![]() February 2021This monthly E-News newsletter shares provincial program information and updates about the Facility Engagement (FE) initiative. As this information will be of interest to MSA support teams, please feel free to forward the newsletter to MSA executives and heath authority (HA) partners. FEMS: New engagement activity - Fall/Winter 2020-21 COVID PlanningDoctors can now submit a claim in FEMS against the new Fall/Winter 2020-21 COVID Planning engagement activity listed in FEMS. As a reminder, here are key details and steps for these claims:
FEMS: Filter to see only pending COVID-19 claimsIn FEMS, the claims summary dashboard shows all claims that are pending review. To exclude COVID planning claims that are pending review, use the filter feature as follows: Step 1: Under “More,” select "Exclude DoBC Managed EAs" Step 2: From the dropdown list, check "Exclude DoBC Managed EAs" For questions, contact FEMS support at femssupport@doctorsofbc.ca. ![]() Webinar: PM Helpdesk Lunch and LearnThank you to the 25 participants who joined the first PM Helpdesk Lunch and Learn webinar. It was wonderful to meet so many MSA Administrators from across the province; the information sharing was invaluable. If you haven’t already, please share your feedback and complete the survey. A recording of the session is available here. Please join us at the next Lunch and Learn webinar scheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd, 12pm – 1pm (link to Zoom). The webinar will discuss:
JCC Funding Support: Doctors who attend BCPSQC’s Quality ForumDoctors practicing in BC can receive funding for registration and sessional time to attend both days of the 2021 Quality Forum, hosted virtually by the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council on February 25 and 26. The forum is an opportunity to share knowledge and advance new ideas to improve care across the province. Plenaries, breakouts, and workshops will bring together patient partners, clinicians, policy and decision makers, senior executive team and board members, quality improvement leaders, researchers, and students. The funding is being offered for up to 350 doctors by the Joint Collaborative Committees – a partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC Government. Limited space left! Register here. When registering, eligible doctors can use code QF21-JCC to waive the fee. For funding inquiries, contact jcc@doctorsofbc.ca, and for event details, visit the Quality Forum 2021 webpage. SEAT: Q1 and Q2 data updatedThank you for submitting your Q1 and Q2 SEAT data. All province-wide data is uploaded to the SEAT database for your perusal. Be sure to check out the database and see what other sites are working on, get ideas and strategize around activities that can be leveraged. Regional UpdatesAs provided by Engagement Partners, the following regional information may be of interest across the province. To contribute or for questions, contact your Engagement Partner. Island HealthQuality Improvement Education Opportunities Doctors are invited to participate in upcoming educational opportunities on quality improvement presented by Island Health. Two-Day Virtual Workshop: Physician Quality Improvement Fundamentals Learn foundational skills, tools and strategies to improve the quality of care from physician experts. Bring your ideas and we will help you take them to the next level! Sessional compensation is available to doctors through Physician Quality Improvement, an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee. Upcoming workshops:
Click here to register and for more information. For questions, contact the Physician Quality Improvement team pqi@viha.ca. ![]() Did you know...? Don’t forget about your pets! Every year, around 9 million people buy their pets a Valentine’s Day gift. Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() engagement@doctorsofbc.ca I www.facilityengagement.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. Want to learn what’s happening in your community? Check out the Divisions Dispatch, an e-newsletter published by the Divisions of Family Practice initiative which is funded by the General Practice Services Committee.