EEA Nwwsletter
Issue 2018/1, 15 March 2018
pict Your quarterly update on Europe's environment
pict Editorial | Interview | Indicators & data | EEA news | In the spotlight | Upcoming events



Europe’s environment: the power of data and knowledge

"Europe collects increasingly more data, enhancing our understanding of the environment. Earth observation data obtained through the European Union’s Copernicus programme presents new challenges and opportunities to improve our environmental knowledge. Combining up-to-date Copernicus data with our existing knowledge base, the European Environment Agency aims to empower policy makers and citizens across Europe in taking measures to address local, national and global challenges."

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director

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Aviation and shipping emissions in focus

"Aviation activities put a number of negative pressures on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, air pollutants, noise pollution... And within the EU greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation have more than doubled since 1990. Shipping activities also lead to significant emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, noise and water pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions from global shipping could be 17% of all carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 if no further action is taken."

Interview with Anke Lükewille on emissions from two growing transport sector, namely aviation and shipping, and EEA's work in this area.  

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  Indicators & data  


Biodiversity-Ecosystems: Data on EUNIS habitat classification.



Climate change: EEA indicators on atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and on economic losses from climate-related extremes



Industry: EEA indicator on industrial pollution in Europe. 



Land use: Interactive map on fragmentation pressure of urban and transport infrastructure expansion.



Water: EEA interactive map and indicator on urban waste water treatment, and indicator on water intensity of crop production

  EEA news  


Achieving a sustainable, low-carbon future will be a huge challenge for European society

Shifting to an environmentally sustainable society will bring huge challenges for Europe, involving fundamental changes in how it meets its demand for necessities such as food, energy, transport and housing. Diverse academic and policy communities are confronting these challenges, according to a European Environment Agency report, which brings together insights from different perspectives as to how such a complex transition could be achieved. Read more




Europe’s transport sector: Aviation and shipping face big challenges in reducing environmental impacts

A massive shift in innovation, consumer behaviour and the take up of more ambitious green technologies to power aircraft and sea-faring cargo ships will be crucial to reducing their long-term carbon footprint. A European Environment Agency report says incremental measures such as improving fuel efficiency to cut emissions will not be enough for the aviation and shipping sectors to meet European greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability targets. Read more




Car and van manufacturers meet CO2 emission targets for 2016

All car and van manufacturers met their carbon dioxide (CO2) specific emission targets in 2016, based on current European vehicle test rules, but they will need to continue their efforts to meet future agreed-to cuts. These are the findings of the latest report tracking progress on CO2 emission targets for new passenger cars and vans published by the European Environment Agency. Read more




Renewables accounted for vast majority of new EU power capacity in 2016

Transition to renewable energy continues in the European Union but has lost some pace in the past two years. According to new EEA estimates, renewables accounted for 86 % of the EU’s new capacity for electricity generation installed in 2016. Overall, EU Member States also continue to cut more capacity from conventional sources than they install. Read more


  In the spotlight: I LIVE GREEN  


Video competition: Share your green actions

How did you get to work or school today? By car, bicycle or public transport? Every day we make decisions that can impact the environment. Some of our daily decisions are conscious efforts to live in a cleaner and healthier environment. Our video competition is open for submissions until 31 March 2018. Share videos of your green actions and inspire others. Read more


  Upcoming events  


22 March 2018 -- FB live session - Ask an EEA Expert - Water

Water is a vital resource - How safe and clean are Europe's rivers, lakes and groundwater? How can nature help to protect our water? Share your comments and questions - join our Facebook live discussion on World Water Day! Read more



21-25 May 2018 -- EU Green Week, Brussels & across Europe

Green Week 2018 will explore ways in which the EU is helping cities to become better places to live and work. It will showcase policy developments on air quality, noise, nature and biodiversity, waste and water management. Read more



June-July 2018 -- EEAcademy Summer School events

The European Environment Agency will be contribute to two events in coming months on Blue Growth and the Precautionary Principle in Sustainability Transitions. Please see relevant links for the programme and the registration information.

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