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Fall 2015 | Issue #5


In Focus: the Faculty of Arts & Science Newsletter

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

From the Dean

The Art of Teaching

“Can you tell me, Socrates, whether virtue can be taught, or is it acquired by practice, not teaching? Or if neither by practice nor by learning, whether it comes to mankind by nature or in some other way?” (Plato, Meno 70a)

I would first like to welcome everyone back. I trust you all had a productive summer. This promises to be an exciting term. This Fall, we re-launched our Pre-Engineering or Engineering Transfer Program, which we hope will be the start of something bigger. Our Nursing Pathways Program kicks off with nearly 80 students enrolled in the program. As well, the Global Citizen Cohort also starts this Fall. In this particular program students take five courses together around the theme of Water, Sustainability and Social Justice, across the areas of Science, Social Science and Humanities and Liberal Education. This promises to be an exciting new program which may provide a model on how to enhance our undergraduate curriculum and the first year experience. We have already had some preliminary discussion on developing a Science Core in anticipation of moving into the New Science Building. Biological Sciences is working toward creating a Research Internship that begins with first year. All these efforts will enhance the student experience. 

As for myself, in Spring 2016 I will have the privilege of teaching in the Global Citizenship Cohort. I am both excited, as I get to teach what I love, and a little nervous as I will need to tailor my course on Ancient Athens, which I have taught many time before, to fit the theme. Will it be successful? The last time I taught, I was left disappointed by my performance.

In the fall of 2009, at my last institution, I had the opportunity to teach the Intro Course to Greek Civilization, a large class of some 90 students, the kind of course I have always enjoyed teaching and regularly taught in Winnipeg. I love engaging first year students and had prided myself on having a certain measure of success. Much to my disappointment, however, my course evaluations were not what I would have liked; in fact, I scored below the university average. Yikes! What does that say about the Dean? Perhaps students in Ontario, I thought, were more discriminating than students in Manitoba, or more likely (and this may be closer to the truth than I would like to admit) my theatrics no longer commanded the attention of the audience as they once had. I had, as it were, become an old, tired actor. My enthusiasm for the material, it seems, could carry me only so far now and my acting no longer engaged students in quite the same way as it perhaps had in the past. What I feared most was that I have disappointed my material and I would ultimately be relegated to performing way “Off Broadway”. 

The point I am trying to make is that I have treated large lectures as theatre (“teaching as telling”), and my acting seemed no longer to inspire the audience; I needed to find new stage props, as it were, to help encourage the kind of deep learning, which should happen at university, and not the kind of surface learning, which I fear had come to characterize my teaching.

The Audience has changed
The first step, if you find yourself in my dilemma, is to recognize that the composition of the audience has changed. Students who now attend university are different from you and me in many ways, and perhaps different from the students I taught when I first began my career some twenty years ago. Certainly the generation gap is more pronounced. As Therese Huston (Teaching What You Don’t Know) [Cambridge MA, 2009]) notes in her chapter “Teaching Students You Don’t Under¬stand” (166-206), learning styles between faculty and students are different; they differ “in what and how they prefer to learn” (170). About 50 percent of university students are what researchers call “concrete active learners, which means they learn best when they can see things directly and when the concrete applications of an idea are immediate and obvious” (170). They prefer to begin with an example and then move to theory. By contrast, only 10 percent of faculty are concrete active learners, and are instead abstract reflective learners, who are more interested in an idea for its own sake and prefer theories to concrete application. How often have we sat, over coffee and argued an idea to death with great pleasure. Only 10 percent of students are abstract reflective learners (obviously the ones who will go on to grad school and replicate us). The up-shot of this is, as Huston notes (191), “students and faculty generally prefer to receive information in different ways”, the implication being that there may be a certain disconnect between how we teach and how they learn.

Not only that, students are less engaged, spending less time on school related activities than in the past. Huston (172-4) provides some startling statistics, and though these are US numbers, the trends no doubt are similar in Canada. In the 1980s 73 percent of students reported that they spent 15 hours a week or more on preparing for class; by the 1990s only 65 percent and by 2008 only 35 percent of students spent 15 hours or more on class preparation, and 25 percent of first year and even senior students reported that they often went to class unprepared. Related to this trend is the fact that many more students are working or needing to work, and this fact speaks directly to the reality of our own students, many of whom depend on student loans and need to work.

