Your monthly instructional technology updates Ten Tips for Supporting "Online" StudentsSuddenly, you have become a Distance Education instructor! I understand the challenges that you may be facing. You may feel that you have to learn a technology in a hurry, and you aren’t sure about how to do it. Everything is confusing at first, I know, and the learning curve looks more like a mountain right now. Like many of you, I learned to use ConferZoom on March 16th. I had planned to learn how to use it next year! After a few stumbles, I have gotten more comfortable with it, but I am still learning. It takes practice. The more I do it, the easier it gets. I’m sure you’ll get more comfortable with the new technology as you go, too. My students don’t seem to mind that I’m learning right along with them. In fact, I find them to be quite supportive of my lack of perfection. That’s good! They are learning, too, and they are stressed by the current world situation. Some of the stressors for our students right now include the following:
For students who didn’t expect to be taking college classes via Canvas or ConferZoom, I offer a few tips for you. These are things that you can do to support student success and may help students manage their stress.
Support for Maintaining Instructional ContinuityThe District is maintaining a web page with resources for you to help you in this temporary situation. The web page is updated regularly. We are offering drop-in hours to assist you with moving content online (FLEX Approved): (Deborah will hold her drop-in hours during Spring Break.) Please use the far right links to enter the ConferZoom Rooms. Wednesdays - Deborah Thursdays - Deborah Fridays - Deborah Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays - Natascha Need a different time? Email Dr. Chtena or Dr. Nolan to set-up an online appointment. Options for Moving Content OnlineBeginning March 14th, I have offered a workshop providing an overview of some options available to you to move your course out of the face-to-face classroom. The content of that workshop is available on Canvas. Canvas as an Alternative Mode of TeachingYou all have Canvas accounts and Canvas shells for all your classes. Log in to MyGiant and click on Canvas to find your classes. Your students are already enrolled. Some recommendations for using Canvas and a way to request a Canvas course template is available to you. Canvas Conferences![]() Canvas has a web conferencing tool. It’s called Conferences. ![]() You have to enable the Conferences link on your Canvas course navigation menu (settings>navigation). The Canvas Conferences tool uses an application called BigBlueButton which enables the same type of remote video conferencing interaction as ConferZoom, but you do not need a BigBlueButton account to use it. Canvas and Mobile AccessMany students are using mobile devices (phones or tablets) to do work in their Canvas classes. There have been instances where students have had difficulty submitting work or taking quizzes in Canvas when using their mobile devices. The Educational Technology Committee (ETC) explored the mobile Canvas experience this semester to try to find out if there was something that could be done to help prevent the difficulties students were having. ETC members were enrolled in a Canvas “sandbox” as students. They used their mobile devices to learn more about the mobile interface. After a month of exploration, ETC is recommending that you inform your students to use a browser instead of downloading and installing the Canvas app. What browsers are supported in Canvas?
Call Canvas directly for technical support. Someone is available 24/7/365.
Faculty can learn more about using Canvas by working with Deborah, the "Canvas Coach." Please contact Deborah by submitting this form or click the button to the right. Office 365 - Alternate Form of InstructionAll instructors and students have access to Microsoft Office 365. There are ways to use the Office 365 applications to share content with students, do web conferences, and set up collaborations. Some additional information about using Office 365 is available to you on a Canvas “course. ConferZoomConferZoom is a service offered by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. ConferZoom allows you to engage in real-time video conferences with your students and record your lectures for remote viewing. You may already be familiar with Zoom and have a personal account. ConferZoom is different from the parent company, Zoom. As a COS instructor, you can get a free Conferzoom account at using your COS email address. It may take a couple of days to have your account created, but after you sign up, come back the next day and try the password recovery option. You may be able to sign in. Please do not attempt to use except to download the Zoom app to your desktop. The meeting interface conducted through the app will differ from the meeting as held through the web portal. With your ConferZoom account, you can schedule online meetings through the ConferZoom portal ( You can send meeting invitations to your students. Students don’t need accounts to be able to join your meeting. You can enable the ConferZoom integration in Canvas to schedule meetings, instead of going to the web portal. If you use ConferZoom through Canvas, students just click the “Join” button to enter the meeting. ![]() ![]() Where to Find Things |