Greeting from the SANORD Chair Prof John Saka
"I wish all readers an exciting year and greater appreciation of the developments in SANORD in 2015. As we move on in 2015, we need to strengthen our South-North-South partnerships and ensure increased involvement of the generation of new academics in the joint projects. All are encourage to register and participate in the Namibia meeting. Let us all meet in Windoek."

SANORD Board members for 2015
SANORD is proud to introduce the Board members who will be serving on the board from 1 January 2015–31 December 2016.
We especially welcome Prof John Saka, University of Malawi as the new chairperson, Prof Eva Åkesson, Uppsala University as Vice Chairperson and the University of Eastern Finland who also joined the board this period.
We take this opportunity to thank University of Jyväskylä who stepped down in December 2014 after serving their full term. > Read more

SANORD Conference Call for Abstracts
Deadline for Abstract submission: 30 April 2015
Conference dates: 1–3 December 2015
SANORD (Southern African-Nordic Centre) and the Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN) are proud to announce the next SANORD conference that will be held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 1- 3 December, 2015.
The conference theme is “What is the role of Higher Education institutions and North - South collaboration in shaping the UN Development Agenda Post-2015?”
The call for abstracts is now out. The deadline for submitting abstracts is April the 30th. > Read more
> Conference website

University of Oslo delegation visits UWC and SANORD Central Office
A delegation from the University of Oslo, Norway, visited the University of Western Cape on the 10th of February. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen relations with the University of Western Cape within research and education and to explore areas of future cooperation. The delegation also visited the SANORD Central office to discuss possible membership. > Read more

Upcoming University of Bergen conference: Why should universities and academics in the North and South collaborate?
Deadline for Abstracts: 1 March 2015
Registration deadline: 1 March 2015
Conference time: 15–16 June 2015
Place: UiB Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, Seminar room 240
This conference opens the discussion about academic cooperation vs. academic competition. Is it really so that academic collaboration with so-called weak and vulnerable universities in the South may be detrimental to competition for those who are rated high?
This conference is in particular oriented towards contextualising the Norwegian NORHED program (The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development) but not limited to this. > Read more

TRECCAfrica II Scholarship call
Application deadline: 22 March 2015
TRECCAfrica addresses one of the world’s greatest environmental challenges: food security in the face of climate change, resource depletion and loss of forests, wildlife and environmental services.
Applications from African citizens (including Diaspora) are now invited for full degree Master’s degree scholarships, short term Masters and doctoral exchange scholarships (for applicants currently enrolled in a Master’s or doctoral programme in the home university) and staff exchange awards (only for TRECCAfrica partner university academic and administrative staff.) > Read more
> TRECCAfrica website

North-West University to host first SA symposium on Teacher Education for Inclusion
Time: 1–2 October 2015
Place: Emerald Resort, Vanderbijlpark
The first ever biannual symposium on teacher education for inclusion: linking research to practice is set to take place on 1 and 2 October 2015 in Vanderbijlpark. The symposium is hosted by North-West University’s (NWU's) Optentia Research Programme, located on the Vaal Triangle Campus, in collaboration with the Faculty of Education on the Potchefstroom Campus. > Read more

Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) Conference: Learning Together for Change
Time: 27–29 April 2015
Place: Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in Arusha, Tanzania
Learning together for Change is a conference organized by The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF). As a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU), SUHF has decided to contribute to IAU’s very important work and involvement in the UNESCO led Education for All movement. > Read more

International students rank Karlstad University No.1
Karlstad University has been awarded the StudyPortals Award for Outstanding International Student Satisfaction 2014. The award is based on thousands of reviews and opinions from international students in Europe. Karlstad University was ranked No. 1 in Sweden. > Read more

Uppsala University: New, useful feature of Moringa seeds revealed
Moringa trees are known as ‘miracle’ trees because of their many uses as food and as a source of oil. Seeds from the trees are also used to purify water. The special properties of the protein in the seeds have been studied by a group from Uppsala University in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, and the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France.
New results published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science suggest that Moringa seeds could be used for separation of different materials rather than just removal of all impurities. > Read more

New appointments to University of Western Cape Leadership Team
Professor and Vice-Chancellor Tyrone Pretorius announced the appointment of three new members of the UWC Senior Executive Team. The newly appointed members are Professor Vivienne Lawack as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Frans Swanepoel as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), and Ms Nita Lawton-Misra as University Registrar. > Read more

University of Johannesburg: World tourism leaders urge universities to engage globally
South Africa must engage more with other countries internationally in tourism business, and universities must also engage with other universities globally to address issues of the global community. This was the message by the Minister of South African Tourism, Mr Derek Hanekom, when he addressed international travel and tourism industry leaders at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) on Monday, 16 February 2015. > Read more

19th Annual IEASA Conference 2015: Call for proposals
Deadline for proposal submission: 15 May 2015
Conference date: 19-21 August 2015
Place: Port Elisabeth, South Africa
International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA) will be holding its 19th annual conference with the theme "Knowledge generation across borders". The call for proposals is now open. > Read more