Finally students are becoming increasingly pragmatic in that they are choosing degrees which they think will lead to a job. In 2007 in the US 327,000 students graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business compared to 164,000 in Social Sciences and History, 55,000 in English and only 21,000 in Physical Sciences. As Huston notes (174) this represents a 45 percent increase in the number of Business majors in ten years compared to an 18 percent increase in all other areas. Whereas English majors grew by 13 percent over that same period, applied areas, like Communications and Journalism, grew by 55 percent. Obviously, this trend toward more career oriented majors poses a particular challenge for us in the humanities, who must work doubly hard to engage students, who may not necessarily see the value of studying something that does not immediately appear relevant. But that is challenge I relish.

As I reflect on my own past teaching and consider teaching this Spring, I wonder how much I need to shake things up for myself in order to become more effective in motivating students to learn, and what approaches I need to adopt to foster deep learning in students, who are concrete active learners, in place of surface learning. I must admit that the prospect of learning to use Moodle seems daunting; that is how antiquated I feel, at times.

My challenge to you now is to take some time to reflect on your own teaching. Is there something (an assignment, activity, etc.) that is no longer proving as effective as it once had? Perhaps it is time to make a change. Be bold and innovative. Don’t be afraid of failure. But here I offer some thoughts based on my reading of Huston. But, as always, first some Plato.

Teaching as recollection
There is a wonderful scene in Plato’s Meno (81c-85b) in which Socrates attempts to instruct a young slave boy in geometry. The scene in meant to illustrate Socrates’ (really Plato’s) theory of the immortality of the soul and consequently his notion that all teaching is recollection. Socrates sets out to prove to Meno that the boy is not learning but recollecting, by starting from the boy’s recognition of a simple square figure, which Socrates draws in the sand, and from there building on that knowledge to understand more complex geometry. At one point the boy hits an impasse as he tries to figure out eight square feet. At that point Socrates comments,

“There now, Meno do you observe what progress he (the slave boy) has already made in recollection? At first he did not know what is the line that forms the figure of eight, and he does not know even now; but at any rate he thought he knew then, and confidently answered as though he knew and was aware of no difficulty; whereas now he feels the difficulty he is in, and besides not knowing does not think he knows.”

Both Socrates and Meno conclude that the boy is better off, by having been brought to this point of aporia, “perplexity”, and by having been given, as Socrates describes it, a torpedo’s shock, that is a stingray shock. To this Socrates comments, “And we have certainly given him some assistance, it would seem, towards finding out the truth of the matter; for now he will push on in the search gladly, as lacking knowledge.” Before Socrates continues trying to draw out of the boy a deeper understanding of geometry, he states to Meno, “Now you should note how, as a result of this perplexity, he will go on and discover something by joint enquiry with me, while I merely ask questions and do not teach him.”

Deep Learning
Modern research on pedagogy suggests that deep learning comes not from teaching as “telling” but from using the knowledge that students already possess and guiding them to a place of understanding, particularly if students can be brought to and through a state of aporia (a state I find myself in regularly). According to Therese Huston (Teaching What You Don’t Know), deep learning is fostered by creating an environment in which students are motivated to understand ideas for themselves, encouraged to look for the big picture and the patterns in the material, and relate “the concepts in class to their own knowledge and experience.” By contrast surface learning occurs when students are forced simply to cope with the course requirements; in such circumstances surface learners “tend to focus on the details rather than the big picture...on memorizing and reproducing those details” (52-3). We encourage deep learning in our students by involving them in finding meaning in the material from their perspective and by encouraging students to build on their existing knowledge (54). Since we all desire deep learning from our students (I assume that is a given), let’s consider some of Huston’s observations.

Backward Design
Huston recommends backward design. Her advice is intended for content novices, who might be forced to teach outside their area of expertise, but what she recommends might be of value, if we are thinking of redesigning an existing course, as in my case, or preparing to teach something new. Backward design, she suggests, will help “create an effective learning environment”, and help us avoid the situation, which I have often found myself in, trying to “tell students everything they need to know” (57). Invariably, when I taught Ancient Greek History, a 6-¬credit course, I would barely get past the end of the Peloponnesian War, when I should have gotten to, at least, the death of Alexander the Great. My colleague had the same problem on the Roman side; I don’t think he got past Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. But instead of rethinking how we should approach the course, we each simply created another 6-credit course to cover the half we could not cover within a single course: brilliant teaching, now I had two years to drone on telling my students everything they needed to know about Greek History. God rescue us from that kind of purgatory! 

