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Fall 2014 Newsletter

A Taste of Haiti

A Taste of Haiti our first ever charity dinner and silent auction was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate and share this special night with us. Together we raised over 10,000 dollars in donations and pledges to purchase land in Macomb, Haiti for our school and children’s home.

One of the most enjoyable parts of the evening was meeting those who came to support us whom we had not met before. Our Love Feeds family is growing quickly as more people are hearing about and responding to all God is doing in Haiti.

Please visit the link below to view the video that was shown and share it with others. We’re hoping to see it on Facebook pages, Twitter and other social media as we pray that God’s love for the less fortunate would go viral and more and more people would hear the call to get involved.


Do Something

It was in the news recently that there are more slaves in the world today than any other time in history. In Haiti alone there are estimated to be between 300,000 and 500,000 child slaves. Through our feeding program and school, we work to support families so parents no longer feel that their only option is to sell their children. When we provide free schooling and free meals, we lessen the burden on these families with no income and no way to nourish and educate their children. This is why sponsorship is so important.

Less than two weeks ago we learned about our youngest child slave. Her name is Robencia, and she is just four years old. It is difficult to look at her and not wonder what would someone do with a child of this age? How could she possibly be a slave? And yet, she is.  Slavery knows no age in Haiti and our love must know no boundaries. We are looking for people who are interested in standing up for justice; we are interested in finding people who want to do something. If that is you, visit our Do Something page at lovefeedsourworld.org/dosomething and see how you can stand up for justice, stand up for a child and use your life to make a difference in the lives of others.

Go to Haiti

One way to do something is to go. Go and experience all God is doing in Haiti. Visit our church, our school, our feeding program. Take part in a serving team and use your time, your experiences, your love to impact the world around you. Team dates, handbook and application as well as general information can be found on our website at lovefeedsourworld.org/mission-trips. We hope you prayerfully consider joining one of our 2015 mission teams.

Note to Sponsors & Donors

Love Feeds OUR World is making some major changes to the financial aspect of our ministry. Because our feeding program has nearly doubled in size since 2013 and we are close to 100 students in our school this year, we have applied for our own 501c3. And while we are very thankful to Praise Fellowship church for sponsoring us as a parachute ministry all this time, we now need to stand on our own. Thus, we are asking that when you send financial donations by mail that you would use the address listed below. All online givers will be contacted in the near future to change over from Praise Fellowship’s online giving to Love Feeds OUR World’s online giving. We really appreciate all you do for the families of Macomb, Haiti.  Thank you for your continued generous support.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Laurie Haag at 920-452-6125 or lovefeedsourworld@gmail.com.

Love Feeds OUR World
PO Box 485
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0485

Love Feeds OUR World Leadership Team
Jerry & Laurie Haag, Jackson & Martha Colas, Chris & Kyleen Flores, Jim & Ann Fillion, Suzanne Speltz and Courtney Hawver