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World Class Research Supervision - Student survey results

During the first year of this project, the Graduate School has held various meetings with key stakeholders in which to gather initial views and thoughts about supervision at the College.  As part of this work, the Graduate School organised a student focus group which resulted in the development of the world-class research supervision student survey, which ran from November 2014 until January 2015. 

All Doctoral students at Imperial were invited to complete the survey.

View the student survey results

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) | Now open

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is the only national survey of postgraduate research students’ experience and is your chance to tell us about your experience of being a research postgraduate at Imperial.

Your feedback is important.  The results help us compare how we are doing with other institutions, to make changes that will improve what we do in the future and to keep doing the things that you value. This will help improve your experience and that of students like you.

You will be asked to leave feedback on:

- supervision
- resources
- research community
- progress and assessment
- responsibilities
- research skills and professional development
- opportunities
- overall experience

You should have received an email inviting you to the survey.  Keep an eye out for further emails from the Registry Surveys Team with your unique link to the survey. If you would like to receive your link sooner please email surveys.registrysupport@imperial.ac.uk

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship course - In the Den: Preparing and Delivering a Pitch for Academics - 19 March 2015

Are you interested in creating a start-up or spin-out?  Then at some point you will need to deliver a pitch for business – to investors and/or to potential customers. 

Come along to this course to:

• Learn what you need to think about when preparing your pitch
• Practice preparing and delivering a pitch to your peers
• Hear about the common pitfalls and get top tips from guest speakers that have been on the giving and receiving end of business pitches

Ali Salehi-Reyhani – Imperial Postdoc; Founder of anywhereHPLC; Founder of PerpeTrak

Kelsey Lynn Skinner – Director, Tech Ventures at Imperial Innovations

Find out more information and sign up now via the 'Training' area of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship web site.

Imperial College Advanced Hackspace

Imperial College Advanced Hackspace is a College initiative that gives you the free opportunity to prototype your ideas whatever they might be. As a member you will gain access to various workshops and labs across South Kensington.

Each space is tailored to a different discipline allowing members to create using woodworking to electronics facilities, from 3D printers to BioHacking. Membership (and printing) is free!

We also run talks, community events and competitions throughout the year to allow members to quickly upskill, engage with people from other departments and from the wider community.

Sign up at http://icah.org.uk/becoming-a-member/ and find out more about what we are doing by visiting the website.

Volunteering opportunities for postgraduates at Imperial Hub

Want to inspire the next generation of scientists?

Imperial Hub has a range of volunteering opportunities that would be well-suited to postgrads, with different levels of commitment:

- Join a team of PhD students coordinating a project with the Alumni department and schools to organise inspiring science careers sessions in London schools.
- Volunteer on a fortnightly basis in the Princes Trust centre in Oval to re-engage the young people on their programmes with science. They're particularly looking for support with coding sessions.
- One of their Schools Plus projects is specifically looking for female volunteers to join tutors on a project in Brixton which is aiming to get girls interested in science on a Saturday morning or Tuesday afternoon.
- Finally, they run monthly Coder Dojo afternoons at Imperial and are always looking for volunteers to design and deliver three hour coding sessions for children aged 8 - 12.

To apply, follow the links above or contact hello@imperialhub.org for more information.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Initiative - Social Study and Networking: 23 March 2015

Following on from the group workshop last month, we have booked SALC 2 between 12:30 and 14:30 to be a sociable self-study area, helping you carve out time to make a start on, or continue working through, the Sourcing Funding online course.  Bring along your laptops and lunch, and spend some time on the course in an informal environment in the company of your peers.  Work through at your own pace, chatting and discussing the exercises and any ideas or issues you might have, with the project manager Hayley Cordingley and your colleagues.  Network as much or as little as you’d like – the venue and time is there for you. Tea and coffee will be provided – please sign up using this form for catering purposes.

More upcoming Enterprise and Entrepreneurship initiatives and training

Training - 16 April 2015: “Strategically Marketing your Research: Pitching for Academics” 

Find out more in the 'Training' area of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship website

Initiatives - 14 April 2015: Pitching Practice – for Business Funding

Find out more in the 'Initiatives' area of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Project website

The Digital Academic: Tools and Tips for Research Impact and ECR Employability

Monday 23 March 2015
Coventry, UK

What does it really mean to be ‘a digital academic’? How can you build your online academic profile via social media?  Do hiring committees actually care about your 'digital academic impact'?

To help you identify the must-have technologies and tools for being a modern digital academic and the skills to manage them successfully, jobs.ac.uk and Piirus are hosting an exclusive half-day workshop event.

Find out more and register

NERC School on Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The NERC School on Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce an exciting new course introducing systems innovation in the context of changes to the natural environment.

Working in multidisciplinary teams and with experienced coaches, participants will develop ideas for novel solutions and pitch their proposals to panels of business and policy experts to potentially further advance their work.

Find out more here