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Lifetime Innovator Award Winner - Zelma Long

Dear friends,

Each year, the Innovator of the Year Award is presented to someone who has a lifetime of innovation in his/her body of work, has fostered innovation among other winemakers and organizations, and has made a positive impact on the wine industry through his/her contributions. This year our consulting winemaker, Zelma Long, has been honored for her passion for research, quality winemaking, and groundbreaking contributions to the wine industry. Please join us in congratulating Zelma on receiving The Lifetime Innovator Award at Innovation + Quality (IQ) 2019. We are thrilled for her and grateful for her partnership.

For more information on this prestigious award, please go to winebusiness.com. To read the complete story, pick up the June 2019 issue of Wine Business Magazine.

If you want great wine, start with great grapes and team up with one of the best winemakers in the business!


Danelle and Mario