WELCOME Dear CSL community - Please take a moment to check out all of the events happening at CSL this term. For instructors, please consider Dr Patti Clayton's workshop, one of the best scholars on community engaged learning in North America. For students, come and give us your opinions on what CSL should be teaching. Community partners, join our table top discussion on UAlberta community engagement and CSL learning goals. All the best, Dr. David Peacock, CSL Executive Director DATES MAR 1: Pathways Application Due MAR 15: Spring/Summer Intentions Due APR 15: NPBI Application Due (students) APR 18: Student Completion Forms Due EVENTS MAR 22: Student Seminar APR 8: NPBI Graduation APR 12: CSLebration MAY 2: Patti Clayton CSL Workshop MAY 17: Community Engagement Table Top Discussion NEWS Pathways: MARCH 1 Pathways allows UAlberta ARTS students to experience and reflect on a rich and varied set of experiences with Edmonton community organizations. Pathways is a journey through the non-profit sector composed of three integrated parts including: Front line volunteer work; Governance processes; Project-based work; Paid work experiences.
*Please note applications from both students and community organizations will be accepted until Monday, March 3rd, at 9AM. Student Seminar: MARCH 22 We would like to hear from CSL students as we begin our Curriculum Review. We are looking at our CSL Learning Outcomes, and want your input on: 1) What knowledges are important for a CSL student to acquire as they earn their Certificate? Join us for discussion and FREE pizza, 12-1PM, Arts & Convocation Hall, room #309B Non-Profit Board Internship Graduation: APRIL 8 Over the past year, 26 community-engaged interns—under the expert guidance of 26 community mentors—have successfully completed an intensive internship wherein they have both learned and practiced the variety of skills involved in serving on the board of community-based non-profit organizations. After a short formal program, interns will showcase their projects. City Room, City Hall, 5:30-7PM CSLebration: APRIL 12 Save the date for our annual CSLebration! Community Service-Learning invites all students, instructors, community partners and supporters who make CSL successful to our annual event celebrating highlights of the past year. Please join us!
*Students - if you would like to submit a CSL project to be displayed at the event please contact CSL Student Intern, Campion. Patti Clayton CSL Workshop: MAY 2 A special workshop co-hosted by CTL and CSLYou are invited to a special CSL workshop held during the CTL Festival of Teaching. Internationally renowned CSL and community engaged scholar, Dr. Patti Clayton will be our facilitator in a session titled Designing the Integration of Critical Reflection and Assessment within Community Service-Learning courses. Dr. Clayton co-developed the DEAL Model of Critical Reflection, the SOFAR-CIP partnership model, the TRES protocol for assessing partnership quality, the DPI model for institutional transformation, emerging work on Democratically Engaged Assessment. She was co-editor with Bringle and Hatcher of the 2-volume set Research on Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Assessment and co-authored the Democratic Engagement White Paper with Saltmarsh and Hartley. She has co-authored over 50 book chapters and articles. Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:30AM-2:40PM (lunch from 12:20PM - 1:30PM) Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) Lower Level L1-220 Click HERE for more details and registration Community Engagement Table Top Discussion: MAY 17 The University of Alberta is constructing its community engagement strategy and Government and Community relations staff want to hear your ideas about future engagement opportunities. How can UAlberta best connect with the not-for-profit sector? Join us for a conversation about: CSL Student Learning - How might CSL best prepare students for future careers with not-for-profit organizations? Friday, May 17, 2019, 10AM-3PM Skills Society Action Lab (10408 – 124 Street) 10AM-12PM Table Top Discussion 12-1PM Lunch 1-3PM CSL Learning Outcomes discussion Contact Lynn for more details |