eNewsletter - August 2021 - Gold Coast Multicultural Updates No images? Click here Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast NewsletterIN THIS EDITION OF OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER: * International Cafes* *Multicultural Queensland Month* *New MCCGC Office & Staff* *COVID-19 Updates* *Spotlight on our Community* *Census Information* *Members of the Month* And more! ![]() Celebrate with us this August!We may be in lockdown, but we can still celebrate Multicultural Queensland Month and appreciate the diversity of our wonderful Gold Coast community. We may not be able to travel or dine out... but we can take away delicious international meals! Come on a journey around the world with us this August to try some new foods and support local restaurants. We're partnering with some of your favourite dining spots to showcase flavours from around the globe. Make sure you're following us on Facebook and Instagram to hear their amazing stories and find out about some great deals! This Multicultural Queensland Month (MQM) MCCGC wants to acknowledge the role that everyone plays in contributing to Queensland’s culture and prosperity. This year, the Department of Multicultural Affairs has named this MQM theme 'Inclusion in action'. So, for MQM we encourage you to do one or more of the following actions to celebrate cultural diversity in Queensland! Get Involved: Get social – share something on your social media channels to show your support for #MQM21 and to celebrate Queensland's cultural diversity - and make sure to tag @MCCGC! Join a free webinar – join one of the free MATE program webinars being offered as part of MQM 2021 activities. The webinars will explore topics such as racism prevention, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and gender-based violence. Host a dinner – sharing a dinner with people of all cultural backgrounds enables people to not only share food, but also their stories in a space of love and respect so they feel valued and heard. Hold a morning or afternoon tea – facilitate a morning or afternoon tea at your workplace during the month to raise awareness among staff about the benefits of diversity within your workplace. You may even like to refer to the Multicultural Queensland Charter principles. Trivia night – host a trivia night and include questions about Queensland's diversity. Teach, learn or share – there are many benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace. SBS have a range of resources to help your organisation address stereotypes, identify unconscious bias and more. Racism. It Stops With Me campaign. This national campaign provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and stand against it by acting for positive change. Expand your knowledge: Learn about Queensland's diversity – by using Search Diversity Queensland. This interactive tool can help us to understand who we are as Queenslanders and harness the remarkable benefits cultural diversity offers. Connect -understand how to communicate with diverse communities by learning some tips for communication with people from cultures different to your own. Learn about a culture – learn about other cultures by checking out the SBS Cultural Atlas. The Cultural Atlas provides information on the cultural background of Australia's migrant populations and aims to improve social cohesion and promote inclusion in an increasingly culturally diverse society. Learn a language -there are many reasons to learn a new language; it breaks down barriers that will help connect and bring you closer to different cultures. Become culturally aware -understand cultures other than your own and be aware that cultural differences and similarities exist. Speak inclusively – try to always use inclusive, non-discriminatory language. Speaking inclusively is about communicating in a way that is accessible and respectful, and includes and empowers those you are speaking to. Read a book or watch a film – gain more insight into different cultures or faiths by reading books or watching moves by authors and directors from different backgrounds. Storytelling is an accessible and enjoyable way to develop cross-cultural understanding. Start a conversation – we have all had different experiences in our lives, why not start a conversation with a new Queenslander in your community about their experiences. Instead of starting a conversation about difference ('where are you from?') consider asking about a point of similarity ('Are your kids enjoying school?'). Contribute to your local community: Volunteer – put your unique skills and experience to good use by volunteering for a local group. Check out Volunteering Queensland for local opportunities that will match your skills and interests- or contact us here at MCCGC to find out our volunteer opportunities. Buy local – discover and support local ethnic suppliers, restaurants, and shops in your area. Support a social enterprise – social enterprises have a mission embedded in the heart of the business to address cultural, social, and environmental needs. They are various industries, including those who provide employment opportunities for refugees and diverse Queenslanders. Share your unique skills – Can you speak multiple languages? Do you know how to cook the way your ancestors did? Find ways you can share your unique skills and cultural heritage with neighbours, colleagues, or local schools or groups. See below a list we put together of local events in and around the Gold Coast, for you to attend (virtually) this Multicultural Queensland Month. Multicultural Day - August 6th Livestream All Day AEST https://www.facebook.com/SouthportSS Southport State School Indonesian Festival- August 7th Livestream All Day AEST https://www.facebook.com/ciaacom/ Somali Independence Day Festival- August 7th Livestream All Day AEST https://www.facebook.com/somalicommunityofqueensland/ Spanish Centre 174 Mortimer Rd Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 AU The Colombian Independence Day Festival - August 7th Livestream All Day AEST https://www.facebook.com/latinhouseorg/ King George Square 87C Roma St Brisbane City QLD 4000 AU Celebrating Traditional Chinese Duanwu Festival - August 7th Livestream All Day AEST New Farm Park 1042 Brunswick St New Farm QLD 4005 AU India Day Fair - August 15th Livestream All Day AEST https://www.facebook.com/GopioQueensland/ South Bank Piazza Little Stanley St South Brisbane QLD 4101 Connect Diverse Communities - August 15th Livestream All Day AEST https://gurdwarasahibgoldcoast.com.au Greek Orthodox Church of St Anna 31A Crombie Ave Bundall QLD 4217
Teej (Women’s Festival) – August 23rd 23 Aug, 2021 Southport Community Centre 6 Lawson St Southport QLD 4215 AU We have some VERY exciting news...It's been 10 years since we opened our MCCGC/CÜRA office space in Ashmore. As our team has expanded over the last few years, we've needed to expand our space too! We have secured a new office at the KRG Centre in Southport (Suite 204/9 Bay Street) and will be running community events there in the future! Look out for some updates on socials for a sneak peak inside! ![]() MCCGC would like to extend a BIG congratulations to our friends at Thriving Multicultural Communities (TMC) for winning Community Training Initiative of the Year at the Queenslander Training Awards 2021. If you would like to find out more about TMC's award winning training programs, click here. Congratulations team TMC! WELCOME TO OUR NEW TEAM MEMBERS!We have been lucky enough to welcome four incredible staff to our team to fill some big roles... Troy Nicholls - Chief Operations Officer Lexi Skelly - Clinical Care Manager Jessica McAdam - Community Programs Manager Karen Gildea - Quality Support Administrator Please feel free to get in contact with them if you have a relevant enquiry. ![]() South East Queensland LockdownLockdown has been extended until 4pm Sunday 8th August due to a number of new COVID-19 cases in the community. Stay home unless it's absolutely essential to leave for one of these reasons:
Anyone in lockdown who is feeling unwell, with any mild symptoms of COVID-19, should get tested immediately. Testing is an important part of locating any new cases in the community and reducing the spread. If it's essential to leave home, remember to wear a face mask and stay socially distanced at all times. Translated information on restrictions is available in many languages on the QLD Health website. Please remember to:
What happens after I am vaccinated for COVID-19?COVID-19 vaccination is not a cure-all or a complete substitute for safe behaviour. It should supplement other public health rules and guidelines. After you are vaccinated, COVID-safe measures remain in place. These include:
To continue to protect others, you still need to:
In the case of an outbreak, can I cross state borders without restrictions if I am vaccinated?In short, no. Australia has not yet reached a safe amount of people fully vaccinated for vaccinated people to be able to bypass border restrictions without going into quarantine Before you travel interstate, you should check your local state and territory website for directives, hotspot information and travel restrictions. Am I exempt from restrictions or wearing masks once vaccinated?At this stage, restrictions will still apply in your state or territory. This is because both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have only been shown to help prevent severe illness and death from COVID-19. It’s not yet known whether these vaccines prevent transmission of COVID-19. You still need to follow restrictions after being vaccinated. Do I need to get tested following vaccination if I develop symptoms?Some side effects from COVID-19 vaccination, such as fever, might be similar to symptoms of COVID-19 itself. However, neither of the vaccines contain any live Coronavirus, therefore can’t cause COVID-19. You may not need to get a COVID-19 test or isolate:
You may still need to get a COVID-19 test if you meet other criteria — for example, if you are a close contact of a known COVID-19 case. New Broadbeach COVID-19 Vaccination CentreThe Gold Coast University Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Centre will closed at the end of operations on Sunday 25 July 2021. All appointments scheduled beyond this date have been moved to the new Broadbeach Vaccination Centre. They are currently prioritising appointments for people requiring their second vaccination and those in the 1a, 1b and 2a groups. Location: Adjacent to the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre on the Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach 4218- Free parking available onsite. Opening times: Monday-Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm For more information please use the link below: Boots for One & All Community -'no mob left behind'Who are Boots for One & All Community? Boots for One & All Community is a local Gold Coast charity that provides much needed donations to remote Indigenous communities; such as football boots, so kids and adults can participate in school and sporting activities within their communities. They also provide other donations like toiletries, sanitary items, clothing, and toys. What do they represent? The mission at Boots for One & All Community is ‘no mob left behind’ and they are passionate about making sure the charity is always working toward its mission. Boots for One & All Community's passion is to ensure remote communities can have equal opportunities. What led them to start? Boots for One & All Community director Natalie has four children of First Nations descent- who love to play sports. Natalie quickly found out that her children outgrow their clothing and footwear (boots) very quickly - yet are still in great condition. Natalie knew firsthand the obstacles and limitations there are on families through everyday life. Unfortunately for some, sporting equipment and fees are luxuries. So, she wanted to pass her children's boots on knowing they would get new life to help ease financial burden. Understanding the need in remote communities inspired her on a mission that is only growing and growing each day. How can you help? By donating:
You can also:
Make sure you subscribe to their 'No Mob Left Behind' newsletter to keep yourself in the loop about what Boots for One & All Community get up to! You can do this by visiting https://bootsforoneandall.com.au/. SafeCare- Act for Kids Act for Kids are very excited to announce that SafeCare has been approved for an extended funding period. This means that their team of experienced parenting educators can continue to support Gold Coast families. SafeCare Educators provide parenting education to families with children 0-5. This is an extremely practical and structured program supporting families in three targeted areas. These are: Parent Child/Infant Interaction module – working with parents on their bonding and attachment with children, focusing on the importance of play. Health module - teaching how to keep good health records and making structured and informed health related decisions. Home Safety module - teaching about household hazards, strategies to minimize or remove them and importance of supervision. Act for Kids- SafeCare welcome referrals by professionals as well as self-referrals. If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to drop an email at safecaregc@actforkids.com.au or check out their animated clip below.Kusuma Indonesia Community Australia (KICA)Kusuma Indonesia Communities Australia (KICA) is a cultural group that actively promotes multiculturalism on the Gold Coast & Brisbane. KICA has supported events like Harmony Week, attended school events for cultural learning and hosted their own “Harmony Festival”. Throughout the height of the pandemic, KICA helped support disadvantaged community members and international students through food drop offs. You can find out more about our membership program here. Australian Census 2021What is the Census? How does the Census benefit me and my community? How do I complete the usual address question on the form? I have family visiting from overseas and staying with me. Do I include them on my Census form? Is the Census form available in languages other than English? Can I complete the Census on paper instead of online? What happens to the personal information I provide on the Census form? Help and resources: Lesson guides and worksheets: www.census.abs.gov.au/supporters Find a fill in the form session near you: www.census.abs.gov.au/find-us For help in your language, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450. August 2021 4th of August - National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (NAICD) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (NAICD) is a celebration of Indigenous children. NAICD was first observed by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) in 1988. FIND OUT MORE HERE 9th of August - International Day of the World’s Indigenous People The United Nations’ annual International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples encourages people to spread the UN’s message on the protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples. FIND OUT MORE HERE 9th of August Al Hijra (first day of Muharram)– Islamic New Year Al Hijri (Al Hijrah in Arabic) according to the lunar or Islamic Calendar, is the Islamic New Year observed on the first day of Muharram. Muharram is the first month of the year on the Islamic Calendar. This month is the second holiest month after Ramadan. 22nd of August- Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) Raksha Bandhan means bond of protection. This Hindu festival honours the love between brothers and sisters and is marked by the tying of a rakhi thread by the sister on the wrist of her brother. FIND OUT MORE HERE 25th of Aug 2021- Australian South Sea Islanders National Recognition Day In 1994, the Commonwealth Government officially recognised the Australian South Sea Islanders (ASSI) as a distinct cultural group. This was followed by a formal Recognition Statement by the Queensland Government in September 2000. FIND OUT MORE HERE 30th August - Krishna Janmashtami (Hindu) This is one of the most important Hindu festivals, celebrating the birthday of Lord Krishna, believed to be the eighth re-incarnation of Lord Vishnu who gave the vital message of the Bhagwat Gita - the guiding principles for every Hindu. FIND OUT MORE HERE ![]() NEW ROAD RULESOn the 26th of July, new road rules came into effect regarding mobile phones. It is now illegal to have mobile phones resting on any part of your body (e.g. your lap) while you are behind the wheel. Cameras will issue warnings to drivers caught using their phone while driving for the next three months. Come November 1, these cameras will dish out a $1033 fine and the loss of four demerit points. So, please do not touch your phone whilst driving. WELLBEING- WHAT CAN WE DO TO IMPROVE IT?Mental health experts advocate wellbeing as a way of improving our lives. Wellbeing helps us stay resilient, build social support and self-efficacy, and cope with adversity. But what exactly is wellbeing and if it’s so good for us, how do we get more of it? Ways to wellbeingA pioneer of positive psychology, Professor Martin Seligman, tells us that wellbeing is made up of five main factors that contribute to human flourishing. He believes we should choose to maximise all five elements to achieve greater wellbeing, and in turn flourish. Five main factors that contribute to our wellbeing. These ‘building blocks’ of wellbeing are easily remembered as the acronym ‘PERMA’:
Working on each of these factors (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment) can help us flourish in all aspects of life. Article by The Black Dog Institute |