MINDSET NewsJuly 2019In this issue, learn more about our upcoming events “Art Therapy Meets” and The MINDSET Challenge & Carnival. Also, read all about the fun that was had during the Mini-MINDSET and Fun Days. Check out how our Jardine Ambassadors (JA) strengthen their bond as a team, and who’s the JA of the Quarter. Art Therapy Meets
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Every quarter, we organise the MINDSET Fun Day. Not just a day out for MINDSET representatives to interact with persons-in-recovery, it also provides caregivers with a rest day from their daily routines.
On 30 March, 25 clients and staff from SAMH visited the River Safari, accompanied by 18 JAs. The group toured the wildlife park to learn about the freshwater ecosystems around the world and even took a memorable river ride where they spotted jaguars and giant anteaters along the way. For many, the highlight of the day was definitely catching a glimpse of the famous pandas, Jia Jia & Kai Kai in the Giant Panda Forest.
To foster better working relationships amongst Jardine Ambassadors (JAs) and in recognition of their contributions, MINDSET organises annual team bonding sessions for our JAs. The recent session comprised a full day of activities, from an amazing race in the morning to stand-up paddling in the afternoon, before concluding the day with loads of fun and laughter over a scrumptious barbeque.
For the first time, we also organised a Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality profiling test for JAs where they learnt more about themselves. This provided them with insights to team dynamics and tips on improving relationships.
In addition to fulfilling their daily job responsibilities, our Jardine Ambassadors (JAs) go the extra mile to demonstrate their commitment to MINDSET. Congratulations to Jia Hui for being our ‘Jardine Ambassador of the Quarter’!
Despite being a Year 1 JA, Jia Hui has taken the lead on various projects under the Awareness & Outreach team. Her interactions with persons-in-recovery so far have strengthened her belief in MINDSET’s impact on the community. She also shared that these interactions had led her to realise that the prevalence of stigma of mental illness had caused these individuals to be often misunderstood and shunned by others.
Jia Hui (back row, first from right) with fellow Awareness & Outreach Jardine Ambassadors
MINDSET Care Limited (MINDSET) is a registered charity of the Jardine Matheson Group. Since 2011, it has been contributing towards the mental health community in Singapore. MINDSET aims to raise awareness and funds as well as drive employment and social enterprise initiatives. Through MINDSET News, we hope to bring you the latest updates and happenings on MINDSET.
MINDSET is proud to be a recipient of the 2018 Charity Transparency and Governance Awards.