What questions could you be asking employers about COVID-19 during your job search? No images? Click here UF CVM Careers September NewsletterWelcome to the first edition of the UF CVM Careers monthly newsletter for the 2020-2021 school year! We encourage you to keep up-to-date by following our Facebook page and watching for emails about dinners, workshops, and more! Student Article: Job Hunting Amid COVID-19 Adapted from dvm360, August 17, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has been a devastating time for the current workforce, but this could very well be the best time for you to start your job hunt. Many practices are hiring and are in desperate need of skilled team members. Before signing the dotted line, it's imperative that you find out how the pandemic has impacted the practice's workplace culture. Here are 10 questions you can ask each practice so that you can make an informed decision:
Take your time and interview with several practices. Use these questions as a tool to compare each practice before joining a new team. Happy searching! Emily Shiver, CVPM, is practice manager at Cleveland Heights Animal Hospital in Lakeland, Florida. Looking Ahead to EventsLearn more by clicking the links and don't forget to RSVP!UF CVM Career Week- Zoom Link in Canvas Calendar & Email AVMA Salary and Benefits Data Lunch and Learn- Zoom Link Here DVM Virtual Career Fair-Online, register now! September 26, 2020| 1:00pm-4:00pm EST| Submit your resume, interview, and network virtually with 200+ employers from across the nation. Externship & Career Opportunities Lunch and Learn - Zoom Link Coming Soon! Highlighted Gator CareerLink Job Postings We have over 110 jobs currently listed on our job widget; below are three of the most recent. Click on the button below to view all current postings. Associate Veterinarian | Full-Time Associate Veterinarian | Full-Time Associate Veterinarian | Full-Time For the full list of all current job postings, please click the link below: UF CVM Careers Facebook Page Interested in staying up to date with career opportunities and other career related information that is accessible to you? Consider following us on our Facebook Page! Check out the three most recent visitor posts below: For requests to receive this newsletter or to include information or events in this newsletter, please contact UF CVM Careers at careers@vetmed.ufl.edu |