A pānui to share what Komiti Māori and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council is doing around the rohe that is relevant to iwi, hapū and marae. No images? Click here E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatangamaha o Te Moana ā Toitehuatahi tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. E ngā iwi me te hāpori Māori, mai Ngā Kurī a Whārei ki Tihirau, mai Maketū ki Tauhara huri noa i te rohe o Toi Moana kei te mihi. Tēnā koutou katoa, Kia haumaru, kia atawhai, kia kaha rā! Nā ngā Kaikaunihera o Toi Moana me te Tumu Whakarae ![]() Iwi organisations and support services ![]() We recognise the resilience of our community to show unity through the COVID lockdown. There are many proactive and caring organisations that are supporting our communities, particularly Māori Health providers. Rotorua
Other great sites for support: https://www.uruta.maori.nz/support-for-iwi For employment support, contact Employment New Zealand (0800 20 90 20) For health support, contact your GP or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or 111 in an emergency. Don’t delay seeking medical assistance for ANY health conditions. For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For business support, check out the Unite Against COVID-19 webpage. Key Civil Defence Emergency Manangement contacts in our rohe ![]() Most iwi members will be able to access food, medicine and other essentials for themselves and their whānau. However, there will be some iwi members where this is not possible, and they might need extra help to access things that they need. If you know of any of your iwi members in this situation, help is available from the local Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group. Local Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group operates 7 days a week from 7am to 7pm. This service is for people that do not have any other options available to them. The key Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) people within our rohe for iwi, hapū and whānau:
![]() Toi Moana Essential services we're delivering at Alert Level 4 & 3 ![]() Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council continues to deliver essential services to the region during Alert Level 4 and Alert Level 3 in accordance with strict contact tracing, hygiene and physical distancing protocols. These services include providing public transport - on a restricted schedule for essential travel only - and responding to urgent pollution incidents like the approximately 11,000 litres of molasses spilled on State Highway 29 last Thursday, where some discharged into the Omanawa River. Work is also continuing on replacing a floodwall on East Bank Road in Thornton – this is work that is important to finish in case the Rangitāiki River rises in a rain event. Essential services we’re delivering during Alert Level Four & Alert Level Three:
Consents and compliance at this time Consents processing is considered a priority activity that delivers one of Regional Council’s core services. Most parts of the consents process can be undertaken by staff working from home, and the team have been set up to maintain this service. Applications continue to be received, and decisions continue to be made. Please note:
Our Compliance team are mostly responding to urgent work such as requests for service. Air quality seems to be a big concern for the community as we have responded to a few calls are around air quality and open burning. Check out our tangata whenua page on Participate!On behalf of the Kaupapa Māori team in the Essential Freshwater Policy Programme here at Toi Moana we are pleased to announce that as part of the mahi for Te Mana o te Wai under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management we have a dedicated page for tangata whenua to share their experiences, knowledge and understanding with their taonga wai māori. This is one of a number participation options under our Regional Māori engagement plan, Te Hononga. The page is now live and it requires a password to access the site via the link. Hononga/Link: https://www.participate.boprc.govt.nz/freshwater-values-mapping-maori Kupu hipa/ Password: Waimaori Please note you will be required to complete a short registration form to be able to save the information you would like to submit. For any queries or to set up hui directly, please email Anaru Vercoe. Komiti Māori i Rotorua Komiti Māori was held last Tuesday 17 August 2021 at Te Papaiouru Marae in Rotorua. We were privileged to have Hon Nanaia Mahuta in attendance who gave the opening address as to the changes coming from central government and the implications for tangata whenua.
We also had great feedback for all of the presentations by tangata whenua groups. The agenda below will have those presentations if you were unable to make it. The next Komiti Māori hui will be held on Tuesday 19th October 2021, the venue will be advised closer to the date. Komiti Māori Members 2021(L-R) Councillors: Toi Kai Rākau Iti, David Love, Te Taru White, Kevin Winters, Matemoana McDonald, Bill Clark, Stuart Crosby, Stacey Rose, Jane Nees, Doug Leeder, Lyall Thurston, Norm Bruning, Andrew von Dadelszen, Paula Thompson. (Back) Chief Executive: Fiona Mc Tavish. |