On policies and inclusive practices Interviews with Snežana Vuković and Tatjana VuçaniImproved communication and greater co-operation in the region is essential for creating a more inclusive education system on the national and regional levels. This is the impression shared by Snežana Vuković, from the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technological Development of Serbia and Tatjana Vuçani, from the Ministry of Education and Sports in Albania.
InsightThe PolicyNet has an overarching role in connecting all the components of the project. It is very important for all the beneficiaries, but for "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” it may be crucial, because of the
inter-connection of all of the components – main stakeholders, policy makers, teachers, schools. Although we are all working closely with each other, we are working in parallel.
Ognen Spasovski, Focal Point for the PolicyNet team in “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”