May 21, 2014
Hey Friend,

Here are this week's release notes!
New Feature Spotlight

Twitter Libraries
We’ve added a toggle to the libraries that allows users to switch between Facebook and Twitter Libraries. The ability to save Similar Followers, TV Shows, Geographies, and Interests have been added to the uploader. Users can now create lists from the library and save previously used values as lists from custom reporting.

Management Tool Bars
You will notice a much cleaner interface for the tool bar displayed above tables across the platform. This has been built to better respond to the various display sizes of our users.
Key Updates

System: Summary board contains several small improvements including a link to the advertiser management page
System: Management page toolbars have been redesigned including a responsive layout to save space
System: Setting a temporary password for an external user now verifies their account
Facebook: Interest Enhancements: Interest component of uploader has been completely rewritten
Facebook: When retrying an upload only the failed ads will be retried
Facebook: For managed businesses the ability to specify media cost payment has been added to account import
Facebook: Custom reporting dimensions have been updated to more properly reflect the data
Twitter: Rules engine now contains additional properties to aid in offsite DR rule creation
Twitter: Management page funding source dropdown now shows the funding source's currency
Twitter: Custom reporting dimensions and facts have been renamed and re-categorized to better reflect expectations
New Hotkey: Press "command (or control) + /" to access a beloved legacy feature. Never forget.

Bug Fixes

System: The correct currency symbols/designators should show when setting bids and budgets
Facebook: Several copy/fetch upload bugs have been fixed
Facebook: Language targeting is now set correctly on Facebook uploads
Facebook: Gender now shows the correct values in custom reporting
Facebook: Ad set flight dates and statuses are now sync correctly from Facebook
Facebook: Fixed a bug preventing foreign language from being used in creative
Facebook: Conversion specs are now set correctly for oCPM offsite pixel ads
Facebook: When creating a lookalike audience you can no longer choose to use a lookalike audience as the base audience
Twitter: Better error messaging should show when Twitter's API fails to return a valid response
Twitter: More informative error messages are displayed when tweet creation fails
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