IntroductionWelcome to the April edition of the UF CVM Careers Monthly newsletter. The semester is nearing the end, but we still have some great events planned. We encourage you to keep up-to-date by following our Facebook page and watch emails for dinners, workshops, and more! Practice Ownership: Case Study of a New Owner's Path to Success Are you interested in owning a veterinary practice? The UF CVM Career Resource Center is hosting a special presentation by Dr. Vitulli and Dan Direnfeld of Caring Hands Veterinary Group. They will be speaking about practice ownership and personal experiences along their path. Dr. Vitulli first founded Caring Hands Animal Hospital in 1997. In the past 20 years, the practice has grown and now includes 9 locations in three different states. Pizza will be provided! Sign up here. Caring Hands Veterinary Group is also currently hiring for their location in Miami, FL and Washington DC locations. If you’re interested in the position, you may apply via linkedin or please send your cover letter/resume to
Imposter Syndrome: Imposter syndrome is a term that refers to high-achieving individuals who feel a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud." This is incredibly common in the veterinary profession (and in all professions, actually), but this is by no means a new feeling. Psychologists actually coined the term in the late 70's for successful women who felt that their achievements were just due to luck; subsequent studies have shown that men may be just as affected though. Below we have a few tips to help overcome imposter syndrome. 10 Tips to Help Overcome Imposter Syndrome1. Break the silence. Shame keeps a lot of people from “fessing up” about their fraudulent feelings. Knowing there’s a name for these feelings and that you are not alone can be tremendously freeing. 2. Separate feelings from fact. There are times you’ll feel stupid. It happens to everyone from time to time. Realize that just because you may feel stupid, doesn’t mean you are. 3. Recognize when you should feel fraudulent. If you’re one of the first or the few women or a minority in your field or work place, it’s only natural you’d sometimes feel like you don’t totally fit in. Instead of taking your self-doubt as a sign of your ineptness, recognize that it might be a normal response to being an outsider 4. Accentuate the positive. Perfectionism can indicate a healthy drive to excel. The trick is to not obsess over everything being just so. Do a great job when it matters most, without persevering over routine tasks. Forgive yourself when the inevitable mistake happens. 5. Develop a new response to failure and mistake making. Henry Ford once said, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Instead of beating yourself up for being human and blowing the big project, do what professional athletes do and glean the learning value from the mistake and move on. Don’t forget to prepare a few questions to ask of recruiters; asking questions not only helps you better understand the situation, but is taken as a sign of strong interest by many recruiters. 6. Right the rules. If you’ve been operating under misguided rules like, “I should always know the answer,” or “Never ask for help” start asserting your rights. Recognize that you have just as much right as the next person to be wrong, have an off-day, or ask for assistance. 7. Develop a new script. Your script is that automatic mental tapes that starts playing in situations that trigger your Impostor feelings. When you start a new job or project instead of thinking for example, “Wait till they find out I have no idea what I’m doing,” try thinking, “Everyone who starts something new feels off-base in the beginning. I may not know all the answers but I’m smart enough to find them out.” 8. Visualize success. Do what professional athletes do. Spend time beforehand picturing yourself making a successful presentation or calmly posing your question in class. It sure beats picturing impending disaster and will help with performance-related stress. 9. Reward yourself. Break the cycle of continually seeking and then dismissing validation outside of yourself by learning to pat yourself on the back. 10. Fake it ‘til you make it. Now and then we all have to fly by the seat of our pants. Instead of considering “winging it” as proof of your ineptness, learn to do what many high achievers do and view it as a skill. The point of the worn out phrase, fake it til you make it, still stands: Don’t wait until you feel confident to start putting yourself out there. Courage comes from taking risks. Change your behavior first and allow your confidence to build. Excerpt from: Looking Ahead to EventsLearn more by clicking the links and don't forget to RSVP for food events! Practice Ownership: Case Study of a New Owner's Path to Success - Thursday 4/12 5pm-6:30pm, UF CVM VAB UPDATED LOCATION - LECTURE HALL B, Pizza is provided! Sign up here.
Highlighted Gator CareerLink Job Postings We have over 125 jobs currently listed on our job widget, below are the three most recent. Click on the button below to view all of them. Small Animal Veterinary Practitioner Merrill Animal Clinic (Jacksonville, Florida) Posting Date: Apr 02, 2018 Associate VeterinarianGuide Dog Veterinary Management (Atlanta, Georgia) Posting Date: Mar 29, 2018 Associate VeterinarianUnderhill Animal Hospital (Orlando, Florida) Posting Date: Mar 29, 2018 For the full list of all current job postings, please click the link below UF CVM Careers Facebook Page Interested in staying up to date with career opportunities and other career related information that is accessible to you? Consider following us on our Facebook Page! Check out the three most recent visitor posts below: For requests to receive this newsletter or include information or events in this newsletter please contact |