 2015. The 19th Anual Conference will this year be hosted by IEASA in Port Elizabeth. Read more:
Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) hosts international conference
CALL FOR PAPERS: Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) invites all interested parties in Zimbabwe, SADC, Africa, and beyond to attend and to read academic and research papers at a conference to be held at the University from
20 – 21 July 2015. The Conference will be the second to be hosted by the University following the first one that was held as part of celebrations of the University’s tenth anniversary in January 2013. Accompanying events will include exhibitions and demonstrations by various academic departments in the University and other stakeholders. Read more:
a. Great Zimbabwe University celebrated 8th graduation ceremony
It’s official, we are the best! Great Zimbabwe University on Monday 16 February 2015 was confirmed as the leading University in the country when it scooped the prestigious University of the Year Award for 2014 from the Zim-babwe Business Awards Council in rec-ognition of the successes the institution achieved last year. The awards celebrate success in various areas including business, sports, education and arts. They are the hallmark premiere business awards in Zimbabwe, a national honour, a celebration of excellence, inspiration and success by individuals, institutions and local companies Read more:
Picture: 8th Inaugural at GZU.
b. GZU- Acting Vice Chancellor Dr Andrew Chindanya, receives the Vice Chancellor’s Award:
The Vice Chancellor received the ward from the Honourable Minister of ICT, Postal & Courier Services, Cde. Supa Mandiwanzira.
Rhodes University celebrated the inauguration of Dr Sizwe Mabizela
The first black African Vice-Chancellor of the 110-year-old institution, Dr Sizwe Mabizela will outline his vision during the inauguration ceremony at the 1820 Settler’s National Monument on Friday, 27 February 2015. Read more:
Picture: Rhodes University VC Inaugural
The 47TH SASAS Congress
The 47th annual congress of the South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) for this year was proudly hosted by the Northern branch at the University of Pretoria (UP) from 6-8 July 2014. Over 300 delegates from various academic and research institutions from South Africa, some African countries, France and United States of America participated in the conference. A delegation of 24 post-graduate represented the University of Fort Hare in a congress themed: “The role of the Animal Scientist in securing food for the future”. Read more
Aarhus University hosts AIAS Conference:
The Hands of time: Multiple Perspectives on AgingDate: 11-12 June, 2015. Read more:
Conference Invitation
"Science and Education" Foundation and its partners kindly invite you to take part in the scientific events that we are holding in Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria during 2015. All the papers presented will be published in open access online journals, part of International Scientific Publications
Conferences in June 2015:
The 3rd International Conference "Agriculture and Food", which will be held on 1-5 June.
The 24th International Conference "Ecology and Safety", which will be held on 4-8 June.
The 17th International Conference "Materials, Methods and Technologies", which will be held on 7-11 June.
The 1st International Conference "Energy Resources: Technology & Policy", which will be held on 10-14 June.
Conferences in September 2015
The 14th International Conference "Economy and Business", which will be held on 1-5 September.
The 6th International Conference "Education, Research and Development", which will be held on 4-8 September.
The 9th International Conference "Language, Individual and Society", which will be held on 7-11 September.
The 4th International Conference "Media and Mass Communication", which will be held on 10-14 September.
For more information and registration, please visit International Scientific Events (Russian: International Scientific Events): Read more:
Gender Summit 6 Asia Pacific 2015
27-28 August 2015, Seoul, South Korea
26 August: Pre-Summit on Curriculum & Education on Gendered Dimensions
Better Science & Technology for Creative Economy: Enhancing the Societal Impact through Gendered Innovations in Research, Development and Business: The aim of the Summit is to introduce compelling research evidence on benefits of addressing gender issues in science and technology to improve quality of research and innovation. It is designed to interconnect all relevant stakeholders to develop strategies on how discussions and technological collaborations on gender diversity can open up opportunities to create new markets for scientific research and innovations. Read more:
Rhodes University takes the first steps toward Curriculum Transformation in higher learning Date Released: Mon, 20 April 2015 10:19 +0200
In the face of a countrywide need for transformation in academic institutions in South Africa, Rhodes University Department of Equity and Institutional Culture along with various concerned students and academics set up a two day conference aimed at exploring the relationship between the higher education curriculum and the geographical and psycho-social place in which it is developed. The conference titled (RE) Making the South African University: Curriculum Development and the problem of place, took place on the 17-18 April 2015. Read more:
University World News - Quality HE via high-speed internet is Africa’s future
Tom P Abeles -17 April 2015 University World News Global Edition Issue 363.
