Vol. 1 Issue 1.                                                                                                Spring 2016


Launch of CIVME

AAVMC’s Task Force on International Engagement and Board of Directors has established a Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME), which will provide a means for communication and collaboration among educators to advance veterinary medical education globally. The Council will be composed of one core and one consultative member from each of seven geographic sectors:   Africa |  Australia/New Zealand | China / South Asia / India | Continental Europe |  Latin America / Caribbean | United Kingdom / Ireland | United States / Canada. The CIVME Charge can be found HERE.



The core & alternate council members were elected to the council for three-year terms and will serve to meet the charge to establish CIVME as set by the AAVMC’s Board of Directors. Click the button to view the full CIVME roster as well as biographies of the members


Calendar of Upcoming Educational Events

Check the CIVME calendar of upcoming educational events.



Feature Regions

The CIVME site will include information about the feature regions highlighting the regional regulators, schools and veterinary associations, veterinary education conferences, and continuing education opportunities. Check back often as we update our site!

Websites of Interest

CIVME will be establishing a database of websites of interest to the international community. To view the current list, please click on the button below. If you would like to suggest a wesbite, please email us at the following email: civme@aavmc.org