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RoboCafé Tuesday 22 May

The upcoming RoboCafé will take place Tuesday 22 May. This RoboCafé will feature KITE Robotics and the development of their window cleaning robot.

The KITE window cleaning robot is a cost-effective solution for glass, façade and roof cleaning. It can operate at any height and is able to clean areas that are usually difficult to reach. It does so in a sustainable manner without any human interaction.

Stefan Spanjer (founder KITE Robotics) will talk about the challenges in architecture and building construction and how KITE Robotics’ window cleaning solutions can help by making buildings safer, more cost efficient and ready for the future.

17:00 – Doors open
17:30 – Presentation Stefan Spanjer
17.50  - Announcement RoboKarts
18.00 – Networking drinks
19:00 – Doors close

Julianalaan 67A
2628 BC Delft

Tuesday 22 May