No images? Click here Favourite Moon FeaturesCountdown to the First JWST PhotoAstrophotography History Part 1AccessoriesKevin Lurie posted his image of the Gabriela Mistral Nebula to the BINTEL Society Facebook group. 8” RC (Ritchey-Chrétien) telescope and ZWO ASI 2600MM camera. Countdown to the First JWST ImagesThe first full operational deep space images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be released on the 12th July. (USA time) In the lead up to the big JWST reveal we're going to be doing a short series on the history of astrophotography since its beginnings back in the first part of the 1800s. JWST Image via NASA When did we start capturing images with telescopes? Why do we see "more" in astro photographs than we do with our eyes? What's the latest in amateur imaging technology? We'll cover these more and other topics over the coming weeks leading up to the big JWST reveal! Read our first blog article here - BENRO Slim Tripod - $199BINTEL are now stocking an excellent value, but sturdy tripod from Benro. It carries up to 2.5kg and is surprisingly light at 2.5kg itself. We've looked at a lot of tripods over the years and were surprised at its rigidity and smooth movement. Highly recommended. The Benro Slim Tripod features a full tilt and pan head which makes it perfect for mounting binoculars and spotting scopes. Most binoculars can attach to a tripod like the Benro with a low-cost adaptor. You'll find BINTEL's selection here. Benro Slim Tripod at BINTEL carrying a Nikon spotting scope (not included) Spotlight on BINTEL AccessoriesBINTEL carries a lot of telescope accessories, and this continues to expand year after year. Some of our favourites are camera adaptors. These connect your current DSLR or astronomy camera to your telescope. Some of BINTEL's range of camera adaptors and accessories BINTEL can advise on what you'll need to start taking astro photos. Something a lot of folks don't realise is you can use your mobile phone to take astro photos. The cameras in phones are constantly improving and becoming more capable. You'll be surprised at the results you'll get from your telescope and your phone for objects like the Moon. One option is the Celestron NexYZ Smartphone adaptor. It's a strange looking gizmo but quickly positions and holds your phone over your telescope's eyepiece to take a photo. Features on the Moon - Messier CraterThis month's Moon feature is Messier Crater in Mare Fecunditatis or Sea of Fertility. The Mare or Seas on the Lunar surface are darker, smoother areas. Many of them can even be made out just with your eyes and become more obvious in binoculars or even a small telescope. Once thought to be oceans of water, they turned out to be caused by large, ancient meteoroid impacts on the far side of the Moon that triggered massive volcanic eruptions on the side facing us. Messier and Messier A taken with a Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 and Tele Vue 2.5x Powermate and posted by Steven de Lisle to the BINTEL Society Facebook Group The outflows from these volcanoes settled into the fairly smooth regions we see now. Any major crater in a Lunar Mare will have been caused by impacts after they formed meaning they're younger than their surrounds. (Although still ancient, even when compared to the last time Parramatta won the premiership.) The two small craters with bright edges in the Mare in this image are Messier and Messier A. These two elongated craters are thought to have formed by a single meteoroid impact that hit the Moon at a steep angle. It "skipped" after first the first hit and then made a second impact - much like a stone skipping across water. What's your special Lunar feature? We'll have another one next issue, but you can join in the discussion here. A telescope for viewing the Moon (and beyond) $399The Meade Polaris will let you observe the Lunar features we'll be talking about, the giants of the Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn as they come into their best for 2022 over the next few months and countless deep-sky objects. This telescopes includes tripod, eyepieces, Moon map and Moon filter - basically everything you need to get started observing. Eyepiece upgrade for the Meade 127 (as well as Celestron SCT telescopes) $149An ideal eyepiece upgrade for this telescope as well as many others is the BINTEL Premium 5mm. This will provide crisp, high-power views and a good addition to the eyepieces that come with most telescopes. iOptron HEM27 Harmonic Mounts in stockA little while ago we talked about the new iOptron HEM27 Harmonic mounts. Several versions of these are now in stock. iOptron HEM27 Mount These new, modern mounts offer superb tracking with zero backlash. The harmonic drive means a lightweight mount with high carrying capacity. Have a chat to BINTEL for more information. BINTEL's first shipment of iOptron SkyHunter Mounts has landed and are now in the hands of the new owners. We're expecting more of the high-end star tracker mounts in the coming weeks just in time for the best of Milky Way season. Visit the link below if you'd like to know more about these portable Wifi GOTO mounts. iOptron SkyHunter - note: Tripod and extension included - telescope and accessories are not More Fred Watson books in storeAnswers to the *really* important questions! We had Fred pop into BINTEL the other day to say g'day and drop off some more books. In Space Warp, he covers the important questions kids ask -
And more! Fascinating read for ages 10 and up. We also have copies signed by Fred for the first few purchasers Ever wanted to be an astro tour guide?There are two positions for tour guides at Siding Spring in the AAT over the school holidays especially, but also ongoing throughout the year. If you're interested, message BINTEL and we'll pass on your details or contact Dark Sky Traveller directly. Next time....more on astrophotography and unboxing the Vaonis Verspera!