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Support your family all through the year with A Gift of the Month!

2015 Calendar

January is a great time to make the resolution to provide ongoing support, encouragement and care to the foster or adoptive family you serve. Resolve to pray for your family daily, check in with them regularly and offer a unique gift of support every month of the coming year! 

Gift of the Month

Use our list or create one that fits the unique needs of the family you support!

January- Send a funny card or email
February- Provide child care for a parents night out
March- Volunteer for a spring cleaning project
April- Plan an Easter Egg Hunt or other family activity
May- Send a note with words of encouragement
June- Organize a pool party or nature walk
July- Take the kids for ice cream
August- Label school supplies
September- Read with one child each week
October- Organize a visit to the pumpkin patch or apple orchard
November- Send a prayer or scripture text
December- Give a family-fun game or DVD

Introducing THE GUIDE!

Introducing THE GUIDE, a resource to help you navigate the journey of foster care and adoption. Whether you are a potential or current foster or adoptive family, want to support a foster or adoptive family or you are involved in foster/adoption ministry, The Guide will connect you to facts, tips and stories from experienced Project 1.27 families and professionals who are also navigating the journey.  

Be sure to review each chapter's Church & Support Team page for tips on how to specifically support a family through each step of the journey.