If the goals of the draft declaration and action plan of the African Higher Education Summit are to be achieved, there should be less focus on building traditional universities and more on expanding
high-speed broadband internet that will enable global cutting- edge knowledge to be delivered to students cost-effectively. If the goals of the draft declaration and action plan of the African
Higher Education Summit are to be achieved, there should be less focus on building traditional universities and more on expanding high-speed broadband internet that will enable global
cutting-edge knowledge to be delivered to students cost-effectively. Read more:
Nordic Africa Institute - Legal migration only solution
The only way to stop fatal ship accidents in the Mediterranean is to legalise workforce migration from West Africa to Europe. People will continue to risk their lives to escape poverty, says NAI researcher and migration exptert Jesper Bjarnesen in an analysis. Danish minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Lidegaard gives his support to Bjarnesens proposal on legalising migration in Danish daily Information. Read more:
Need for higher education blueprint
The tertiary study sector needs its own blueprint to drive innovation and complement the new education plan. EDUCATION is key to socio-economic progress. Some countries such as Germany even provide free education up to the highest level.
That explains why the German industry remains competitive in many technology-driven business. WE have also invested heavily in education. However, we still struggle. Lately however, rising costs have emerged as a major concern in higher education. Read more:
a. Find Africa Experts through the Nordic Africa Institute: Read more:
b. NAI - Dammed divinities : the water powers at Bujagali Falls, Uganda
The damming of Bujagali Falls, located only 8 kilometers north of the historic source of the White Nile or the outlet of Lake Victoria, has been seen as one of the most controversial dams in modern times. In 2012, the dam was eventually inaugurated after years of anti-dam opposition and delays. Read more:
URN: urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1922
ISBN: 978-91-7106-768-5
OAI: oai:DiVA.org:nai-1922
DiVA: diva2:799547
a. University of Zambia (UNZA) - MMed Anaesthesia Programme: University of Zambia School of Medicine has established MMed Anaesthesia Programme in response to the national priority of improving the care we give to patients undergoing surgery or who are critically ill.
Anaesthesia specialists worldwide have always been at the forefront in advancing medical science and have become essential to the practice of advanced surgical techniques and intensive care medicine. Read more:
Picture: UNZA - MMed Anaesthesia Programme
b. UNZA Dons Embark on Fuel Production Project
The team is in phase one of their efforts to supplement fuel for cars and other usages from sweet sorghum. Sweet sorghum is an edible crop grown on marginal land and can provide both food and energy in an integrated food and energy system. This crop is grown in different provinces of Zambia and Africa in general as a source for staple food. Read more:
c. UNZA - The Termite Model (Theory)
Two researchers and innovators (Geoffrey K. Tambulukani and Dennis Banda) from the University of Zambia unleash a new model/theory. These innovators indicated that the ‘Termite Model or Theory’ state that “the development, implementation and success of a huge project cannot be entrusted in one hand but requires many stake holders if not all to work together passionately from the planning, implementation and completion of the project”. Read more:
The Research and Internationality of the University of Turku Rated as Excellent in University Ranking.