Backward design, or planning backwards, avoids that dilemma by beginning at the end: what do I want students to be able to do as a result of taking my course. As Huston notes, “the emphasis is on what students can do, rather than what they will know” (her italics, 57).

The first step in backward design is to identify concrete learning outcomes: what do I want students to be able to do. As Huston points out, “students learn on the basis of what they do in your course, not on the basis of what you know” (60). Another way to approach this is to identify the big questions which you want your students to answer by the end of the course, critically and intelligently. Moreover the questions need to be compelling to students, since “people learn more deeply when they try to answer questions that they themselves have deemed important or interesting” (61).

The second step is to outline the kinds of evidence which will help you determine whether students have reached the competency of your learning outcomes or are able to answer that big question: so what kind of assignment will assist in that evaluation.

The third step is to determine “what you need to do as an instructor and what students need to do as learners to produce that kind of evidence”. So what materials will students need to read or research on; what kind of background information will you need to provide and what kind of practice will they need to do (58).

As Huston notes (59), backward design is very different from how we, or should I really say, how I typically approached course design, which begins with the calendar, followed by an outline of readings, then by determining how many assignments and tests students should write, and finally right at the end, almost as an afterthought, stating what I think students must know, which then leads me to introduce more readings and assignments. As Huston argues (59), such an approach to course design, without meaningful learning goals in mind from the very start or four or five big questions to give the course direction, “encourages a ‘coverage’ approach to teaching”, which does not promote deep learning but only surface learning, “which is short-lived and fragmented”.

Planning backwards “ensures that there is conceptual glue to hold the course together.”  It helps “align our teaching with what students need to be doing” (59). Designing the course around big questions helps to achieve focus, what Huston refers to as the spotlight approach as opposed to the floodlight approach (74).  As Huston notes, “research shows that teachers who use backward design more successfully connect the content of the course with other meaningful topics, a strategy that promotes deeper approaches to learning” (59).

Not only does Huston advocate designing your course around big questions, which help achieve the kind of focus needed to stimulate deep learning, she also suggests including at least one case study; as she argues, case studies are particularly good at stimulating deep learning, since “students are more intrinsically interested in the topic when they are trying to crack a case-based problem, which means they are less driven by grades and more driven by curiosity” (75).  It may be easier in some disciplines than in others to include case studies, (after all Huston is a Psychologist, who is now the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Seattle University), but it has got me to thinking how I could incorporate one in Greek History.

Huston suggests that a good case study usually includes the following three elements: 1). A world scenario; 2). Data or evidence that must be analyzed; and 3). an open-ended question with no obvious answer. The third element may take the form of an assignment in which students “make a decision, propose a solution, or debate an issue” (75). With case studies, students, much like slave boy in the Meno, become active learners attempting to understand how things piece together rather than waiting passively for the instructor to fit things together perfectly for them. And we all know how great a teacher Socrates was.

Craig Cooper
Dean, Arts & Science

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Community Outreach

PUBlic Professor Series 2015-2016

Craig Cooper The First Talk in the Season

September 25, 2015 | Cooper opens PUBlic Professor series by exploring Athenian legal system to a full house to City Hall.

A packed house of 80-plus citizens attended Cooper's talk. Read the full story here.

Olga KovalchukThe next talk in the PUBlic Professor series is Thursday, October 22, 2015 and features Dr. Olga Kovalchuk from the Department of Biological Sciences. 

She will discuss Epigenetics of Health and Disease: From Personalized Science to Personalized Medicine.

The upcoming talks in the season are listed below.
Craig Coburn

November 19, 2015
Craig Coburn, Remote Sensing
Understanding the Complexities of Imaging the Earth: The Challenge of Image Calibration

Jennifer CopelandNovember 26, 2015
Jennifer Copeland, Kinesiology

Physical Activity Versus Sedentary Time and How They Interact to Affect Health

Harold Jansen

January 21, 2016
Harold Jansen, Political Science

The Impact of Digital Technology on Democratic Citizenship in Canada

Shawn BubelFebruary 25, 2016
Shawn Bubel, Archaeology

Prehistoric Bison Hunters in Southern Alberta: Excavations at the Fincastle Site

Reg Bibby


March 17, 2016
Reg Bibby, Sociology

Beyond the Gods & Back: The Return of Religion in Canada


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Notable Mentions

September 22, 2015 | Centre for Oral History and Tradition assists nationally-recognized community project
Coyote Flats Pioneer Village has been awarded the 2015 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Community Programming

