Performance Newsletter



Real–world HTTP/2: 400gb of images per day

If you've heard anything about HTTP/2 up until now, you'd probably assume that 'switching it on equals free performance', right?

Turns out, that probably isn't the case. Michael Mifsud and his team at 99designs discovered this when they switched to H2 for serving image assets.
Solid read. Don't miss this one. 



A comprehensive guide to font loading strategies 

Zach Leatherman isn't one to gloss over the details, and his latest blog post is no exception. Zach has meticulously described the pros and cons (including the user-experience characteristics) of loading webfonts. I'm certain that everyone who reads this won't think about webfonts the same way again. 



Root causes of JavaScript performance issues

Have you ever thought "Wow, the people who write that framework must know so many interesting browser quirks, I wish I could get an insight to that"?

The JavaScriptIssuesStudy repo contains a well maintained list of performance issues from projects like jQuery, Angular, Ember, moment.js and more. You might have to dig around, but theres definitely something here.



Shrinking PNGs   

When I discovered Ariya Hidayat's excellent article "Using Zopfli to Optimize PNG Images", I thought "ok, that needs to go in", but then he follows it up with "Shrinking PNG Images with Quantization". Great work Ariya 👍



Streaming content to the client

This week I came across Mike Hall's article about Node Talisman, a streaming template renderer for node. The premise of streaming (hey, let's call it what it is: Chunked encoding), is that you start sending HTML to the client, even though there may be database queries that are still running. 

Chunked encoding has been supported in Rails for quite some time already, as well as a bunch of other frameworks and langauges. 

Furthermore, it's a part of the HTTP 1.1 specification, so there seems like plenty of reasons to start sending content back to the client as soon as we can. 



Lepton image compression: saving 22% losslessly from images at 15MB/s

Dropbox have released their 'Lepton' compression format — I think their own words sell it best: 

We have used Lepton to encode 16 billion images saved to Dropbox, and are rapidly recoding our older images. Lepton has already saved Dropbox multiple petabytes of space.

If you're storing image files, Lepton might be worth a look 🙈


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