The quarterly newsletter of Princeton AlumniCorps | Spring 2024 No images? Click here The quarterly newsletter of Princeton AlumniCorps | Spring 2024 Greetings and Happy Spring! I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather. From my office window, I can see our beautiful Founders Garden all abloom and this year we even have bunnies visiting. With excitement, we share all the happenings around the AlumniCorps community, including our upcoming Fellowship, Leadership and You Open House on Thursday, May 23, 2024. If you are in town for reunions or simply in the area, please join us. There will be food, beverages, music and lots of networking. With great pride, we wish our FY24 Project 55 Fellows and Emerging Leaders cohort participants all the very best as they wrap up a year of civic engagement learning and development. And great enthusiasm, we welcome our FY25 Fellows and Emerging Leader cohorts. As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of civic engagement and leadership training, we remain steadfast in our commitment to building a more just, equitable and sustainable society. Thank you for being a part of the AlumniCorps community and for your belief in the work we do. Your support and the growth and development of young civic professionals are what drives us in the work we do every day. In community, Kimme Carlos Executive Director Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor as well as Project 55 alum and AlumniCorps board member Bill Jordan '95, any new or increased gifts from Project 55 or Emerging Leaders alumni will be matched up to $30,000! If you did not donate last fiscal year, any donation you make today will be eligible for the Alumni Donor Match Challenge. For those who contributed in the last fiscal year (from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023), we invite you to donate just one additional dollar this year compared to last year, and your total giving amount will be matched! Ways to Support:
Ralph Nader '55 New Book ReleaseCivic Self-Respect, written by AlumniCorps Co-Founder, Ralph Nader '55 delves into the foundational elements of a thriving democracy, focusing on the vital roles individuals play in shaping and sustaining their communities. Highlighting roles such as citizen, voter, worker, taxpayer, consumer, and parent, Nader emphasizes how these roles contribute to the vitality of civic life and individual significance within society. Nader's perspectives are founded on personal anecdotes, such as his mother's commitment to nurturing her children while actively participating in community endeavors, illustrating the interconnectedness between family and community. At the heart of Nader's thesis lies the call for educational institutions to teach not only technical expertise but also the principles of civic duty. He asserts that fostering a mindset geared towards public welfare is paramount for comprehending global complexities and molding civil societies. You can purchase the book here and learn more at Will you be in town for Reunions 2024? Join us for AlumniCorps’ 1st Annual Fellowship, Leadership and You Open House from 3:00 - 6:00 pm on Thursday, May 23rd. Come visit with AlumniCorps Board and Staff, hear from our Project 55 Fellowship and Emerging Leaders alum and learn about exciting new AlumniCorps initiatives. Our Founders Garden will also be in full bloom with all the colors of Spring. We look forward to re-connecting with you over hors d'oeuvres and beverages in May! Project 55 Fellowship ProgramThe 23-24 Project 55 Fellowship is entering its last quarter of the fiscal year. This year, we continued to implement a holistic, year-long curriculum to foster and connect Fellows to leaders in our network committed to advancing social change. The structure of the curriculum provided opportunities for engagement between current Fellows nationally. Our Fellows have been supported through one-on-one mentoring, community building opportunities, career exploration, and service reflections organized by Princeton AlumniCorps volunteers and mentors. The most recent national Seminar was held in March and explored tools for financial sustainability and planning beyond the fellowship year. Fellows are are in the midst of post-fellowship planning, applying to advanced degree programs, transitioning to new jobs, or remaining at their current organizations. Thank you to our Board Treasurer, Scott Taylor ‘75, for serving as our guest speaker, and thank you to our Director of Programs and Strategy, Tim Schmidt, for moderating the conversation. As we prepare to close out this year with our final seminar in June, our team looks forward to collecting program evaluations that will capture the robust experience of Fellows and inform the continued evolution of the program. New and returning fellows will join us for Orientation at the end of May, and the 2024-25 cohort will officially launch in June! Our team continues to appreciate and express gratitude for our Project 55 guest speakers, Area Committee Members, and Mentors, who play critical roles in promoting a positive and enriching experience for fellows! Emerging Leaders ProgramAfter eight months of unwavering dedication, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of growth, our 2023-2024 Emerging Leaders, NYC, have successfully graduated! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our newest Emerging Leaders Alumni for their exceptional initiative and exemplary leadership demonstrated throughout these transformative months. If you’re an alum of the Emerging Leaders program, we invite you to join our Emerging Leaders Alumni Network group on LinkedIn! Our Emerging Leaders 2023 - 2024 cohort graduates at their closing ceremony. In March, we welcomed a new cohort of Emerging Leaders, brought to us through a strategic partnership with the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and the Central Jersey Family Health Consortium (CJFHC). These 15 professionals bring a wealth of experience in public health, and their journey will be closely guided by our specialized Emerging Leaders curriculum, designed to meet their leadership needs and goals. Our team continues to seek aspiring mid-career professionals for our 2024 - 2025 Emerging Leaders NYC cohort. If you are or know someone in the nonprofit or social impact sector seeking leadership development opportunities, we encourage you to apply! Charles F. Mapes Jr ‘55 Doris K. Mapes Myriam Johnson November 26, 1932 - April 30, 2024 November 27, 1936 - February 23, 2024 January 6, 1979 – April 25, 2024 Princeton AlumniCorps mourns the loss of people who have contributed their time, talent, and treasure to the organization over the past thirty years. We share the obituaries of volunteers and supporters to celebrate their dedication to civic engagement. Princeton AlumniCorps supporters can read classmate memorials and timely class news on the class website. For any additional questions regarding joining the Sustainers Circle or making a gift, please contact the Development team at |