Read about Kate's Passion Portrait and find out how to share your own!
Passion Portraits - Kate Meyer

Who Am I?

I was in a relationship and madly in love. Everything was perfect. I had no idea about the curveball life was about to throw at me. My boyfriend, the love of my life, was leading a double life as a doting boyfriend, who had it all together…and a person struggling with a massive heroin addiction. When everything came to the surface and the cat was out of the bag, I was faced with a tough decision. Do I stay or do I run for the hills? 

"My boyfriend, was leading a double life as a doting boyfriend who had it all together... and a person struggling with a massive heroin addiction"

I'm Kate Meyer and I have always had a passion for people. Who they are. Where they have been. What their story is. What their passions are. I have traveled the globe in an attempt to learn about other cultures and gain perspective on all things humanity-related. People and culture fascinate me. I always wanted to find ways to use my talents for something greater than myself. I thought I had to travel to far-off places in order to do that. What I did not know, was that my biggest opportunity to serve would be right here at home.


I Am Not Anonymous

I took the road less traveled. I stayed. He also took the road less traveled and went to a treatment program and is about to celebrate one year sober. When Tom came home from treatment, he knew that he didn’t have to be ashamed of his past and I knew that I didn’t have to feel shame for sticking it out. We decided to be transparent with our experiences. We shared without shame. Quickly, we learned that sharing our story gave others the courage to speak out and share theirs. We found a whole society of people in recovery that felt the same way we did. From there, I Am Not Anonymous was born. The portraits are simple and the messages are all unique in their own way. 


I Am Not Anonymous provides a means of empowerment for people in recovery. People in recovery hold the power to show the world that recovery from addiction is a possible and attainable goal. There is freedom in vulnerability and people are realizing that they don’t have to live in fear that their past will adversely affect their futures. We are here to give people in recovery a voice in a world where society feels they don’t exist or should not exist. Read more of their incredible stories here!


"I feel empowered.
I feel proud, yet humbled."


These “Passion Portraits” have helped me immensely. I feel empowered. I feel proud, yet humbled. This has been the most challenging year of my life, but yet the most rewarding. It has given me an opportunity to help others in a way that I NEVER expected by simply sharing my story and using my photography talents to provide a way for others to share theirs. Sometimes the biggest challenges in life require little solutions.




What's your passion?

Kate combines her gift of photography with her passion for those recovering from addictions to create these moving Passion Portraits. Who are you passionate about? How are you sharing your gift with them? What's your Passion Portrait? 

Have you already shot Passion Portraits? Let us know about it in 2 ways:

  1. Starting today. Simply open PASS to download the new version and be sure to mark your events as Passion Portraits.  Simply click the heart for Passion Portraits when uploading your special event or "right click" on past events.
  2. Share your story here.  Be inspired and inspire others!

Josh Newton - Community

I'm Josh Newton and I’m a professional wedding photographer. I have been lucky enough travel the world doing what I love most. I grew up in Alaska but have been in Santa Barbara for the past 10 years. I love... read more.


Read Josh's full story and meet the rest of the team.


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