No images? Click here ![]() SLDL May NewsletterThe SLDL office hopes to engage students, faculty, and staff in ways All Students![]() Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage MonthAsian American and Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month (APIDAHM), observed annually in May, celebrates and pays tribute to the contributions that generations of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi Americans have made to American history, society and culture. Any students of Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi ancestry who are interested in participating in a podcast with the Office of Student Life, Diversity, & Leadership are encouraged to sign up. The podcast will be shared with the larger CGU community. ![]() Call for IGNITE MentorsIGNITE: CGU Student Mentorship supports the successful transition of first-year students of historically marginalized communities by pairing them with a continuing CGU student. Current CGU students are able to apply to be an IGNITE Mentor. CGU's 95th Commencement CeremonySaturday, May 14th | 9 AM at Mudd Quadrangle Great news! Claremont Graduate University is happy to announce CGU’s 95th annual commencement ceremony plans. The celebration will be a tremendous on-the-ground event. In addition to honoring graduates from our current class, we are inviting graduates from the past two academic years to join in donning their regalia and walking across the commencement stage. The CGU ceremony will be simulcast in Albrecht Auditorium & livestreamed online. ![]() Quakes GameThursday, May 26th | 6:30 PM You made it through the end of the semester! Now it's time to recharge and do something fun. Join SLDL for a night at the Quakes Stadium in Rancho Cucamonga. Go Quakes! ![]() Memorial DayMonday, May 30th Memorial Day in the United States is a federal holiday that honors military veterans who died in wars fought by US forces. It is customary for families to visit the gravesides of their loved ones on Memorial Day. Many volunteers place American flags on graves of military personnel in national cemeteries. A somber day, it gives Americans the chance to reflect and remember the millions who sacrificed their lives to keep us safe. International Students![]() Club Spotlight: International Student Organization (ISO)Hello! We are a new organization, and by using the QR code to the left, we will be able to create a listserv and begin organizing. This is a great way to meet other international students and stay in-the-know about fun events happening on campus and around Claremont! We are looking forward to getting to know all of you! ![]() International Dazzle - CGU International Panel and MixerThursday, May 12 | 4 PM - 7 PM Alums and current students across disciplines are invited to attend panel discussions with int'l alums across various disciplines. Learn more from international students who have been where you are now! Then, join in for a social mixer and celebrate the end of a great year at CGU. ![]() Optional Practical Training WorkshopTuesday, May 24 | 12 PM SLDL will host an Optional Practical Training (OPT) workshop, open to all current F-1 students, especially those who are planning to apply for OPT during the current or upcoming semester. During the session, we will cover information on what OPT is, and the application process including eligibility rules, timeline and required documents for submission. TCCS Events![]() Commencement Events 2022