Latest articles and insights from Club Respect No images? Click here OCTOBER NEWSLETTER 2021Hello friends, AFL and the major sports leagues, including their broadcast commentary, play a huge part in the way we think about the games we love and have a significant influence on the way community sports play out. The issue of respect in sports came to the forefront last month when GWS Giants player Toby Greene made contact with Umpire Matt Stevic. AFL CEO, Gillon McLachlan, was perplexed with the tribunal outcome and the message it would send out to community leagues: "If I'm honest, I find it personally - and I need to be careful - hard to reconcile how it can be intentional conduct that was aggressive, demonstrative and disrespectful ... and then only be 3 weeks." In our latest installment of 'Sport at the crossroads', Patrick Skene argues that "the incident was an unintended litmus test for the AFL – would they stand by their sacred position that umpires are to be protected from any physical abuse?" Umpires brace for abuse, they know it's coming. So what's being done in AFL and the community leagues to combat abuse? Do Umpires feel safe and respected? The outcome of the appeal this week needs to send strong signals to community sports. Respect the Umpire. Regards, CR JOURNALSport at the crossroads - Part 3: Aussie Rules