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CAFE's Daily Newsletter February 19, 2016
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Happy Friday. Today we celebrate Prevent Plagiarism Day by putting ironic “air quotes” around everything we say.

(Credit: Getty Images)

AS SOON AS POPE FRANCIS ANNOUNCED that he would visit the Mexican-American border, Donald Trump began saying the leader of the Catholic Church had been captured by what the billion-dollar baby considers the source of all evil on earth – THE MEXICANS.


“I THINK MEXICO GOT HIM TO DO IT,” Trump said, “because Mexico wants to keep the border just the way it is because they’re making a fortune and we’re losing.”


THIS SORT OF NONSENSE has powered Trump’s rise based on a simple premise: While the border is more secure than it has been in decades, older white men are more insecure than ever.

AT A CNN TOWN HALL THURSDAY NIGHT, Trump was more conciliatory after someone explained to him that there are states where Catholics can vote.

(Credit: Getty Images)

JUST DAYS AFTER A POLL SHOWED HIM LOSING in 10 of 12 Super Tuesday states, a new one released Thursday evening showed Bernie Sanders actually pulling ahead of Hillary Clinton nationally among Democrats for the first time.


CATCH: IT WAS A FOX NEWS POLL, so adjust your assessment accordingly. But, either way, it signals that Democratic voters have a real contest – which explains why the candidates are fighting over issues like President Obama's legacy, race and gender.


ON THURSDAY, DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST CANDIDATE Sanders defended his surrogate/rapper/weed carrier Killer Mike, who quoted a young feminist who said “having a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president.”


IF YOU EVER NEED A REMINDER how awesome this election is, re-read the beginning of that sentence.

(Credit: iStock)

THIS WEEK AN AMAZING DISCOVERY OCCURRED: there’s a right that conservatives don’t think corporations should have.


THE FBI SAID APPLE SHOULD BE FORCED to write spyware that cracks its iPhone’s encryption, and a federal judge – along with most of the American security establishment, including leading Republicans and Democrats – agreed.


APPARENTLY, THE REASONING IS that if Apple doesn’t help the government crack the phone of one of the San Bernardino killers, ISIS has won and all across the United States of the Caliphate the newly converted will be giving each other Sharia law books for Christmas.

Jeb's Lecture on Leadership Rouses the Crowd

NO, MITCH MCCONNELL DID NOT SAY HE’LL ONLY CONSIDER a white, conservative, Christian male for the Supreme Court. He basically said he wouldn’t even consider a white, conservative, Christian male if Obama nominated him.

DISRUPT BOREDOMThis new app rents out friends to people who are feeling lonely and need someone to sit next to them as they play on their phones.

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