A European university ranking placed the University of Turku on the highest level in research publications and internationalisation. Read more:
a. Karlstad University (KAU) Centre for Climate and Safety (CCS)
Welcome to the Centre for Climate and Safety, a knowledge center at Karlstad university. We seek to find solutions to the risks connected to extreme weather events such as rainstorms, floods and windstorms - through our research and through cooperative projects. Read more:
b. KAU - CTRIVE - Competence Development for researchers:
The ability to represent oneself and one's research in an attractive and accessible way is often what decides how good one is at attracting funding and partners. With CTRIVE, Karlstad University offers its researchers competence development in this area in workshop form. Read more:
Scientists may have solved the conundrum of why the French can drink wine and eat lots of cheese – and still remain slim and healthy. It appears that cheese is an important piece in this puzzle
Why can the French drink red wine and eat lots of cheese and baguettes and still have a relatively low level of cardiovascular disease? Scientists from Aarhus University have tracked down an answer to this question. The secret appears to be in the cheese. Read more:
b. Aarhus University -Breakthrough for European Nature Management:
Promoting the interests of agriculture and protecting nature are often conflicting agendas. But it doesn’t have to be this way: as the first European experiment with adaptive management of the pink-footed goose shows, government authorities, researchers, hunters, farmers and nature conservation societies can actually work together effectively and flexibly. Read more:
Researchers from Aarhus University have for the first time linked a new protein with malignant melanomas. The protein is detected in aggressive malignant melanoma cells and might be used to predict whether and how the cancer will spread. At the same time, the discovery also opens new doors for future improved treatment of patients with melanomas. Read more:
Malmo University (MAH) - Research at the Faculty of Odontology
The research at the faculty spans through a broad spectrum: from molecular biological studies of oral tissues to wide-ranging studies of oral health in different generations, social classes and international cultures. International collaboration is a common theme, and there is frequent research co-operation across disciplinary boundaries. Read more:
Picture: Research worker at the Faculty of Odontology.
a. Enhancing Nutrition and Food Security through Improved Capacity of Agricultural Higher Education Institutions in East and Southern Africa:
Universities are key players in developing manpower for the agricultural sector, which is the mainstay of all countries in East and Southern Africa. It is therefore important that training programmes should be well designed and dynamic to effectively meet the demands of those who need the services of graduates. Read more:
b. CUT- Responding to ecological disasters about Cyanide poisoning in Hwange National Park
About 103 African elephants (Loxodonta africana), 1 greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), 1 hyena (Crocuta crocuta), African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), unidentified vulture species and other undiscovered animal species perished in a cyanide chemical poaching incident in Hwange National Park (HNP) and Ngamo Forest area. Most of the poisoning occurred in Josivanini management block (located in the south-eastern part of HNP) which is adjacent to Tsholostho communal land. The exact date(s) of poisoning were not established but this occurred sometime in May 2013. Read more:
a. University of Bergen (UIB) - Climate change and social consequences and initiatives
Our academic groups shall contribute both knowledge and insight into general conditions, communication and decision-making processes involving climate and environmental policy at the same time as sustaining a principal perspective of the consequences, adaptations and measures related to climate change. Read more:
Picture: Climate change and social consequences and initiatives
b. UIB Development research
Research related to development is a wide-ranging and complex research field. The Faculty has a long history within this field, and research at the different Departments comprises subjects such as globalisation, poverty, development of democracies, environmental change and resource management. Read more:
Large gains with new chip design for medical devices
Three years ago, the DeSyRe (on-Demand System Reliability) project started with the promise that it would enable extremely reliable medical devices.
Systems-on-a-chip for extremely critical applications would use 28 percent less energy and 48 percent less chip area while offering nine times lower hardware failure rate, if designed with the completely novel Desyre architecture. This would drastically reduce hospital costs and replacement rate of medical devices. Read more:
27–29 April 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania
Pär Svensson (LU), Merle Hodges-McCombrink (CPUT), Cecilia Christersson (Malmo), Eva Akesson (UU), Leolyn Jackson, (SANORD Director)
On 27–29 April 2015 some 160 people from 20 different countries gathered in Arusha, Tanzania for the conference "Learning together for Change – Advancing Education for All through Higher Education." One of the primary aims of the conference was to discuss the inclusion of Higher Education among the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, and based on the outcomes forward recommendations to the UNESCO World Education Forum that took place in Incheon, Korea, 19–22 May 2015. Read more: