Laravel LTS - Vol 1 Issue 51
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Laravel Announces LTS

Laravel has just announced that version 5.1 will be the first release to offer long time support.

Here is what Taylor had to say about why now is the right time to start offering this:

The last Symfony LTS release was Symfony 2.3 in June of 2013. Two years ago Laravel was not nearly the size it is today. It wasn’t really clear that Laravel would become as widely adopted as it has, thus the need for an LTS release wasn’t as obvious. It is now used by many more very large corporations.

Since Symfony 2.7 will be the next LTS release in May / June of this year, this is the first real opportunity to get on board with LTS releases in a few years, since we would not want do an LTS release without the underlying HttpFoundation component also having the same LTS support.

It hasn’t been announced yet if this will carry the same life cycle as Symfony which releases an LTS version every two years. Then each LTS version is supported for a three year period for bug fixes, and for a four year period for security issue fixes.

I’m sure more details will be announced soon and this is great for companies investing in Laravel and the future of the framework.


Sponsor: Webdesigner News is a curated list of stories for designers, developers, and people in the tech community. 

It's a great way of catching up on all the latest articles from the industry in a quick consumable format.  In fact I've been visiting the site every morning to find articles I haven't seen. 


Tip of the week

Sometimes when dealing with an advanced query you want to see the actual SQL being generating. You can have this information printed out by calling ->toSql() and then dumping out the result with dd(). If you need something more advanced check out the debugbar package.


Hello World, I am Laravel 5

Christoph Rumpel has a new post with an introduction to Laravel 5


Laravel Podcast Episode 26

In this episode, the crew discusses the recent release of Lumen, defining what micro-services really is, Laravel 5.1 event broadcasting, and their favorite cars.


New Goodies in Laravel 5.1

I originally wrote this post back in February and have been updating it with each new announcement. So far a total of 8 new features has been announced. 


Even More New Posts

Aimeos – Laravel Ecommerce Package
Aimeos is a Laravel package that contains everything you need to create your new web shop including product catalogs, baskets, checkout, payment, order management, and e-mails. 

Transition Forge Deployments to Envoyer
Taylor has a new video out showing a new feature in Laravel Forge that allows you transition your projects to zero downtime Envoyer deployments as easily as possible. Related

Laravel 5 Hashids
Laravel 5 Hashids is a wrapper to the Hashids project. Hashids is a small open-source library that generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers. It converts numbers like 347 into strings like “yr8”, or array of numbers like [27, 986] into “3kTMd”. You can also decode those ids back.

Why DreamFactory chose Laravel
Over on the DreamFactory blog they have a new post sharing some of the reasons they chose Laravel for their 2.0 release. The three areas they focus on is popularity, community, and flexibility. 



Get Hired


Below is a list of all the new LaraJobs this week. Place a job today to be featured in next weeks issue.


10 Lessons from 4 Years Working Remotely at Automattic
Emoticons are important, so is what the word "heh" implies.

Why can’t we read anymore?
Distractions mostly, but the author lists a few good tips that got them back to reading.

A Checklist for Content Work
All about that content.

Sublime Text Evernote Package
For all those who love keeping notes in Evernote, but love markdown. Also, check out issue 35 for how I use Evernote for going paper free. 

I've heard on multiple occasions this week how fantastic Audible is for consuming books. 

Hulu to stream Seinfeld
Serenity now! 

Full Stack Radio #15
Adam talks to Konstantin Kudryashov, creator of Behat, about the schools of TDD, how to use test doubles effectively, and common challenges people face when trying to learn TDD.


Have a fantastic week and don't forget, next Sunday is Mothers day in the USA.

If you want to get in touch with me just hit reply or ping me on twitter @ericlbarnes