April 2020 Newsletter- Updates Beginning Hebrew Reading Class You've always wanted to be able to read the authentic language of the Torah, right? So, now it is a good opportunity to do so, guided by Rabbi Yossi. We will offer this 30 minute class via Zoom, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, beginning on Monday, April 13 at 11:00 am. We will provide the learning materials to you via email and classes will be held on Zoom. Be there and be amazed at how quickly you will be able to read Hebrew! To join the class and get the materials via email, send a note to: aashapiro56@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PASSOVER Why is this night different from all others? "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" -- This situation is challenging us to live as though we too must be brought out from a narrow place and we will actually be sheltering from the plague in our homes as we celebrate Pesah this year. Our Community Seder will be very different this year-- we'll all make our own meals and join Rabbi Yossi via Zoom to share in the ritual of the Passover Seder. The Haggadah we will be using is available via email and we'll be logging on at 5:30 pm on April 9th. Anyone who needs a box of matzah and/or some grape juice delivered-- parsley, horseradish, etc...-- just let us know. Congregation Shalom Bayit is inviting you to a Passover Community Seder via Zoom Time: Apr 9, 2020 05:30 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/889590612 Meeting ID: 889 590 612 One tap mobile Email aashapiro56@gmail.com to get a copy of the Haggadah emailed to you. Also, there is a live-stream seder on the First Night in Portland and other locations: Gesher Virtual Passover Seder on Wednesday, April 8 at 5:30 pm. More information at www.ourjewishhome.org. RSVP to gesher@comcast.net _______________________________________________________________ More Zoom Gatherings Torah Study April 4, 2020 at 11:00 am and April 18th at 11:00 am https://zoom.us/j/993345556?pwd=dUIybGtMaytiejZTTXlCWHcrdDlHZz09 Meeting ID: 993 345 556 Password: 020417 Havdallah and Pirkey Avot w/ Rabbi Yossi https://zoom.us/j/6896447988 Meeting ID: 689 644 7988 One tap mobile Passover Hol Ha-Moed The Hallel will be sung and samples from the Song of Songs and Torah will be read. JCCO Board Meeting on Apr 14, 2020 05:00 PM https://zoom.us/j/215734984 Meeting ID: 215 734 984 One tap mobile Holocaust Rememberance Day- Shoah on Apr 20, 2020 07:00 PM https://zoom.us/j/543983504?pwd=eU5lTTUwM05iT2l2SGNFZGlyRG5nQT09 Meeting ID: 543 983 504 One tap mobile Torah Service - Tazri'a-Metsora and Yom Haatzmaut Rabbi Yossi will lead an abridged Torah Service and a celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut-- Israel's Independence Day. ***************************************************************************************** Talmudic Gleanings - April 30, 9:00 am - 10:30 am Join Rabbi Yossi to a discussion of the Talmud and other stories with friends-- Hopefully we will again be at the Starbucks on Reed Ln and Business 97. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDITOR’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, We want to hear from you; the newsletter would love to post your ideas, simchas, announcements, refuah shlemas, etc. Please send your newsletter submissions to me by the 20th of each month. You may email me at aashapiro56@gmail.com. Your submissions are welcome for consideration; some topics may be submitted to the Board for approval. Additionally, please reach out to me or someone if you need assistance, support or just someone to talk to... may this plauge pass-over us soon! Stay healthy and safe, VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We currently have an opening on the JCCO Board for Treasurer. Steven Foster-Wexler has graciously served us for many years; thank you, Steven. He is willing to remain as financial administrator until we find a replacement. Questions can be directed to Ron Schutz at president@jccobend.com.