Daily Newsletter March 1, 2016

Happy Tuesday. Today is Super Tuesday, which is like a normal Tuesday except it wears tights and a cute little utility belt.

GOP About to Nominate the One Billionaire They Don’t Love

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S RELATIONSHIP STATUS with the man who is about to become its party nominee isn’t just complicated – it’s somewhere on the spectrum between a hostage standoff and 50 Shades of Grey.

THE LAST REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT Mitt Romney tweeted on Monday that Donald Trump’s unwillingness to condemn David Duke and other white supremacists who supported him was “disqualifying & disgusting,” adjectives Romney previously reserved for McDonald’s employees who don’t tuck in all of their shirt.

A NEW POLL FINDS THAT AS MANY AS 1 IN 5 REPUBLICANS say they couldn’t back Trump, far more than are repulsed by Rubio and Cruz, who together are so repulsive they will be starring in True Detective season three.

REPUBLICANS NEED TO WIN OVER VOTERS who voted for Barack Obama to have a chance to win in 2016. And they’re starting out with a guy who can’t even win over Mitt Romney.

Cruz & Rubio Accuse Trump of Secretly Being Less Racist

ON MONDAY, MARCO RUBIO AND TED CRUZ made their most damning allegation of all: Trump really doesn’t hate immigrants as much as he claims.

TALKING ABOUT AN OFF-THE-RECORD CONVERSATION Trump had with the New York Times’ editorial board, Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith reported that the billion-dollar baby suggested “flexibility of his hardline anti-immigration stance.”

IN REALITY, THIS IS THE KIND OF THING – along with everything else he does – that makes Trump such a dangerous general election candidate. He tries to be everything to everyone – kind of like all three of his wives rolled into one.

Clarence Thomas Gives Up His Right to Remain Silent

WHEN ANTONIN SCALIA DIED due to Obama giving him Diabetes, our highest court was robbed of its greatest advocate of the powerful, the toxic and the mean-spirited.

AMERICA WONDERED: Who will speak up for those who wish to exercise their freedom to pollute, their duty to deny poor people ballots or their right to make a woman’s reproductive decisions?

AFTER TEN YEARS in which he has not asked one question during an oral argument, Justice Clarence Thomas Monday asked the attorney arguing that convicted domestic abusers should not be able to purchase guns to “give me another area where a misdemeanor violation suspends a constitutional right.”

CLARENCE THOMAS. A fierce defender of your right to own a gun even after you’ve beaten your wife. Wherever Antonin Scalia is, he must be smiling – and belching.

Donald Trump Is a Lightweight Who Cannot Count on His Tiny Fingers

YES, DONALD TRUMP’S FATHER WAS AMONG THOSE ARRESTED IN A NEAR RIOT INVOLVING THE KKK IN 1927. But there’s no proof Fred Trump was in the KKK. It could just be one of those weird coincidences involving the KKK that keeps happening to these Trumps.

REACH FOR THE SKYNET—Sweden has opened the world’s first unstaffed convenience store, where you pay with your phone and your humanity.

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