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Agile DW Design Seminar Now Online

Sign up for this free  innovative and straightforward online seminar and discover how data modelers can successfully communicate with and support the business intelligence requirements of their organization and turn them into high performance dimensional models...

Healthcare Program saves over $5m, meets mandates

a2c Consultant Katherine Markham helped BCBS client achieve ICD-10 coding compliance "far ahead of the curve," and provide $5m in realized cost savings by incorporating an adaptable, scalable, stand-alone Healthcare Transformation Framework into the company's existing systems...

a2c in CIO Review Top 20

Organizations face the challenge of better understanding their internal operations and seamlessly intergrating with vendor partners.  Without sound enterprise data management strategy, these obstacles can become nearly insurmountable.  a2c, headquartered in Philadelphia, is helping its clients meet these challenges by providing an array of services...

Take our survey and enter to win $150.00 Gift Card!

We'd like to know how we can best serve your recruiting needs- please take this 5 minute survey and enter our contest to win a $150 Visa Gift Card; one gift card for each 500 entrants.  Drawing to be awarded on or before 3/321/2014.