Our 2016 Annual Report

"We have seen a significant growth and shift in the philanthropic sector over the past few years towards increased engagement, increased collaboration, as evidenced by the increase in co-funding opportunities, and increased measurement of impact." - Sarah Davies, CEO. More >

Collaborating for impact

If we understand the merits of collaboration, and the strength of partnerships in collective impact, what infrastructure and skills need to be in place to allow it to thrive? More >

What we're reading

This week, we're reading the recently published New Zealand Cause Report - Shape of the Charity Sector by John McLeod (JBWere), and The Top 10 mistakes of the Australian non-profit Investor and how to avoid them by David Knowles (Koda Capital). More >

Grant rounds open

🔒Premium The Philanthropy Australia membership has access to the latest grant round openings, including the inaugural grant round of Australia’s first giving circle funding in the area of diverse sexuality, sex and gender. Applications are also open for a $100,000 social innovation award, and an Australian bank's $1.2 million grants program. More >

Sector vacancies

Development Associate, University of Sydney (NSW)
Executive Assistant / Office Manager, Social Ventures Australia (NSW)
Philanthropy Coordinator, Inner North Community Foundation (VIC)
More vacancies | Share a vacancy >

Sector events

Full calendar | Share a sector event  >


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