October 2, 2015 | AGILITY Innovation Series to feature business leaders, experts
Skyridge Capital Corporation CEO Steve Cloutier will kick off the series with presentations at both the U of L’s Calgary and Lethbridge campuses

Paul VaseyAugust 20, 2015 | Conference marks U of L as leader in sexuality studies
The Puzzle of Sexual Orientation conference that ran July 20-23 at the U of L attracted more than 50 of the world’s leading authorities on sexual orientation

Destination ProjectJune 25, 2015 | Destination Project's schematic design approved
More than 60 stakeholders, involving more than 200 hours of input, have been involved in developing the building floor plate and integrating the research and teaching needs for all the major program areas

May 25, 2015 | Exploration Expo 2015 brings huge crowds to campus for a day of exploration, creativity and fun. New year. New location. Same great experience! Exploration Expo is a day of FREE hands-on activities, interactive demonstrations and presentations, encouraging people of all ages to create, inquire and discover alongside U of L researchers. The Expo will be back for 2016 and planning is underway!
Let's DO Science Day

May 7, 2015 | Students don lab coats during the fourth annual Let’s DO Science Day
High school students conducted experiments in various scientific disciplines at several U of L labs

March 28, 2015 | Southern Alberta students benefit from youth science outreach funding
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) announces $3.6 million in PromoScience suppor

Dr. Robbin GibbMarch 6, 2015 | Annual Brain Awareness Week highlights U of L neuroscience research
A public talk and an open house were featured activities in this year's Brain Awareness Week
Dr. Gordon HunterFebruary 9, 2015 | New book featuring local hockey stories to benefit KidSport
Dr. Gordon Hunter's new book is devoted to stories about hockey from southern Albertans.

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Research Round-up

October 1, 2015 | American neuroscientist to spend fall semester at U of L through Fulbright Canada and the Palix Foundation
Diana Dow-Edwards will be conducting research on early stress and how it affects marijuana responses in animal models

Chinook Symposium winners 2015 September 22, 2015 | Chinook Symposium winners announced
Annual poster presentation draws 39 participants

Ian Veenendaal August 13, 2015 | Super cold deep freeze key to testing instruments destined for space
New cryogenic test facility saves energy and time and boosts productivity

Dr. Daniel Paul O'Donnell
July 29, 2015 | U of L researchers benefit from Canada Foundation for Innovation funding
Projects to receive funding are dedicated to preserving floodplain forests, to finding new cancer drugs and to cataloguing historical architecture. Dr. Daniel Paul O'Donnell will continue work on the Visionary Cross Project  thanks to an infrastructure support award.

Dr. Jouni Taskinen July 28, 2015 | Study shows Battle River clam populations in drastic decline
Dr. Jouni Taskinen and Dr. Cam Goater have been collaborating on a study on Battle River clams since 1993

July 8, 2015 | Government of Canada announces funding to support synthetic biology maker space
Federal funding of $1.1 million, through the Western Diversification Program (WDP), will go towards the purchase of state of the art equipment to support the on campus maker space

June 29, 2015 | Bibby survey good news for Canadian Football League
CFL interest on the rise both within Canada and the United States

Dr. Robert McDonald June 22, 2015 | University of Lethbridge awarded record $3.9 million in NSERC funding
Dr. Robert McDonald’s base grant of $355,000 (over five years) is the largest NSERC grant awarded to the U of L this year

Dr. Sergio Pellis June 17, 2015 | Improving brain’s executive function is child’s play
Children need both structured and unstructured play for brain development

June 2, 2015 | Cancer-fighting properties of the buffalo bean being investigated by U of L research team
U of L study finds that the buffalo bean exhibits promising anti-cancer effects

May 29, 2015 | Canada Foundation for Innovation investment to support creation of cutting-edge cellular imaging research centre
The Cell Signaling Interdisciplinary Research Centre (CSIRC) is a facility that will bring together researchers from neuroscience, biochemistry and biological sciences

Jennifer Mather May 25, 2015 | Local octopus expert Dr. Jennifer Mather featured in latest installment of Scientists in the Field book series
Dr. Jennifer Mather's octopus expedition to the island of Moorea in 2013 is the focus of a new book for young readers

Dr. Erin Spring May 12, 2015 | Grant supports Spring research project with local First Nations young adults
Dr. Erin Spring was recently awarded the Frances E. Russell Grant to support her research in young people's literature

April 14, 2015 | U of L played a role in siting the world’s largest telescope
U of L's IRMA technology tested atmospheric water vapour at five proposed sites

April 10, 2015 | Gonzalez has Canada Research Chair renewed
An accomplished researcher, her latest work on hemispheric differences in sensorimotor control encompasses behavioural, neuropsychological and developmental domains

April 7, 2015 | A story that had to be told
Dr. Claudia Malacrida's new book opens the doors on institutional life during Alberta's eugenic years

Dr. Igor Kovalchuk March 24, 2015 | Kovalchuk planting the seed for epigenetic advances in agriculture
Igor Kovalchuk received the 2013 Innovation in Agricultural Science Award from ASTech, the Alberta Science and Technology Leadership Foundation

Michelle Hogue March 20, 2015 | Hogue bridges Aboriginal and Western science education
As a researcher, she explores how Aboriginal students learn best and what teachers can do to blend Aboriginal and Western ways of knowing

Dr. Michael Kyweriga March 9, 2015 | U of L researcher to investigate tinnitus through funding from Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
Dr. Michael Kyweriga is investigating tinnitus and he hopes his research will one day lead to an effective treatment

Dr. John Harding February 23, 2015 | Understanding the Asian roots of modern Buddhism
Dr. John Harding's interest in Buddhism goes back to his time as an undergraduate student at the University of Puget Sound

January 26, 2015 | Making the case for space exploration
Dr. David Naylor says that probing the mysteries of the universe ultimately leads to countless direct and indirect benefits for society

January 22, 2015 | Cultural influences may play role in maintaining non-conceptive sexual behaviour in Japanese macaques
University of Lethbridge study says different sexual behaviours, as with humans, can be linked to cultural practices of Japanese monkeys

Dr. David Naylor January 20, 2015 | U of L’s cryogenic testing facility will be unique in Canada
Funding announced by the Canada Foundation for Innovation will help bring a cryogenic testing facility to Dr. David Naylor's lab

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Students | What are They Up To?

August 10, 2015 | Students get challenging but amazing learning experience in the Philippines
What usually takes hours to describe in a classroom came instantly alive for the 14 students who signed up for the University of Lethbridge’s first ever Philippine Field Study course.

U of L grad studentsJuly 22, 2015 | U of L students turn research ideas into a company that's generating buzz
A group of University of Lethbridge graduate students is patenting a process that harnesses the power of the body’s own cells to repair scar tissue in the brain – thereby opening up a new world of possibilities for treating stroke and traumatic brain injury.

U of L biology studentsJuly 21, 2015 | U of L biology students receive honours at Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting
A group of five University of Lethbridge students, working under the tutelage of Dr. Cam Goater of the Department of Biological Sciences, distinguished themselves at the recent Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting in Calgary.

Jeremy Scott and Matthew RobbinsJuly 16, 2015 | Physics students shine at CAP annual congress
Jeremy Scott (BSc ’15) and Matthew Robbins (BSc ’15) each won second place in their categories for student poster presentation and student oral presentation respectively.

U of L medal winnersMay 28, 2015 | University celebrates medal winners at Spring 2015 Convocation
Distinguishing themselves among the many outstanding graduates are the U of L’s medal winners for 2015.

May 15, 2015 | Student research on exhibit at the Galt Museum
Five students from Dr. Carol Williams' History 2800 - Women's History class will have exhibits at the museum from May 16 to Sept. 27.

2015 Plays and Prose winnersFebruary 18, 2015 | Writers rewarded with 2015 Plays and Prose prizes
Thanks to a generous University of Lethbridge alumnus, undergraduate students have the opportunity to flex their creative-writing muscles, win cash, earn recognition, and have their work presented in a public reading on Thursday, Mar. 26 at 7 p.m. in the David Spinks Theatre.

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Campus Life

September 15, 2015 | ‘I Believe You’ campaign launched at the U of L
Public awareness campaign a key initiative to help prevent sexual violence

August 21, 2015 | Summer students share their research and win prizes
Summer students presented their research during the annual CCBN Summer Student Symposium

August 17, 2015 | Murray the face of Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions' presence on campus
Dr. Christine Murray is eager to let the University of Lethbridge campus know that Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions is ready to support innovation in southern Alberta’s agriculture, forestry and life sciences sectors

August 17, 2015 | Summer time is research time for six local high school students
Six high school students have spent most of the summer learning about research and laboratory work

August 4, 2015 | Sexual and reproductive rights examined during conference
Controlling Sexuality and Reproduction, Past and Present conference looks at sexual rights from a variety of disciplines

July 28, 2015 | Indigenous women from Mexico experience Blackfoot and Canadian cultures
Indigenous women from Mexico experienced Blackfoot and Canadian culture and shared their Mayan culture during a five-week visit to Lethbridge

July 23, 2015 | Mitacs Globalink students gain research experience while sampling local culture
Nine international undergraduate students are gaining valuable research skills and experience working with U of L faculty this summer

July 10, 2015 | FNMI Centre’s first director links academics and traditional knowledge
Dr. Martha Many Grey Horses brings a wealth of experience to her new role

July 6, 2015 | University of Lethbridge geography/ATIC researchers receive multiple awards at national remote sensing conference
Conference also featured a number of presentations from University of Lethbridge students, post-doctoral fellows and professors

June 23, 2015 | Business of agriculture to be the focus of Cor Van Raay Agribusiness Case Competition
A student-directed initiative, the competition is designed for students to expand their knowledge in the areas of agriculture and business on a global scale

June 12, 2015 | Hakin given expanded duties, named lead Vice-President
Beginning July 1, the position of Provost will be solidified and Dr. Andrew Hakin will be named lead Vice-President

June 12, 2015 | Board approves multiple faculty, staff and administrative appointments
The University of Lethbridge Board of Governors recently convened and approved a number of faculty, staff and administrative appointments that are scheduled to officially take effect July 1, 2015

May 22, 2015 | Newberry earns 2015 Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Jan Newberry's success is rooted in a student-centred approach that endeavours to make students active partners in their education

May 6, 2015 | President's Awards honour exceptional performance
The annual President's Awards for Service Excellence celebrate individuals and teams throughout the University

May 6, 2015 | U of L sociologist Kazemipur wins prestigious book award
Kazemipur will receive The John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award from the Canadian Sociological Association for his book 'The Muslim Question in Canada: A Story of Segmented Integration'

April 28, 2015 | University appoints Dr. Erasmus Okine as new Vice-President (Research)
Okine joins the University of Lethbridge from the University of Alberta, and his appointment is effective July 1, 2015

April 22, 2015 | Archaeological field school helps U of L students learn to dig up the past
Annual archaeological field school promises students a unique learning opportunity

April 15, 2015 | University's AGILITY program designed to nurture innovation
AGILITY will give U of L students a head start in establishing their careers before they even enter the workforce

April 13, 2015 | Esteemed Honorary Degree recipients to be recognized at Convocation
Honorary Degree recipients will be celebrated at the 2015 Spring and Fall Convocation ceremonies

March 23, 2015 | Return of Engineering Transfer program welcomed by industry, students alike
An initial cohort of 40 students will begin study in the Fall 2015 semester and plans are to continue growing the program over the next few years

March 16, 2015 | Janice Varzari named as U of L's 13th Chancellor
For the first time in its 48-year history, the University of Lethbridge has named one of its graduates as Chancellor

March 6, 2015 | University of Lethbridge names Native American Studies Student Lounge in honour of late Narcisse Blood
As part of Native Awareness Week, the FNMI Chapter of the Alumni Association honoured the late Narcisse Blood

February 27, 2015 | Native Awareness Week still going strong after 40 years
The Native American Students' Association, now in its 40th year, and the Native American Studies department have a long and successful history at the U of L

Alumni Success

August 12, 2015 | Alumnus Khan continues to crusade against bullying and violence
Edmonton-based activist and University of Lethbridge alumnus Manwar Khan (BSc ’07) continues to campaign across the province against bullying and violence

June 18, 2015 | U of L alum heads up ozone measurement program in New Zealand
Richard Querel works at the Lauder Atmospheric Research Station, located in a remote area where the skies are unpolluted

June 11, 2015 | On her own terms
Alumna Wendy Fox influenced the career paths of tens of thousands of Canadians over the course of 20 years

March 31, 2015 | University announces distinguished group of inductees for Alumni Honour Society
A total of five distinguished alumni are being inducted this year, representing the fine arts, architecture, nursing education, public service and athletics

March 20, 2015 | Cupcake campaign delivers treats to residence students
U of L Chancellor Janice Varzari helped hand out boxes of cupcakes to residence students during the annual cupcake campaign

March 9, 2015 | Challenge of neuroscience discovery keeps distinguished alumnus energized
Dr. Terry Robinson says the opportunity to do research as a U of L undergraduate student set his career path in motion

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