Click the read more link for the conferenc programme. Read more:
The University of Namibia is the proud host of our PARTNER DAY on 30 November 2015. See programme for details. Kindly email either Dr Kenneth Matengu at kmatengu@unam.na or the secretary Saara Kamati at skamati@unam.na as soon as possible to register. Looking forward to see all our participants there. Read more:
SANORD is proud to announce the 6 succesful Theme Group Projects for 2015/16 who are the lucky recipients of funding of R50 000 each. There are currently more than 20 SANORD member institutions who are part of the projects and will benefit from the funding. The SANORD Board takes this opportunity to wish all our researchers well in achieving their research goals. Read more:
FINAL REMINDER: SANORD invites all interested NORDIC students to apply for a student internship at the Central Office for a period of 4-6 months. Read more:
IEASA is the host to - The Global Conference: 22 - 24 August 2016, Kruger National Park:
Global Conference on Higher Education Internationalisation : The 2016 Global Conference will be held at the Kruger National Park, South Africa, from the 22 - 24 August 2016. Further infromation to follow shortly. Call for Proposals: Read more:
Welcome to 2015 CoM Research Dissemination Conference:
The College of Medicine is pleased to announce that the 2015 College of Medicine Research Dissemination Conference will be held on Saturday 21st November 2015 at the College of Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Campus in Blantyre. Read more:
Medals awarded in Aarhus to the world's best young biology brains: High school students from Korea, USA, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), Russia, China and Singa-pore won the most gold medals.
Chairman Jens Mogens Olesen- IBO examination committee: Also among the gold winners were Holland, Japan, Thai-land, Iran, Romania, Germany, Hungary and Indonesia. Read more:
Aarhus University Director Jane Kraglund to be new director of the Region of Southern Denmark:
A very attractive and exciting position that I couldn’t say no to. This is how University Director Jane Kraglund describes her decision to accept the position of director of the Region of Southern Denmark. Read more:
Mayosi takes the helm at Health Sciences: Head of medicine Professor Bongani Mayosi is the new Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and will take up this position on 1 September 2016.
Prof Bongani Mayosi: Mayosi earned his BMedSci (with distinction) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 1986, followed by his MBChB (with distinction) in 1989. He was admitted to the Fellowship of the College of Physicians of SA in 1995. Read more:
UCT prof invited to debate Norwegian education reform:
Professor John Higgins, currently Arderne Chair of Literature at UCT, recently shared a platform with the Norwegian Minister of Education and Research, Torbjorn Roe Isaksen, to debate the progress and implications of reform in the Norwegian higher education system. Read more:
UCT Opera Star wins Belvedere competition:
Tenor Levy Sekgapane of UCT's Opera School has won the International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition 2015 finals, held in Amsterdam on 4 July. Read more:
From illegal refugee to working at Swedish Embassy: Having fled Somalia as a teenager, and arriving in Sweden as an illegal refugee, one man’s incredible journey comes full circle as he heads back to Africa – to start a career at a Swedish Embassy.
As he embarks on the latest chapter in his life, Fuad Mohamed praises Malmö University for the skills and contacts which he feels have set him up for life and a job with The Swedish International Development Cooperation. Read more:
MAH - A warm welcome for some far-flung students:
Is there a better way to show off Malmö University’s global appeal than that of Arrival Day for our Exchange Students? Read more:
UL wins prestigious 2015 NRF research award:
It is pleasing that the University of Limpopo has taken a conscious decision to encourage our academics and researchers by recognising the excellent work they do: be it mentoring and supervision of postgraduate students, publishing in peer-reviewed accredited journals, writing books or contributing to chapters in these books.
Professor Peter Mbati, Vice Chancellor of the University of Venda (Univen) was speaking to academics at the University of Limpopo (UL) Annual Vice Chancellor’s Research, Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards, hosted recently in Polokwane. Read more:
Dr Janet Anand has been appointed Professor of Social Work, especially International Social Work at the University of Eastern Finland and started on 1 August 2015.
Dr Janet Anand appointed Professor of International Social Work at UEF. Read more:
UEF - Interaction and internationalisation UEF’s sources of strength:
Professor Jaakko Puhakka started as the new Academic Rector of the University of Eastern Finland in January. He wants to see more interaction and international cooperation at the university. Read more:
Appointment of a New University Registrar: The University of Namibia wishes to inform all stakeholders that Dr Francis Sifiso Nyathi has been appointed as the new UNAM Registrar by the University Council. His appointment was effective from 1 July 2015, and is set for a period of five years. The position became vacant due to the ending of the current Registrar’s term, which concluded on 30 June 2015. Read more:
Dr Francis Sifiso Nyathi:
UNAM - Facullty of Science & Technology- AngloGold Ashanti Avails N$ 2 Million Grant for Bursaries:
AngloGold Ashanti has committed N$2 million to the University of Namibia in the form of a grant. The aim of the grant is to provide financial assistance to academically deserving students pursuing studies in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. Read more:
Distinguished Student Award for Occupational Therapy Graduate:
Hard work has paid off for Occupational Therapy degree Cum Laude graduate, Ms Domonique de Klerk. The multi-award-winning de Klerk (22) of Pietermaritzburg said serving others was high on her list of priorities. Read more:
UKZN Masters Student Receives WWF Prince Bernhard Conservation Scholarship:
UKZN Masters student Ms Kholosa Magudu was recently awarded the prestigious World Wildlife Fund’s Prince Bernhard Scholarship for Nature Conservation, one of only two South Africans to have received the international honour. Read more:
Glad to be back in Bodø:
Increased globalization and internationalization piqued Irina’s interest for taking a Master degree at UiN.The Master in Social Science at the Faculty for Social Sciences provides more in-depth knowledge of analysis, methods and theoretical approaches within the social sciences, as well as Scandinavian politics.
