![]() Welcome to the FE E-News!Hello! This E-News consolidates provincial program information and updates about the Specialist Services Committee (SSC) and Facility Engagement (FE) initiative with details and actions for MSA support teams. This is the first edition, so please let us know if it is helpful by completing this survey. This communication is distributed monthly and only to Medical Staff Association (MSA) support teams. Should your MSA executives or Health Authority (HA) partners like to receive this communication, please feel free to forward it. If you have any questions, please contact your Engagement Partner for more details. Have a great month! The Annual Health Authority Engagement Survey is on!ACTION: Please encourage your physician members to provide their feedback to the 5th annual Survey by Wed, October 14. The survey seeks physician member input on engagement and interactions within the health authorities. MSAs and Divisions should be aware of the survey and encourage physician members to participate to assess the impact of HA collaboration efforts, and measure change year over year. The survey opened Monday, September 14, and closes Wednesday, October 14. If any of your physicians did not receive the Sept. 14 e-mail invitation, please contact surveys@doctorsofbc.ca. SEAT Submissions & Easier DownloadsACTION: Upcoming SEAT Deadline is October 15, 2020. Reminder that the next SEAT submission deadline is October 15, 2020. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact seatsupport@doctorsofbc.ca or your Engagement Partner. New to the SEAT Database: You can now easily download your search results data into a CSV/Excel file by clicking ‘Download Data.’ Downloads will show the engagement activity health authority, MSA name, activity title, activity type, and activity summary. FE Financial Reporting: Deadlines and UpdatesACTION: Next financial reporting deadline: October 31, 2020. MSA physician societies are required to reconcile their financials quarterly to ensure accurate financial reporting and budgeting. This also provides the FE program with accurate information on program spending. Facility Engagement requests that all Physician Societies provide the following documents to engagement@doctorsofbc.ca within 30-days of the end of each quarter.
*If you are using QuickBooks, the external financial system report is called the Profit and Loss Report and for Sage users it is called the Balanced Income Statement.
If you are unable to meet the deadline or require further support, please contact your Engagement Partner. SRRP: What's coming?The Site Review & Reporting Process (SRRP) is an annual check-in with MSAs, HAs, and the SSC Facility Engagement Working Group (SSC FEWG) to review progress made in support of the FE Initiative outcomes. Fully-funded MSAs participate in the SRRP annually. HA partners are also strongly encouraged to participate. In a few weeks, eligible MSAs will receive a comprehensive email with instructions and templates to complete the 2020-21 SRRP. Any questions can be directed to your Engagement Partner. Provincial Evaluation: What's happening?The Facility Engagement province-wide evaluation survey closed on September 1st. We had a total of 1,097 individuals (including physicians and health authority leaders) respond to the survey. Thank you to everyone who helped to distribute the survey within their sites and networks! Below is the final breakdown of number of survey responses by health authorities: In the new year, we will communicate the process for accessing site level survey data. Interim report that will include an analysis of evaluation findings will be released early next year. For more information about the FE Provincial Evaluation, click here for the overview document. Physician Funding Claims for COVID-19 Extraordinary WorkThank you to all support team members for providing your MOH physician claim details. The payments have been made to physicians within FEMS. Please let us know if you have any additional questions regarding this completed process at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca New engagement partners to support youWe welcome three new Engagement Partners to our team to support MSAs in Facility Engagement as well as Divisions of Family Practice.
FEMS TipsThe Unclaimed Funds notification tells you when a VersaPay transaction has not been completed within a week. In the payment request status, you will see one of the two messages below with the reason for the message. Status and Reason o Wait For Claim - FEMS can not find an account in VersaPay with this email address o Wait For Bank Account Verification - The bank account attached to the VersaPay account has not been verified. Please contact the member to either create their account or complete the bank verification. For any assistance, please email femssupport@doctorsofbc.ca You can also visit our website for helpful step guides, including the VersaPay set up guide. ![]() Did you know...? Every year, the Netherlands sends Canada 20,000 tulip bulbs. Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]()
Contact: engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. www.facilityengagement.ca Want to see what’s going on in your community? Check out Divisions Dispatch |