![]() ![]() If you have kids at your place you may have already been reminded that it's only 12 weeks left till Santa comes! With the crazy few months we have just had it doesn’t feel like we are ready to be even thinking about that but Christmas stock like crystals and new salt lamps will be arriving next week. We have the 2022 Astrovision moon calendar in now and next years Gratitude Diary will be here any day. We had mentioned at the start of winter we would be trialing 5pm closing. We have decided to stay with this for now except on a Thursday night where we will be open until 5.30pm. Tuesday mornings I am always here at 8.30am for those who start work earlier than our usual 9am opening time. Saturdays will continue to be 9am to 3pm. At level 2 I am not able to see clients for QRA and have a bit of a backlog from when we were closed. As soon as we don’t have to wear masks I will be working through these appointments. I am taking bookings for acuppressure foot massage in Level 2 and Karen our Homeopath is available for consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are still looking for a Naturopath who would like to use our clinic room on a Wednesday so spread the word if you know anyone. Look foward to seeing you soon. Our Vision
All of the above specials and offers are valid while stocks last. ![]()
![]() The human body has an ideal acid / alkaline balance that helps to maintain good health and immunity. Unfortunately it is becoming more and more common for people to have an imbalance. An imbalance can be caused by a number of factors including illness, trauma, the abundance of processed foods, and even anxiety and stress. Over acidity weakens all systems and organs within the body and can present itself in many different ways. Some acute symptoms that may result from an over acidic environment are candida, chronic fatigue, constipation, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, joint pain, kidney stones, and premature ageing, to name a few. The reason for this is that many illness, diseases and bad bacteria thrive in an acidic environment, meaning you are more likely to be unwell if the body is overly acidic. But don’t fret – there are many things you can do to restore the balance. The first thing to look at would be diet, to begin to restore or maintain balance you want to eat a diet which is high in alkaline producing foods such as fresh vegetables and most fruits, while reducing the intake of acid forming foods, such as processed foods, sugar, gluten, eggs, meat and dairy. You can also take supplements such as Lifestream Super Alkalise powder for additional support. Managing stress levels is another factor to consider as this can greatly impact the acid / alkaline balance. We stock a huge range of supplements in store which supports the body’s response to stress, come and talk to us to see what your options are. Practising yoga and meditation is another great way to calm the nervous system. Breathing deep into the belly activates the parasympathetic nervous system; this means we move from our flight or flight mode into our rest and digest mode; a much better place to be. Something for you to try at home: sit still for a moment, close the eyes and inhale deeply through the nose, allow the breath to travel all the way down into the belly and feel the belly expand, hold a moment and then slowly allow the breath to escape back out the nose as you feel the belly draw in. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed take a moment to breathe deep – five breaths is all it takes to reset and calm the nervous system. If you think you may have an acid / alkaline imbalance remember to look at your diet, breathe deep to manage any stress and pop in store to talk to one of our highly trained staff members to find out what products could be right for you. ![]() New from Be Pure is this fabulous oral probiotic designed to support gastrointestinal and vaginal health. Throughout a woman’s life natural changes occur “down there.” A healthy vagina is self cleaning and having the right microbial balance is a big part of this. ![]() The four strains in the probiotic are clinically researched and are in time release capsules with the Lactobacilli being the specific biome species of the vagina. This combination of probiotics has shown to be effective for those with thrush and bacterial vaginosis. When used alongside and post antibiotic and anti-fungal treatment symptoms were improved and the incidence of recurrence reduced. Queen V may also help correct vaginal pH. This supplement is safe for those pregnant or breastfeeding and may also be taken by children over 6 years of age with consultation with a practitioner. Note, Queen V is not for everyone – those with dairy allergies or any gut issues like IBD, Crohns, etc. need to refer to their practitioner. For further information chat to us in store or go online to our website. ![]() Congratulations to the winner of the September giveaway Jacqui Marcroft who won the NZFos Yacon 30 snap pack! This month one lucky reader will win an amazing family photoshoot from K.E.Photography. To enter the draw all you need to do is reply to this email with your answer to the following question. Why do you want to win a family photoshoot with Kendra? All purchases made in store in October will give you an additional entry into the draw! Photoshoot will take place in Tauranga and will need to be redeemed by the end of 2021. ![]() ![]() Viral infections increase demand for several nutrients particularly Vitamin C & D and Zinc (as well as selenium, vitamins A & B), so the importance of eating well to support your immunity has never been so important as it is right now. When you may not be getting sufficient nutrients from your diet you can add these into your daily regime in a supplemental form. Vitamin C has many benefits including immune support and helping to protect our cells. Foods high in Vitamin C include black currants, citrus fruit, cauliflower, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli, melons, peppers, greens and dandelion. Vitamin D has a number of functions but it is necessary for proper immune function and alleviation of inflammation. As vitamin D is a fat soluable vitamin, dietary forms need to be eaten with fat to optimise absorption. The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Foods high in Vitamin D include fish liver oils, herring, salmon, sardines & shrimp. Some other options are alfalfa, liver, egg yolk, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Zinc is also necessary for the body’s immune system to work to work properly and for the senses of smell and taste. Food sources high in zinc include oysters, meat, wheat germ, spinach, nuts (cashews & almonds), dark chocolate, beans (kidney beans), mushrooms, dairy foods like yoghurt and cheese, alfalfa sprouts, rice bran, seaweed, green peas, pumpkin seeds and tahini. Soaking beans, grains and seeds in water helps to increase zinc bioavailability. A couple of brazil nuts each day will give you your daily selenium and if you eat good amounts of fresh produce that cover all the colours of a rainbow everyday, you’ll be covering a lot of your nutritional needs. If you would like to add supplements we have a large range of Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C to suit all age ranges. Come in today to chat to one of our friendly team or pop onto our website to check out our options. “Let thy food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates (400 BC) ![]() ![]() Visit www.bethlehemhealth.co.nz for more product info or to place an order. |