Irina Kaznina (27) from Arkhangelsk recently returned to UiN to take a Master in Social Science. Read more:
UiN doctoral candidate won Swedish theatre award:
Actor Niklas Hald, who defended his doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Professional Studies at UiN in January 2015, has been awarded the Swedish ASSITEJ Prize for his work with children's and youth theatre. Read more:
The International Relations & Advancement Department held the first international colloquium and information day on 23 October 2015.
Leolyn Jackson, Director: International relations (UWC) & Director: Southern African Nordic Centre (SANORD).The theme of the event was: “Bridging the gap and creating horizontal linkages for African universities”. Read more:
VUT celebrates Women’s month in style:
August, a much anticipated month not only by Vaal University of Technology women but also all South Africans at large. Read more:
As from 1 September 2015, Prof Linda du Plessis (currently Vice-Rector: Academic, Quality and Planning) is serving as the acting campus Rector of the Vaal Triangle Campus of the North-West University (NWU Vaal).
Prof Linda du Plessis to act as campus Rector. Read more:
North West Nguni Cattle Project lets developing farmers thrive:
Beneficiaries of the Nguni Cattle Project are going from strength to strength and have won several awards in the 2015 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) National Beef Performers Awards. Read more:
NEPRU donates valuable collection of more than 3 300 publications consisting of research, technical and consultancy papers, from the Namibian Economic Policy and Research Unit (NEPRU) that closed down in 2011.
The collection was handed to Poly Rector, Prof Tjama Tjivikua, by Dr Zed Ngavirue, the former Chairman of NEPRU that was established in 1990 as a body of knowledge through its economic research and publications on Namibia’s socio-economic development. Read more:
PON - Uprooting the apartheid city:
The Poly last week hosted a significant Public Forum and Panel Discussion on Namibia’s Urban Future. The event was a joint effort initiated by the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning in collaboration with the Office of the First Lady of the Republic of Namibia, Madame Monica Geingos, the City of Windhoek, the Urban Design Institute of Namibia and the Namibia Institute of Architects. Read more:
Great Zimbabwe University has over the last three months renovated and upgraded some of its buildings at the City and Mashava Campuses to acceptable standards. It is in line with its strategic objectives of providing adequate teaching and learning facilities for staff and students.
The Mucheke Campus on the other hand which is the former A1 Mandava Hotel has been renovated to perfection. Read more
Tribute to Tatomkhulu Nelson Mandela: The most glowing tributes are often paid to people after they have died – when, sadly, they are not there to hear them.This has not been so with Mandela who has been showered with fulsome praise, across the globe, during the past two or more decades.
The former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, once stated, ‘to this day, Madiba remains probably the single most admired, most respected international figure in the entire world’. Read more:
Rhodes University celebrated a new University record of 75 PhD degrees at six graduation ceremonies beating the previous record of 71 in 2014. Read more:
Dr Sizwe Mabizela, shares his vision saying, "My final appeal to you is that you help us live up to these important commitments by contributing generously to our Alumni Annual Fund and other fundraising efforts".
ELiTH delivers at Silverstone: Students in ELiTH Racing left over sixty competitors in their wake on the track in Silverstone, where engineering students from all over the world competed in Formula Student.
The Formula Student race car competition has been run since 1998, and has been held at the legendary Silverstone track in Britain since 2007. Read more:
Three SA Universities join forces to bolster SKA: The universities have established a partnership to form the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA), a flagship project that responds to the big data challenge of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
The SKA project is an internationally renowned effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope with over a square kilometre of collecting area. It is one of the largest scientific endeavours in history and drives one of the world’s most significant big data challenges of the coming decade.Read more:
This week, Research Africa representatives will be participating at the 9th West African Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) International Conference & Workshops on "Research and Innovation for Human Development: Role of National Institutions in Addressing Threats in Emerging Economies" taking place at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research in Legon, Ghana, from Monday, 23rd November 2015 to Thursday, 26th November 2015 from 9am to 4pm each day.
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UWC picks up two unique SARChI Research Chairs:
UWC was awarded two more national research chairs on Wednesday, 2 September 2015: the SARChI Chair in Visual History and Theory, held by Prof Patricia Hayes; and the SARChI Chair in Health Systems Governance, held by Prof Helen Schneider.Read more:
Following the story on the traditional medicine research institute, Professor Martha Pinkoane and colleagues met with traditional healers who formed part and parcel of the project for the past three years. They own the medicine that has been put on clinical trials and are able to use the simple bio-medical equipment needed for the study. Read more:
The rock star of Greek economics is no stranger to Tampere: The economic ideas of Syriza – the party that has just won the general election in Greece – make sense and could lead to a deeper change in European economic policy. Read more
Professor Hannu Laurila (left) thinks that Yanis Varoufakis’s macroeconomic ideas work, at least to some extent. Varoufakis says that austerity measures should be replaced by extensive covery measures.
UTA - Researchers at make new inroads in the study of undernourishment:
Researchers at the University of Tampere are launching a new study on the significance of viruses, parasites and worms in causing early childhood undernourishment and reduced growth, usually referred to as stunting. This approach is new worldwide, and it extends the scope of the previous studies undertaken at the University on the prevention and treatment of malnutrition. Read more:
University of Tampere recognised for its commitment to improving the status of researchers:
The European Commission has granted the University of Tampere permission to use the HR Excellence in Research label, which indicates that the University is committed to improving the status and careers of researchers. Read more:
The working environment can damage young farmers' lungs: A major follow-up study from Aarhus University shows that older farmers are not the only ones affected by agricultural work; young farmers also risk damaging their lungs. But the research results also indicate that growing up in the countryside can protect the lungs.
New study: Young farmers have a lung capacity that has developed less than you would expect Read more: