What kind of university can help reduce poverty?
For decades, development agencies have encouraged low and middle-income countries to focus their education spending on primary schools and basic vocational skills. They have considered that universities provide lower rates of return on public investment and benefit elites at the expense of the poor. Read more:
The Conversation - How to value research that crosses more than one discipline:
Until the early 1900s, scholars took it for granted that they could draw on any area of knowledge to inform their thinking on the major questions of the day. Medieval polymaths such as Hildegard of Bingen (medicine, linguistics, botany, art, philosophy and music) opened the door to Victorian scholars such as Temple Chevallier (astronomy, theology and maths) and Thomas Young (medicine, physics, music and Egyptology). Read more:
The Conversation - Open access is a development issue – the status quo needs to be challenged :
Access to information is a basic human right entrenched in the South African Constitution. Yet there are many barriers restricting or preventing access to information. Read more:
The 2016 Global Conference will be held at the Kruger National Park, South Africa, from the 22 - 24 August 2016. Further infromation to follow shortly. Read more:
Dr Phillip Taru recently joined the School of Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation as a Senior lecturer at Chinhoyi University of Technology in Zimbabwe. Prior to joining Chinhoyi University, he spent two years conducting post-doctoral research in South Africa at the University of the Free State under the newly established Afro-Montane research Unit of the QwaQwa campus. Read more:
Before this, he obtained a PhD in Palaeontology from the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), a Master of Arts degree in Environmental policy and planning as well as a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry and Physics, both from the University of Zimbabwe.
SDU - Topping-out ceremony at hall of residence: In September, a unique building will be ready to house national and international students. Attracting international students In his speech, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Bjarne Graabech Sørensen called the 14-floor building with three towers Read more:
There were creamed potatoes, roast suckling pig and grilled sausages galore when a topping-out ceremony was held at the hall of residence at SDU Odense last Friday.
SDU Professor to Study Financial Motives in the Arctic:
Professor Niels Vestergaard has received a Fulbright scholarship. He will carry out financial analyses of resources and various interests in the Arctic, which may form the basis for policy decisions. Read more:
The University of Namibia (UNAM) is the largest and leading National institution of higher education in the country. It is a diverse institution with a student population from all over the Continent. Although a relatively young university, it has grown to support a student population of 19,000 this year. Read more:
UNAM Executive Management:
Despite our brief existence, we have risen to be amongst the leading institutions of higher learning on the continent. We offer an array of internationally benchmarked courses that meet contemporary and future needs of society. There are a variety of courses on offer for most career objectives, but our flagship programmes are; Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science. Read more: Prof. Lazarus Hangula, Vice Chancellor.
CWUR Ranking: University of Turku among the Best 1.6 %: The University of Turku is among the best 1.6 percent in the latest global university ranking published by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). The high quality of research is specified as a particular strength of the university.
The CWUR ranking includes over 25,000 universities that grant higher university degrees. The University's placement in the ranking rose to 383. In 2014, the University was placed 391st. Read more:
Turku and Tamkang Deepen Co-operation in Futures Studies:
Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku and Tamkang University in Taiwan are deepening their co-operation in futures studies. The universities have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Turku, and discussions for creating a joint degree are ongoing. The strengthening co-operation can already be seen in the upcoming term: this autumn, two exchange students from Turku will visit Tamkang. Read more:
UP - Conquering your own Everest: First attempts do not always succeed.’ ‘Do not let obstacles get you down.’ ‘Focus on your goal, have patience, avoid distractions and apply self-discipline.’ These are some of the lessons of the guest-presentation given by Sibusiso Vilane, the first black African to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
Prof Linda van Ryneveld, Director: Teaching and Learning of the Faculty, Sibusiso Vilane and Craig Murdoch after Sibusiso's presentation. Read more:
UP - Three UP researchers receive NSTF awards:
Their research interests range from the genetic improvement of forest trees to the mole-rat queens of the Kalahari to life under rocks in Antarctica, but University of Pretoria (UP) Profs Zander Myburg, Nigel Bennett and Dr Thulani Makhalanyane have, after Thursday evening, something important in common: All three of them were winners of National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF)-BHP Billiton Awards. Read more:
UP’s Centre for Child Law obtains High Court judgement protecting separated asylum seeker children:
Children fleeing from war-torn countries are often brought by their aunts or uncles because their parents have died in the war. Ann Skelton, Director of the Centre for Child Law, argued the case brought by the Centre and Lawyers for Human Rights on behalf of eight separated asylum seeker children from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The case sought relief for them and for other children in similar situations. Read more:
The seventh international conference on ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF NETWORKS will be held in cooperation with the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS), University of the Western Cape (http://www.uwc.ac.za/faculties/ems) from December 3 – 5, 2015, in Cape Town, South Africa. The purpose of the conference is to provide an international discussion forum for research in economics and management of networks. Read more:
Lund as a student city -Considered the number one city for students in Sweden, Lund offers an exciting campus environment with a vibrant student life, an international atmosphere and memorable student traditions.
The main Lund University campus is set in the charming cobble-stoned city of Lund, which dates back to 990. Today students make up almost half of the population in the city.Ask any graduate what is special about Lund University and the chances are they will say Lund’s unique student life. Read more:
The ‘nations’ (large student societies), the Academic Society and the student unions have created many long-standing student traditions and their combined activities form the heart of student life in Lund.
UWC takes the 7th spot in Africa for research performance in latest University ranking:
The University of the Western Cape has taken the number seven spot on the latest university ranking scale - Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings is reported to be the world's most trusted ranking system which shows the future of Africa as far as Higher education is concerned. Read more:
UWC 14th International Entrepreneurship Forum: Creating an Inclusive Agenda for Opportunity Development:
The University of the Western Cape’s (UWC) School of Business and Finance invites you to take part in the 14th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF), to be held in at the Protea President Hotel in Bantry Bay, Cape Town, from 16 to 18 September 2015 - where researchers, policymakers and practitioners will be reshaping the agenda of entrepreneurship for human, social, cultural and economic development. Read more:
The 26th World ICDE Conference:
Conference starts in 26 days. Read more:
The Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice:
What do we do? Over the past three years the Institute developed into a critical space that brings different voices, ideas and practices together to advance the human and academic projects of the University. Students, staff and community members meet here to find ways to engage with diverse views, realities and aspirations.
We cultivate humanity so that reconciliation and social justice can be expressed in our everyday life and we work against disrespect and inequalities on our campuses and in our society. Read more:
Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT celebrates 10 years:
10th Birthday - On 1 January 2015 CPUT officially turned 10 and what an awesome decade it has been.
Starting from humble beginnings in 2005 when the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon merged, today CPUT is the only University of Technology in the Western Cape and the largest university in the region. Over the past decade we have seen thousands of students graduate, made history by launching Africa’s first nanosatellite, rolled out new and exciting qualifications, revamped our campuses and operations and filed a number of patents. Read more:
The four winners of the Danish Biology Olympiad 2015 were announced on 27 March 2015.
1) Karen Chuxian Yang, Birkerød Upper Secondary School HF IB
2) Anders Poulsen Charmouh, Risskov Upper Secondary School
3) Marcus Medom Ryding, Bagsværd Upper Secondary School,
4) Sine Aaroe Lund, Copenhagen Technical College
Aarhus University is hosting the International Biology Olympiad 2015. Aarhus University is hosting the International Biology Olympiad 2015. 450 talented young students and jury members from sixty-one countries are spending a week in Denmark this July competing on their knowledge and expertise in biology. In addition to providing inspiring scientific challenges and the chance to win medals, the competition gives the youngsters a unique opportunity to get together with other young people with an interest in science. Read more:
Zawedde has been awarded the prize for her physics thesis "Weak to Moderate Recurrent Storms and their Influence on the Middle Atmosphere Composition in 2008" (Thesis supervisor: Hilde Nesse Tyssøy)Zawedde has worked on a demanding interdisciplinary project between space physics and atmospheric dynamics that required an extensive multidisciplinary approach.
Annet Eva Zawedde receives the Martin Landrøs Prize for outstanding master's thesis. Read more:
The University of Zambia (UNZA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 66 of 1965. The first intake of students took place on 17th March 1966. The motto of the University, SERVICE AND EXCELLENCE has guided the development of the University since its inception. Read more:
Deputy Vice Chancellor: Prof. Enala T. Mwase: UNZA is situated in Lusaka on two campuses. The main campus is the Great East Road Campus and it is situated on the Great East Road, 6km from the town centre.
Chancellor: Dr.Jacob M. Mwanza
PAST CHANCELLORS: 1966 - 1991: His Excellency Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda (First President Of Zambia)
1992 - 1997 Mr.John M. Mwanakatwe,SC
1998 - 1999 Vacant
2000 - Present Dr.Jacob M. Mwanza
More overstrain injuries on artificial turf: Whether or not artificial turf is a more dangerous surface to play football on than natural grass has long been discussed in the football world. A thesis from Linköping University shows that players playing on artificial turf have more overstrain injuries than those playing on natural grass.
The risk of injury for a professional footballer is 1,000 times higher than the risk of an industrial worker being injured at work.Read more:
Linköping University - The battle against drug cravings:
Mental illness and addiction are growing problems the world over. Is there a way to halt this development? Linköping University is doing its part with a major new initiative. Read more:
A new type of rice produces more food and cuts methane emissions:
Scientists have developed a new type of rice plant that produces less methane gas than existing varieties, whilst also producing more rice which is designed to yield more rice whilst cutting the amount of methane it produces and releases to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. Read more:
Rice paddies emit up to 17% of global emissions of the greenhouse gas methane, but new research may have a solution – a new type of rice that can feed more people and cut methane emissions. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Science Nordic - How to save the oceans and the food they provide:
Seven key issues face the oceans, among them climate change and over fishing. Read the whole list here and get the scientists’ best ideas on how to save both the oceans and the food they provide. Read more:
Plant Pathology student represents UFS at Youth Ag-Summit in Australia: Nicola Theron, a third-year student in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of the Free State (UFS), will be attending the Youth Ag-Summit in Australia next month. According to Prof Zakkie Pretorius, researcher in the Dept. Plant Sciences, this is a great achievement for the university. Read more:
Agriculture of the future will combine sustainability with productivity and efficiency:
Researchers at Aarhus University are involved in a project with a budget of almost DKK 100 million that will prepare agriculture for a future in which sustainability goes hand in hand with intensive, effective and productive plant production. Read more:
UB - Documentation and Validation of medicinal plants used for managing reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Ngamiland and North-Eastern Botswana:
The outbreak of the HIV/AIDS pandemic has reconfigured the way Tswana society views issues regarding reproductive health and sexuality. These include concerns pertaining to gendered fertility, virility and susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Read more:
UB - Socio-economic and environmental impacts of Jatropha cultivation and biodiesel production in Botswana (2013-2016).
This study will focus on the opportunities and risks of Jatropha production and use from a socio-economic and environmental viewpoint. Read more:
Most adolescents feel better after gastric bypass: Teenagers suffering from severe obesity generally feel worse than their peers, but after undergoing gastric bypass nearly all experience improved mental health. One in five, however, still suffers from symptoms of depression – some quite seriously. These are the results of a new study from Lund University in Sweden, published in Obesity.
The study is the largest two-year follow-up in the world regarding mental health in adolescents who have undergone a form of weight-loss surgery known as gastric bypass. It includes 88 Swedish adolescents, 13–18 years old, with an average BMI of 45.6 prior to surgery. Read more:
LUND - New grants for faster and better treatment of tumours:
Biomarkers are one of the most important tools to increase the effectiveness of various cancer treatments. Now the national innovation programme SWElife has decided on its first grants within cancer research and two of them will go to researchers at Lund University who are developing biomarkers for various forms of cancer. Read more:
University of Bergen Research centres of excellence:
The University of Bergen is a research university with a high international profile and several centres of excellence. The University has two major focuses: marine research and co-operation with developing countries. These are therefore central in the faculties' strategies of research. Read more:
UIB Birkeland Centre - Gamma-ray flashes:
What is the role of energetic particles from thunderstorms on geospace? Read more:
BCSS’s Prof. Kjellmar Oksavik and colleagues at UiT are awarded NOK 288 million for EISCAT_3D:
The award from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) will be used to build the first stage of the most advanced 3D imaging radar system in the world. Read more:
The Invasive Species Research and Management Unit (ISRMU) was formed in August 2012 to carry out research on invasive species starting with water hyacinth to gain insights into long term and sustainable strategies to effectively manage invasive species and reduce the damage they cause to economic activities and the environment in Zimbabwe. Read more:
Professor Arnold Bray Mashingaidze:
The UNESCO SAICH Platform at CUT is to spearhead activities relating to community participation in inventorying, safeguarding and promotion of the ICH. Read more: