Thank you for your participation in the recent survey concerning the Strathfield Housing Strategy, which will help shape the vision for the future of housing in the Strathfield Local Government Area. Some of the key findings from the survey included:
- The most popular responses to factors for choosing where to live were to be near public transport, with private open space including a lawn, and near open space. This feedback will be a key consideration in the assessment of options for accommodating growth in the LGA.
- Most respondents want the character of their neighbourhood to be enhanced and/or maintained. High rise
apartments were a topic covered by many respondents with a generally negative sentiment. Suggestions were varied regarding density, however many respondents noted higher density buildings around the rail stations is preferable.
- Townhouses and duplexes were preferable for downsizers. Low-rise terraces, units and mid-rise mixed use scale were the most preferable for growth.
- Another key take away is the community wants infrastructure that supports new growth to reduce the stress on roads, transport and public services such as garbage collection.
This is just a small snapshot of a large amount of information gathered from the survey that will be used to shape the vision for the future of housing in
Winners of the $50 shopping vouchers have been drawn and notified by mail.
Thank you so much for your continued participation in the Strathfield Community Panel. Your feedback is very useful in assisting the Council in its decision making processes.